3 research outputs found

    Gravity effects on a bio-inspired self-burrowing probe in granular soils

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    In recent years, self-burrowing probes have been studied since they can be suitable for soil monitoring in locations with limited access such as outer space bodies and underneath existing structures. We study the performance of a self-burrowing probe under different gravity conditions, from low gravity (i.e., 1/6g, 1/3g and 1g) to high gravity (i.e., 5g, 10g and 15g), specifically in terms of penetration distance and energy consumption. Results show that the probe reaches efficient penetration in all gravity conditions and that it achieves larger penetration distances in high gravity conditions. However, the penetration efficiency, shown as unit energy per meter, is higher in low gravity. Additionally, we prove that a simple dimensional analysis provides reasonable scaling factors for first order effects in forces, velocities and energy. The findings in this study give confidence to the potential use of self-burrowing probes in campaigns of soil testing and sensor deployment in outer space or centrifuges in which the gravity conditions can differ from Earth

    Escape Burrowing of Modern Freshwater Bivalves as a Paradigm for Escape Behavior in the Devonian Bivalve Archanodon catskillensis

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    Many freshwater bivalves restore themselves to the sediment water interface after burial by upward escape burrowing. We studied the escape burrowing capacity of two modern unionoids, Elliptio complanata and Pyganodon cataracta and the invasive freshwater venerid Corbicula fluminea, in a controlled laboratory setting varying sediment grain size and burial depth. We found that the relatively streamlined E. complanata is a better escape burrower than the more obese P. cataracta. E. complanata is more likely to escape burial in both fine and coarse sand, and at faster rates than P. cataracta. However, successful escape from 10 cm burial, especially in fine sand, is unlikely for both unionoids. The comparatively small and obese C. fluminea outperforms both unionoids in terms of escape probability and escape time, especially when body size is taken into consideration. C. fluminea can escape burial depths many times its own size, while the two unionoids rarely escape from burial equivalent to the length of their shells. E. complanata, and particularly P. cataracta, are morphological paradigms for the extinct Devonian unionoid bivalve Archanodon catskillensis, common in riverine facies of the Devonian Catskill Delta Complex of the eastern United States. Our observations suggest that the escape burrowing capability of A. catskillensis was no better than that of P. cataracta. Archanodon catskillensis was likely unable to escape burial of more than a few centimeters of anastrophically deposited sediment. The long (up to 1 meter), vertical burrows that are associated with A. catskillensis, and interpreted to be its escape burrows, represent a response to episodic, small-scale sedimentation events due to patterns of repetitive hydrologic or weather-related phenomena. They are not a response to a single anastrophic event involving the influx of massive volumes of sediment

    Artificial bivalves - The biomimetics of underwater burrowing

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    Biomimetics is a fruitful combination of biology and engineering, leading not only to technological innovations but also new nsights into biological questions. In this ongoing project, embodied artificial intelligence (embodied AI), artificial evolution and palaeontology are combined to investigate the functional morphology of bivalves. This cross-fertilization allows to expand biomimetics from current biological systems to the whole evolutionary history and to apply the synthetic approach common in embodied AI as a method to tackle open palaeontological questions. So far, a robotic platform has been built to mimic the burrowing technique applied by bivalves. First results show interesting insights into underwater burrowing. We plan to build a more complex version of the system and to perform evolutionary robotics experiments