3,508 research outputs found

    A contemporary history of circus arts in Buenos Aires, Argentina: the post-dictatorial resurgence and revaluation of circus as a popular art

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the process of resurgence and redefinition of popular practices promoted in the city ofBuenos Aires,Argentina, in post- dictatorial years, through the case of circus arts. Therefore, I will first present some historical data that will enable understanding of the transitional legitimacy given to circus in the late nineteenth century and synthetically introduce the social processes that led circus into a process of retraction. Then I will focus on the social actors who recovered these artistic languages in the post- dictatorship, contextualizing their practices with the socio-political changes of the time. The analyses will center on the way in which young artists recovered certain elements of the past to give sense to the present activity and innovated in the artistic practice, legitimizing their practices and challenging their recognition.Fil: Infantino, Julieta Lorena. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Essential Oils of Plants as Biocides againstMicroorganisms Isolated from Cuban and Argentine Documentary Heritage

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    Fil: Borrego, Sofía. Laboratory of Preventive Conservation. National Archive of the Republic of Cuba. Havana; CubaFil: Valdés, Oderlaise. Laboratorio de Conservación Preventiva. Archivo Nacional de la República de Cuba. La Habana Vieja. La Habana; CubaFil: Vivar, Isbel. Laboratorio de Conservación Preventiva. Archivo Nacional de la República de Cuba. La Habana Vieja. La Habana; CubaFil: Lavin, Paola. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA). Departamento de Química. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Gómez de Saravia, Sandra Gabriela. Cátedra de Zoología Invertebrados I. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Borges, Pedro. Food Industry Research Institute. Havana; Cub

    Smart Change in Strategy: IBM‘s Response to Challenging Times

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    International Business Machines, or IBM, has been an indisputable force in the communications industry, leading the world into the modern, global technological age. Currently, IBM has revamped its business paradigm, allocating the majority of its resources to consulting work and data analyses rather than manufacturing as it had done so in the past — for the primary objectives of optimizing existing assets, resolving problems of burgeoning cities and beleaguered governments, and enhancing peoples‘ lives in a sustainable way

    Determination of Indoor Air Quality in Archives and Biodeterioration of the Documentary Heritage

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    Documentary heritage is permanently subject to suffering from physical, chemical, and/or biological alterations. Biological deterioration by microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) causes undesirable changes on material properties. Microorganisms affect different organic, natural or synthetic substrates (cellulose, polycarbonates), metals, and compounds of optical and magnetic devices (CD, VHS). Paper made by vegetal fibers, functional additives (glue, optical polishers, consolidating agents), and inks with organic bindings are used as sources of nutrients. The environmental microorganisms that formthe microbial charge of indoor air at repositories (archives, libraries) storing cultural heritage can deteriorate the different supports of heritage importance and affect human health as allergies and skin affections. The aims of this research were to study microbial contamination of the environment and its influence on biodeterioration by the biofilm formation and to analyze the relationship between environment microbiota and biofilm formation in materials stored at three archives in Argentina and in two repositories of the National Archive of the Republic of Cuba.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Representations of Argentine National Identity via El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

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    National identity is a concept that every nation constructs and celebrates through the remembrance of important events or persons, the projection of literary works, and the erection of monuments. Yet, in order to truly understand a nation’s self-imagery, one must examine and chart all of its different periods through time. This allows one to avoid narrow, static definitions by viewing a nation in a more holistic sense. In this study, it is hypothesized that museums function to preserve, assert, and disseminate a sense of heritage and, in the case of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, a sense of what being Argentinean has historically meant and currently signifies during a time of change and uncertainty. Museums accomplish this through schematically grouping their works by time period, artist, and subject material. This arrangement conveys an impression of Argentinean history, the attitudes and values of its citizenry, and its cultural traditions

    Yagan Heritage in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): The Politics of Balance

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    This paper analyses the tangible and intangible Yagan heritage contents exhibited by the Museo del Fin del Mundo (MFM, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) and presented during its guided tour led by Yagan Community Counsellor Victor Vargas Filgueira. We show how the critical outlook of Fuegian history offered in the latter challenges the traditional past-only fossilized view of the Yagan, building past–present links and helping to overcome biased hegemonic discourses. We also discuss how employing a member of the Yagan Community at the MFM has been an efficient and low-budget strategy that helps to comply with some Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which are difficult to attain in developing countries. Significant outcomes of this process include: (a) providing a full-time formal job to a member of an Indigenous Community who has been traditionally dispossessed of/in their own territory; (b) acknowledging him as a knowledge holder and valuable member of society; (c) moving the role of Yagan People from subject to agent of the MFM. This process has fostered the dialogue between Yagan voices and academic discourses, challenging traditional Western dichotomies-ecology/economy, natural/cultural heritage, and so forth, and contributing to the discussion of key concepts on sustainability and engagement.Fil: Fiore, Danae. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentina. Asociación de Investigaciones Antropológicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Butto, Ana Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Vargas Filgueira, Victor. Museo del Fin del Mundo; Argentin

    Macroeconomic outcomes and the relative position of Argentina’s economy: 1875-2000

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    This paper attempts to investigate the main factors behind Argentina’s economic decline comparing its evolution to that of Australia and Canada. With this objective, we have constructed a reduced index of economic freedom which captures and summarises the main political macroeconomic outcomes covering the period 1875-2000, After using co integration and causality techniques, the results obtained show how the macroeconomic policies implemented during this very long period are to explain the relative evolution, in terms of GDP per head, of Argentina’s economy.Convergence, backwardness, economic freedom, cointegration, causality

    Wojciech Tokarz, The Faces of Inclusion : Historical Fiction in Post-Dictatorship Argentina

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    Tokarz’s The Faces of Inclusion : Historical Fiction in Post-Dictatorship Argentina is an extremely well-written, succinct study of three facets of Argentina’s contemporary narrative that attempt to recuperate the past : Sylvia Iparraguirre’s La tierra del fuego (1998), Andrés Rivera’s Ese manco Paz (2003), and Abel Posse’s La pasión según Eva (1995). Tokarz’ original study (based on his doctoral thesis, defended in 2008) is quite innovative. While both Iparraguirre’s and Posse’s novels had p..

    Intangible heritage in global space: tradition and the quest for the authentic dance experience in the international world of tango

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    The ‘Tango of Argentina and Uruguay’ was inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in 2009 to be safeguarded as one of humanity’s outstanding cultural achievements. Controversies and shortcomings related to the inscription have been pointed out by several scholars working on tango as a social phenomenon. Criticism concerning the nomination document and the decision about the inscription targeted two principal focus areas and were expressed from two different standpoints. Both miss the inclusion of living grassroots tango communities and what they stand for from the heritage definition of tango. This paper intends to connect academic and community reactions given to its patrimonialization with personal observations of recent trends in the international and especially in the European world of tango; particularly with the increasing presence of two-three-day international tango dance occasions commonly referred to as tango marathons or encuentro milongueros1. In the complex, multi-layered and multi-vocal global tango world these events have been associated with essential, authentic milonga2 experiences, a sense of prolonged intimacy and community through shared dances and shared dance space
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