546 research outputs found

    Restarted Hessenberg method for solving shifted nonsymmetric linear systems

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    It is known that the restarted full orthogonalization method (FOM) outperforms the restarted generalized minimum residual (GMRES) method in several circumstances for solving shifted linear systems when the shifts are handled simultaneously. Many variants of them have been proposed to enhance their performance. We show that another restarted method, the restarted Hessenberg method [M. Heyouni, M\'ethode de Hessenberg G\'en\'eralis\'ee et Applications, Ph.D. Thesis, Universit\'e des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France, 1996] based on Hessenberg procedure, can effectively be employed, which can provide accelerating convergence rate with respect to the number of restarts. Theoretical analysis shows that the new residual of shifted restarted Hessenberg method is still collinear with each other. In these cases where the proposed algorithm needs less enough CPU time elapsed to converge than the earlier established restarted shifted FOM, weighted restarted shifted FOM, and some other popular shifted iterative solvers based on the short-term vector recurrence, as shown via extensive numerical experiments involving the recent popular applications of handling the time fractional differential equations.Comment: 19 pages, 7 tables. Some corrections for updating the reference

    Rational Krylov approximation of matrix functions: Numerical methods and optimal pole selection

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    Matrix functions are a central topic of linear algebra, and problems of their numerical approximation appear increasingly often in scientific computing. We review various rational Krylov methods for the computation of large-scale matrix functions. Emphasis is put on the rational Arnoldi method and variants thereof, namely, the extended Krylov subspace method and the shift-and-invert Arnoldi method, but we also discuss the nonorthogonal generalized Leja point (or PAIN) method. The issue of optimal pole selection for rational Krylov methods applied for approximating the resolvent and exponential function, and functions of Markov type, is treated in some detail

    A domain decomposition matrix-free method for global linear stability

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    This work is dedicated to the presentation of a matrix-free method for global linear stability analysis in geometries composed of multi-connected rectangular subdomains. An Arnoldi technique using snapshots in subdomains of the entire geometry combined with a multidomain linearized Direct Numerical Finite difference simulations based on an influence matrix for partitioning are adopted. The method is illustrated by three benchmark problems: the lid-driven cavity, the square cylinder and the open cavity flow. The efficiency of the method to extract large-scale structures in a multidomain framework is emphasized. The possibility to use subset of the full domain to recover the perturbation associated with the entire flow field is also highlighted. Such a method appears thus a promising tool to deal with large computational domains and three-dimensionality within a parallel architecture

    Efficient variants of the CMRH method for solving a sequence of multi-shifted non-Hermitian linear systems simultaneously

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    Multi-shifted linear systems with non-Hermitian coefficient matrices arise in numerical solutions of time-dependent partial/fractional differential equations (PDEs/FDEs), in control theory, PageRank problems, and other research fields. We derive efficient variants of the restarted Changing Minimal Residual method based on the cost-effective Hessenberg procedure (CMRH) for this problem class. Then, we introduce a flexible variant of the algorithm that allows to use variable preconditioning at each iteration to further accelerate the convergence of shifted CMRH. We analyse the performance of the new class of methods in the numerical solution of PDEs and FDEs, also against other multi-shifted Krylov subspace methods.Comment: Techn. Rep., Univ. of Groningen, 34 pages. 11 Tables, 2 Figs. This manuscript was submitted to a journal at 20 Jun. 2016. Updated version-1: 31 pages, 10 tables, 2 figs. The manuscript was resubmitted to the journal at 9 Jun. 2018. Updated version-2: 29 pages, 10 tables, 2 figs. Make it concise. Updated version-3: 27 pages, 10 tables, 2 figs. Updated version-4: 28 pages, 10 tables, 2 fig

    General minimal residual Krylov subspace method for large-scale model reduction

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