5,030 research outputs found

    The 'what' and 'how' of learning in design, invited paper

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    Previous experiences hold a wealth of knowledge which we often take for granted and use unknowingly through our every day working lives. In design, those experiences can play a crucial role in the success or failure of a design project, having a great deal of influence on the quality, cost and development time of a product. But how can we empower computer based design systems to acquire this knowledge? How would we use such systems to support design? This paper outlines some of the work which has been carried out in applying and developing Machine Learning techniques to support the design activity; particularly in utilising previous designs and learning the design process

    Space station advanced automation

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    In the development of a safe, productive and maintainable space station, Automation and Robotics (A and R) has been identified as an enabling technology which will allow efficient operation at a reasonable cost. The Space Station Freedom's (SSF) systems are very complex, and interdependent. The usage of Advanced Automation (AA) will help restructure, and integrate system status so that station and ground personnel can operate more efficiently. To use AA technology for the augmentation of system management functions requires a development model which consists of well defined phases of: evaluation, development, integration, and maintenance. The evaluation phase will consider system management functions against traditional solutions, implementation techniques and requirements; the end result of this phase should be a well developed concept along with a feasibility analysis. In the development phase the AA system will be developed in accordance with a traditional Life Cycle Model (LCM) modified for Knowledge Based System (KBS) applications. A way by which both knowledge bases and reasoning techniques can be reused to control costs is explained. During the integration phase the KBS software must be integrated with conventional software, and verified and validated. The Verification and Validation (V and V) techniques applicable to these KBS are based on the ideas of consistency, minimal competency, and graph theory. The maintenance phase will be aided by having well designed and documented KBS software

    Deep Reinforcement Learning from Self-Play in Imperfect-Information Games

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    Many real-world applications can be described as large-scale games of imperfect information. To deal with these challenging domains, prior work has focused on computing Nash equilibria in a handcrafted abstraction of the domain. In this paper we introduce the first scalable end-to-end approach to learning approximate Nash equilibria without prior domain knowledge. Our method combines fictitious self-play with deep reinforcement learning. When applied to Leduc poker, Neural Fictitious Self-Play (NFSP) approached a Nash equilibrium, whereas common reinforcement learning methods diverged. In Limit Texas Holdem, a poker game of real-world scale, NFSP learnt a strategy that approached the performance of state-of-the-art, superhuman algorithms based on significant domain expertise.Comment: updated version, incorporating conference feedbac

    Temporal Data Modeling and Reasoning for Information Systems

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    Temporal knowledge representation and reasoning is a major research field in Artificial Intelligence, in Database Systems, and in Web and Semantic Web research. The ability to model and process time and calendar data is essential for many applications like appointment scheduling, planning, Web services, temporal and active database systems, adaptive Web applications, and mobile computing applications. This article aims at three complementary goals. First, to provide with a general background in temporal data modeling and reasoning approaches. Second, to serve as an orientation guide for further specific reading. Third, to point to new application fields and research perspectives on temporal knowledge representation and reasoning in the Web and Semantic Web

    Enabling Value co-creation with customers through Artificial Intelligence: A case study approach

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    The digital movement has radically altered how manufacturing companies interact with their customers. By using Artificial Intelligence (AI), companies have drastically changed their value co-creation (VCC) strategies. We adopt a case study approach and engage with an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to get a grasp of the phenomenon. Among the data collection methods we assume, we conduct semi-structured interviews with the company project team and its customer base. In addition, we collect secondary data and run focus groups within the studied firm\u27s management team. This research in progress will advance a framework linking VCC with service maturity and identify the performance metrics required for the AI-based journey. Such a framework may assist practitioners in building services based on AI and VCC. Ultimately, we plan to offer theoretical implications to progress the AI and VCC debate and propose future research suggestions

    Attempts to regulate artificial intelligence: regulatory practices from the United States, the European Union, and the People's Republic of China

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    A szĂĄzad egyik legmegdöbbentƑbb Ă©s elƑremutatĂł vĂ­vmĂĄnya a mestersĂ©ges intelligencia, vagy röviden az MI. A mestersĂ©ges intelligencia a gĂ©pek ĂĄltali intelligencia, ami szemben ĂĄll az emberek Ă©s mĂĄs ĂĄllatok ĂĄltal mutatott termĂ©szetes intelligenciĂĄval. Egyre több iparĂĄg alkalmazza a mestersĂ©ges intelligenciĂĄt, Ă©s az elkövetkezƑ Ă©vekben vĂĄrhatĂłan tovĂĄbb fog nƑni a szĂĄmuk. Az MI alkalmazĂĄsok segĂ­thetnek az embereknek a bonyolult problĂ©mĂĄk elemzĂ©sĂ©ben Ă©s a hatĂ©kony megoldĂĄsok meghatĂĄrozĂĄsĂĄban. Emellett az MI technolĂłgiĂĄkat egyre több iparĂĄgban Ă©s vĂĄllalkozĂĄsban tervezik alkalmazni, ami Ășj terĂŒletek kialakulĂĄsĂĄt Ă©s Ășjfajta technolĂłgiĂĄk fejlesztĂ©sĂ©t ösztönzi. A kĂŒlönbözƑ potenciĂĄlis elƑnyök ellenĂ©re az MI algoritmusok fejlesztĂ©se Ă©s alkalmazĂĄsa nĂ©hĂĄny jelenlegi Ă©s jövƑbeli kihĂ­vĂĄst is felvet. EzĂ©rt kĂŒlönösen fontos odafigyelni arra, hogy hogyan törtĂ©nik az algoritmusok fejlesztĂ©se Ă©s alkalmazĂĄsa. Ha ezt gondatlanul teszik, a technolĂłgiĂĄval valĂł helytelen bĂĄnĂĄsmĂłdnak sĂșlyos következmĂ©nyei lehetnek. RĂĄadĂĄsul tovĂĄbbi akadĂĄlyok is felmerĂŒlnek, mivel a mestersĂ©ges intelligenciĂĄval kapcsolatos egyik legjelentƑsebb problĂ©ma a növekvƑ komplexitĂĄs, ami megnehezĂ­ti az alkalmazott algoritmusok megĂ©rtĂ©sĂ©t Ă©s Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©sĂ©t. Ennek eredmĂ©nyekĂ©ppen a szabĂĄlyozĂĄs kidolgozĂĄsakor meg kell vizsgĂĄlni a mestersĂ©ges intelligenciĂĄval kapcsolatos fƑbb etikai kĂ©rdĂ©seket. A tĂșlzott szabĂĄlyozĂĄs tovĂĄbbĂĄ gĂĄtolhatja az innovĂĄciĂłt Ă©s akadĂĄlyozhatja a jobb MI alkalmazĂĄsok fejlesztĂ©sĂ©t. BiztosĂ­tani kell, hogy a fejlesztĂ©s etikusan törtĂ©njen, Ă©s az egĂ©sz emberisĂ©g javĂĄt szolgĂĄlĂł mĂłdon hasznĂĄljĂĄk, ha azt akarjuk, hogy a technolĂłgia minden elƑnyĂ©t kiaknĂĄzzuk. E szempontok alapjĂĄn a kutatĂĄs cĂ©lja, hogy összehasonlĂ­tsa Ă©s szembeĂĄllĂ­tsa az USA, az EU Ă©s KĂ­na ĂĄltal elfogadott kĂŒlönbözƑ szabĂĄlyozĂĄsi stratĂ©giĂĄkat

    Enhancing Undergraduate AI Courses through Machine Learning Projects

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    It is generally recognized that an undergraduate introductory Artificial Intelligence course is challenging to teach. This is, in part, due to the diverse and seemingly disconnected core topics that are typically covered. The paper presents work funded by the National Science Foundation to address this problem and to enhance the student learning experience in the course. Our work involves the development of an adaptable framework for the presentation of core AI topics through a unifying theme of machine learning. A suite of hands-on semester-long projects are developed, each involving the design and implementation of a learning system that enhances a commonly-deployed application. The projects use machine learning as a unifying theme to tie together the core AI topics. In this paper, we will first provide an overview of our model and the projects being developed and will then present in some detail our experiences with one of the projects – Web User Profiling which we have used in our AI class
