8 research outputs found

    Arrhythmia Detection Using Convolutional Neural Models

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    Our main goal was studying the effectiveness of transfer learning using 2D CNNs. For this task, we generated spectrograms from ECG segments that were fed to a CNN to automatically extract features. These features are classified by a MLP into arrhythmic or normal rhythm segments, achieving 90% accuracy.Nuestra meta principal consistió en estudiar la efectividad de la transferencia de aprendizaje en el uso de CNNs 2D. Para ello, generamos espectrogramas, a partir de segmentos de electrocardiogramas, que sirvieron como entrada de una CNN para extraer automáticamente sus características. Estas características son clasificadas por un MLP para discernir entre segmentos arrítmicos o normales, obteniendo una precisión del 90%

    Chest X-Ray Image Classification on Common Thorax Diseases using GLCM and AlexNet Deep Features

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    Image processing has been progressing far in medical as it is one of the main techniques used in the development of medical imaging diagnosis system. Some of the medical imaging modalities are the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT) Scan, X-Ray and Ultrasound. The output from all of these modalities would later be reviewed by the expert for an accurate result. Ensemble methods in machine learning are able to provide an automatic detection that can be used in the development of computer aided diagnosis system which can aid the experts in making their diagnosis. This paper presents the investigation on the classification of fourteen thorax diseases using chest x-ray image from ChestX-Ray8 database using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and AlexNet feature extraction which are process using supervised classifiers: Zero R, k-NN, Naïve Bayes, PART, and J48 Tree. The classification accuracy result indicates that k-NN classifier gave the highest accuracy compare to the other classifiers with 47.51% accuracy for GLCM feature extraction method and 47.18% for AlexNet feature extraction method. The result shows that number of data by class and multilabelled data will influence the classifcation method. Data using GLCM feature extraction method has higher classification accuracy compared to AlexNet and required less processing step

    On the automated analysis of preterm infant sleep states from electrocardiography

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    On the automated analysis of preterm infant sleep states from electrocardiography

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    Arrhythmia Detection Using Convolutional Neural Models

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