1,894 research outputs found

    Effects of capital markets development on economic growth of Western Balkan countries

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    Through this research paper we have tried to elaborate the issue whether capital market development is an alternative towards economic growth and economic prosperity of developing countries in general, the Western Balkan countries in particular. The focus of the paper is to study the effects of proper functioning of capital markets and their im-pact on increasing the level of savings, capital investments and in locating relevant resources for long-term financing of the economy. The research paper presents positive and negative arguments, linking the establishment and development of a capital market and its impact on economic development of developing countries, particularly Western Balkan countries.

    Setting a Benchmark for Baltimore\u27s Courts

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    The Hon. Ellen Moses Heller \u2777--Setting a Benchmark for Baltimore\u27s Court

    Government Securities Market in Kosovo: Overview and Recent Developments

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    This paper provides an overview of recent developments in government securities market in Kosovo. In contradistinction to similar studies of developed financial markets an analysis of developments in the Kosovo’s government securities market, meets certain difficulties and takes into account a number of assumptions, which are to be specifically noted. The Government of the Republic Kosovo has successfully begun issuance of Treasury bills since January 2012, but market development is still at an early stage. The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo maintains, records, trades and settles all government securities transactions through the BES,  which  term  includes  the  initial  electronic auction  sales  at  the  primary  auction,  electronic trading  and  the  central  securities  depository.  Most T-bills have been kept by the commercial banks for their own account, and six-month bills have been bought by institutional investors. As a result, no secondary market has yet developed. Capital markets are nonexistent

    ‘for ye vrangus haldyn of thre bollis of beire fra hyre’: Nominal plurals in south-western Middle Scots

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    This paper presents an analysis of plurality markers in the first extant text from the South-West of Scotland, the Wigtown Burgh Court Book (1512-1534). The inflectional endings for the plural are often included among the Middle Scots diagnostic features so it is quite important to establish what form they had in particular areas. The paper begins with an outline of the Middle Scots dialectal divisions. Next, the geographical position of Galloway is taken into consideration, with special attention paid to the alleged persistence of Gaelic and the possibility of including this region into the map of the sixteenth-century Scots dialects. Then, the presentation concentrates on the Linguistic Profile of Wigtownshire in LALME which was compiled using the same source of textual material as the present paper. The research shows that the profile in the atlas should be revised in terms of the {S}-morpheme markers to acknowledge the prevalence of the Scots marking in <-is/-ys>. The feature <-us>, given by the atlas but non-existent as a morphological marker in the textual material, should be removed from the profile

    The Image of Your Imagination : Rediscovering Drag, Reconstructing Gender

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    In this thesis, I examine prevalent definitions of drag. I analyze the notion of drag as gender performance and consider key questions regarding drag as an artistic practice and medium: drag as a form of cross-dressing; drag’s subject matter; the similarities and differences between drag and fe/male impersonation; and drag’s relation to gender, particularly nonbinary genders and cis-heteronormative gender ontology. I examine how the purported reality of binary gender and sexual dimorphism is apparent in and shapes understandings of drag. My key sources include Esther Newton’s anthropological study of American drag queens in the late 1960s, Jack Halberstam’s writing on drag king culture, and Judith Butler’s theorization of gender and drag. Following these arguments, I examine two instances of contemporary art and fashion—Finnish artist Artor Jesus Inkerö’s (b. 1989) holistic bodily project and Palomo Spain’s gender nonnormative fashion—and how interpretations of them pertain to similar questions of gender and sex as definitions of drag. I propose the term ‘areal’ to reflect how the existence of nonbinary genders is subordinate to the reality of the supposedly original and authentic binary genders. Finally, I argue that contemporary drag, Palomo Spain, and the work of Artor Jesus Inkerö challenge and erase cis-heteronormative notions of gender and, in doing so, attest post-postmodern aesthetics. I conclude that definitions of drag reflect perceptions of gender and the human and, ultimately, conceptions of reality. As an invitation for future research, I suggest that outdated notions of drag need critical revision and redefinition

    New Institutional Economics and Economic Development of the Republic of Kosovo

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    The purpose of this study is the analysis of the new institutional economics according to parameters and criteria that affect the growth and economic development such as free movement of capital, contract enforcement, information costs, risk transfer costs, free competition and their application into practice. Institutional innovation, in terms of establishing more efficient and effective institutions, can only be done if there is support of the whole society, but given the limitations set forth in Kosovo, as possible change of the Constitution, some laws and other internal and external restrictions, the achievement of this goal is difficult. Because of the very specific and serious past, and also very long delay in the process of transformation and transition, the economic development and new institutional economics in Kosovo, according to almost all development indicators has significantly stagnated in comparison with the countries of the European Union and Western Balkans. Economic growth and development implies a very complex and multidimensional process, influencing many factors such as economic, technological, institutional, political, social and cultural. Economic growth depends on political institutions and their capacity to define in a more clear and acceptable way its common goals. Given the political dimension of the capacity of the state, certainly should be considered also the institutional approach of development i.e. political dimensions of the institutions that support economic development.&nbsp

    Heterogeneous response to target therapy in metastatic papillary renal cell carcinoma evaluated by morphologic and metabolic multimodality imaging

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    Papillary renal cell carcinoma (PRCC) accounts for about 15% to 20% of renal cell carcinoma and is histologically distinguished in type I and type II. The last one is associated with poorer prognosis. Treatment options for PRCC patients are surgery, immunotherapy, revolutionized by Nivolumab, and other target-therapy with an improvement in overall survival. Heterogenous response and a pseudo-progression may be observed in the initial phase of biological treatment that could induce premature discontinuation. Patient concerns: We present the case of a 44-year-old woman with left cervical palpable mass increased in size and without concomitant disease or previous surgery. Diagnosis: Neck ultrasonography, contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography, and 18F-FDG PET/CT were performed with the detection of lymph nodes involvement and a left renal lesion. Interventions: The patients underwent left radical nephrectomy and homolateral cervical and para-aortic lymphadenectomy, with histological diagnosis of PRCC, type II. After disease relapse, the inter-aortocaval lymph node was laparoscopically removed. Following the detection of further disease relapse in several lymph nodes and the lung, several lines of target-therapy were started; then disease progression and worsening of clinical and hematological status led us to start Nivolumab as last-line therapy. Outcomes: A heterogeneous response to therapies was documented with morphological and nuclear medicine imaging, however the concomitant deterioration of performance status and liver function led to discontinuation of Nivolumab; then the patient died, 30 months after diagnosis. Lessons: Here we describe the clinical case and radiological and nuclear medicine imaging investigations performed by our patient, highlighting that 18F-FDG PET/CT shows greater adequacy in assessing the response to therapy, avoiding premature drug discontinuation, and ensuring better management of a patient with advanced PRCC


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    PT. Geo Dipa Energi adalah suatu perusahaan panas bumi yang melakukan kegiatan usaha menghasilkan panas bumi sebagai pembangkit listrik panas bumi yang berada di dataran tinggi Dieng. Panas bumi adalah sumber energi panas yang terkandung di dalam air panas, uap air, batuan bersama mineral ikutan dan gas yang secara genetik semuanya tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam suatu sistem panas bumi. Panas bumi adalah merupakan sistem hidrothermal, dan mineral-mineral ubahan yang umumnya terbentuk adalah mineral lempung, kalsit/karbonat, klorit, pirit, oksida besi, kuarsa sekunder, anhidrit, gypsum, ilit, zeolit dan epidot. Selain mineral ubahan tersebut mineral yang umum ditemukan pada panas bumi adalah silika, seng, strotium, rubidium, lithium, potasium, magnesium, timah hitam, mangan, tembaga, boron, perak, tungsten, emas, secium, dan barium. Maka dari itu, perlu dilakukan pengidentifikasian pada mineral ikutan panas bumi dan dimanfaatkan dengan metode Sampling, sehingga dapat dijadikan salah satu acuan kebijakan pengelolaan mineral ikutan di lapangan panas bumi Adapun hasil penelitian dapat mengetahui jenis batuan yang terdapat pada pemboran ( core ) , antara lain: Hasil pemerian pada 10 conto batuan dapat disimpulkan bahwa batuan di daerah ini umumnya merupakan batuan andesit piroksin dengan urat oksida, andesit terubah lemah, andesit piroksin, andesit piroksin terubah lemah, andesit terubah dengan urat kuarsa, bertekstur vitrofiritik dan piroklastik dengan butir sangat halus, disusun oleh plagioklas, piroksen, muskovit dan mineral opaq pada masa dasar gelas. Sedangkan hasil pengamatan mineralgrafi conto batuan menunjukan mineral yang dominan adalah pirit dan hydrous pirit, yang mengisi retakan dan tersebar pada batuan. Hasil penelitian pada slurry dan slurry gel umumnya menunjukkan kandungan Ag, Au, Cd, Cu, Zn, SiO2, Pb, Hg, Ti, Fe dan Nd. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai yang signifikan yaitu 1 conto kandungan SiO2 yang mencapai 67,70 % pada beberapa conto. Kandungan SiO2 pada conto slurry dan slurry gel terdapat setiap sumur, di bandingkan dengan kandungan lainnya, selain itu kandungan lain yang lebih memperlihatkan nilai signifikan selain SiO2 adalah Fe ( Besi ) mencapai 21546 ppm pada sumur 7, Ti ( Titanium ) mencapai 18232 ppm pada sumur 28, Zn ( Seng ) mencapai 8021,62 ppm pada sumur 7, Cu ( Tembaga ) mencapai 2688,88 ppm dan Pb ( Timbal ) mencapai 2213,25 ppm pada sumur 7. Setiap sumur produksi yang diteliti rata-rata dapat menghasilkan SiO2 dengan ukuran butir 400 Mesh, dan berat jenis 2,65. Dari hasil penelitian di 3 sumur jumlah potensi SiO2 hasil kegiatan panas bumi dieng ini memiliki jumlah SiO2 setiap sumur produksinya sebesar 20,074 ton/bulan. Dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk semen, kaca dan gelas dengan melalui proses pengolahan mineral untuk peningkatan kadar dan untuk memenuhi persyaratan konsumen lainnya

    A Theoretical Review on the Relationship between Working Capital Management and Company's Performance

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship between working capital management (WCM) and company’s performance as well as related determinant factors based on literature review. It aims to identify gaps in the current body of knowledge which justify future research directions. Working capital management has attracted serious research attention in the recent past, and has become a hot topic since the financial crisis of 2008. Working capital management is a topic that has been well-known in science as well as in business practice for a long time. At the same time, its presence in the literature is still comparatively low, concentrating on the analysis of the link between WCM and company’s performance with the help of publicly available data and key figures from the annual financial statements. Especially in view of the growing volatility and uncertainties in the credit and financial markets that have been observed for a number of years and the corresponding increase in regulatory capital in the area of ​​external capital raising, the company's focus increasingly shifts to internal liquidity generation from the operating business on the structure of working capital. However, in order to take account of this increased interest in design, a stronger focus on qualitative empirical investigations is necessary from a scientific point of view, which has so far only been sparsely represented in the literature. Besides this, the review of empirical studies explore the avenue for future and present research efforts related to the subjects matter
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