6 research outputs found

    FLASH: Randomized Algorithms Accelerated over CPU-GPU for Ultra-High Dimensional Similarity Search

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    We present FLASH (\textbf{F}ast \textbf{L}SH \textbf{A}lgorithm for \textbf{S}imilarity search accelerated with \textbf{H}PC), a similarity search system for ultra-high dimensional datasets on a single machine, that does not require similarity computations and is tailored for high-performance computing platforms. By leveraging a LSH style randomized indexing procedure and combining it with several principled techniques, such as reservoir sampling, recent advances in one-pass minwise hashing, and count based estimations, we reduce the computational and parallelization costs of similarity search, while retaining sound theoretical guarantees. We evaluate FLASH on several real, high-dimensional datasets from different domains, including text, malicious URL, click-through prediction, social networks, etc. Our experiments shed new light on the difficulties associated with datasets having several million dimensions. Current state-of-the-art implementations either fail on the presented scale or are orders of magnitude slower than FLASH. FLASH is capable of computing an approximate k-NN graph, from scratch, over the full webspam dataset (1.3 billion nonzeros) in less than 10 seconds. Computing a full k-NN graph in less than 10 seconds on the webspam dataset, using brute-force (n2Dn^2D), will require at least 20 teraflops. We provide CPU and GPU implementations of FLASH for replicability of our results

    Scaling-up Split-Merge MCMC with Locality Sensitive Sampling (LSS)

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    Split-Merge MCMC (Monte Carlo Markov Chain) is one of the essential and popular variants of MCMC for problems when an MCMC state consists of an unknown number of components. It is well known that state-of-the-art methods for split-merge MCMC do not scale well. Strategies for rapid mixing requires smart and informative proposals to reduce the rejection rate. However, all known smart proposals involve expensive operations to suggest informative transitions. As a result, the cost of each iteration is prohibitive for massive scale datasets. It is further known that uninformative but computationally efficient proposals, such as random split-merge, leads to extremely slow convergence. This tradeoff between mixing time and per update cost seems hard to get around. In this paper, we show a sweet spot. We leverage some unique properties of weighted MinHash, which is a popular LSH, to design a novel class of split-merge proposals which are significantly more informative than random sampling but at the same time efficient to compute. Overall, we obtain a superior tradeoff between convergence and per update cost. As a direct consequence, our proposals are around 6X faster than the state-of-the-art sampling methods on two large real datasets KDDCUP and PubMed with several millions of entities and thousands of clusters