39 research outputs found

    Magic mirror on the wall: Selfie-related behavior as mediator of the relationship between narcissism and problematic smartphone use

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    Objective: Recent research has suggested that problematic smartphone use is associated with several psychological factors and that mobile apps and smartphone-related behavior (i.e. selfi e behavior) may encourage the development of problematic smartphone use. However, little is known about how the interplay between dysfunctional personality characteristics and selfi e-related behavior can infl uence problematic smartphone use. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between narcissism and problematic smartphone use, as well as the mediating role of selfi e-related behavior in this relationship among young men and women. Method: In the current study, a total of 627 undergraduate students (283 males and 344 females) completed a cross-sectional survey. A structural equation model was tested separately for males and females in order to evaluate the associations between narcissism, selfi e-related behavior and problematic smartphone use. Results: The results showed that greater narcissism was related to increased selfi e-related behavior, which in turn were positively associated with problematic smartphone use both for males and females. However, selfi e-related behavior mediated the relationship between narcissism and problematic smartphone use only for females. Conclusions: The study provides fresh insight into our understanding of the psychological mechanisms underlying problematic smartphone use, which may inform prevention and treatment interventions

    God and the Machine: A Correlational Study on Mobile Phone Dependence, Religious Coping, and Mental Health

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    Research on the various effects of mobile phones did not begin to be published until after they had already been integrated into society. To date, the results of various studies looking into the relationship between mobile phone use and mental health demonstrate that phones, if used in problematic ways, have negative effects on mental health. Even so, there are no studies looking into problematic mobile phone use and how it correlates with spirituality and positive religious coping as well as mental health. Due to this gap in the research, this anonymous online study was designed to look into correlations between problematic cell phone use, positive religious coping, and mental health. The Adapted Cell Phone Addiction Test (ACPAT) was used to assess problematic cell phone use, the Religious Coping Activities Scales (RCOPE) were used to assess positive religious coping, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-42) were used to assess mental health

    On Developing Human Centric Digital Twins in Industry 4.0 and Beyond

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    The use of smart devices has increased greatly in the last ten years with users reaching out to the possibility to do more with them especially in the networking front. In this context there is a need to understand the connection between users’ social demographic factors, their way to related to their smart devices, and the increasing adoption smart technologies in the industry 4.0 domains. This study was designed to evaluate the senso of belonging of a community using smart devices. In this way we evaluate intangible benefits that employees may gain from a more immerse relationship with their devices. We used a dataset of 586 anonymous respondent of an existing survey designed for capturing the relationships that humans develop with their smart devices. In particular, we investigate the relationships with smart device and particular background variables of the respondents using a chi-square test. The study showed that there is a significant relationship between users’ sex and smart device type and their dependency on smart device. Both male and females, tends to think that smart device enables them to connect with a larger community and smart phone users connect more to large community than other smart devices users. This study provided several significant findings that strengthen the previous literature works on subject matter. Certain socio demographics variables like age, sex and smart device type showed a correlation between smart device users and their tendency to stay in touch with a larger community via their smart device.</p

    The Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling on Self-esteem and the Tendency of Mobile Phone Addiction

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    The mobile phone users in students are increased dramatically. Unfortunately, excessive use of mobile phone could cause addiction. The addiction to mobile phone affecting the personal and social life of students. Therefore, authors decided to identify the effect of cognitive-behavioral counseling interventions on self-esteem and the tendency of mobile phone addiction in students of Vocational School 1 Muhammadiyah Semarang. Participants in the pretest were 120 students. This study used a quasi-experiment method, pretest-posttest control group design involving 12 students, randomly divided to experiment (6 students) and control group (6 students). The samples were selected using purposive sampling with low self-esteem criteria and a high tendency for mobile phone addiction. The MANCOVA test results proved that cognitive-behavioral counseling had an effect on self-esteem (F1.8=265.28; ηp2=0.963; p&lt;0.001), and the tendency of mobile phone addiction (F1.8=1115.90; ηp2=0.973; p&lt;0.001). The findings of this study proved that there were effects of cognitive-behavioral counseling interventions on self-esteem and the tendency of mobile phone addiction

    Design Address on Phubbing During Dining

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    Phubbing is the practice of ignoring one\u27s companion or companions to pay attention to one\u27s phone or other mobile device. What happens when phubbing occurs in situations such as eating with friends? Phubbing instantly stops the interaction, and this unconsciousness behavior may affect the mood of one’s companions, destroy the taste of one’s food, or ruin one’s relationships. Using a phone while eating is not a bad practice. People often use their phones to record the moment, to capture the delicious food, or to share information with others. The best way to deal with hurt caused by phubbing during dining is not to prohibit the use of smart devices, but instead to provide an appropriate manner to use them. In this thesis, I\u27ve designed a dining table decoration that features phone storage. This design not only provides a safe location to keep phones clean, but also gathers phones into one location so that if a user receives a mobile notification, the decoration will attract his or her attention to it. In this way, no one is the first to stop group interaction. By gathering everyone’s phones at the center of the dining table, accessing one’s phone becomes a group action. By keeping the source of notifications ambiguous, phubbing becomes more fun, and generates fewer negative feelings about the use of mobile devices during meals

    Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI): Translation, adaptation and validation of the tool in Spanish adult population

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    The wide functionality and the vast range of attributes offered by smartphones has led to a substantial increase in the average amount of time these devices are used per day. An excessive use of these tools has been shown to result in symptomatology similar to psychological disorders caused by substance addiction. In Spain, smartphone use has risen exponentially but the effects of this increase remain unclear. Therefore, an instrument is required to help determine the extent of smartphone addiction in the Spanish population. The Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI) is a valid and reliable mean to identify and measure smartphone addiction and so, the aim of this research is the translation and adaptation of SPAI to Spanish, as well as the analysis of its psychometric properties in a Spanish adult population of 2,958 adults, at the University of Valencia. A multiphase-interactive model has been used, based on classical translation-back-translation methods to translate and adapt the SPAI. Moreover, a confirmatory factor analysis to verify that the inventory showed acceptable goodness of fit indices (χ2293 = 4795.909, Comparative Fit Index = 0.927, Tucker-Lewis Index = 0.919, Root Mean Square Error of approximation = 0.072, and Standardised Root Mean square Residual = 0.051) has been carried out. Also good reliability has been found for the global inventory (Cronbach's alpha = 0.949), and each of its corresponding factors: compulsive behaviour, functional impairment, abstinence, and tolerance (Cronbach's alpha = 0.856, 0.888, 0.855, and 0.712, respectively). Hence, the SPAI has been adequately translated and adapted for its use in Spain and therefore it is a useful tool for evaluating the degree of smartphone addiction in the Spanish adult population

    The relationship of depression, distress tolerance and difficulty in emotional regulation with addiction to cell-phone use in students of Kashan University

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    Background: Cell phone plays an essential role in communications throughout the world. This question has been raised whether the over use of the cell-phone could lead to addiction. Addiction to cell phone use is characterized by the overuse and preoccupation with the mobile phone. So, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of depression, distress tolerance and difficulty in emotional regulation with addiction to cell-phone use in students of Kashan University. Materials and Methods: In this analytical-descriptive study, 200 students of Kashan University in the academic year 2016-2017 were selected by the cluster sampling method. The research tools included the cell-phone over-use scale (COS, 2007(, Beck depression inventory (BDI), difficulty in emotion regulation scale (DERS), and distress tolerance scale (DTS). Results: The results of the regression analysis showed that depression, distress tolerance and difficulty in emotional regulation explained more than 33 of the changes in addiction to cell-phone use. Also, there was a significant correlation between depression and addiction to cell-phone use (r=0.22, P&lt;0.05). In addition, there was a significant correlation between distress tolerance (r=-0.47, P&lt;0.05) and difficulty in emotion regulation (r=0.50, P&lt;0.05) with cell-phone addiction in Kashan University students. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, addiction to cell-phone use can be predicted by three variables of depression, distress tolerance, and difficulty in emotion regulation. The difficulty in emotion regulation played a stronger role in this prediction

    The Effects of Smartphones on Social Lives: How They Affect Our Social Interactions and Attitudes

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    New technologies available with cellular devices and the introduction of smartphones have become a large part of individual’s lives in the past few decades. Smartphones have the ability to perform almost every operation necessary for individuals at any time or place. Smartphones are means for individuals to communicate quickly while interacting on other websites and social networking platforms at the same time. Each day the capabilities of smartphones continue to grow and allow users to establish more information through these mediums, without the extra work of using other devices and programs. The study investigated the daily usage of smartphones by individuals in different age groups. The study included a 13-question survey that asked questions about participants’ daily use of smartphones, including the social media applications they used, and hours spent using them. There were 20 participants in the study, and 6 of them responded to the 3 optional open-ended questions to describe any personal experiences participants have had with their smartphones. The data obtained from the surveys was compiled into graphs and tables to categorize the respondents into gender, age group, hours spent using smartphones, and the smartphone applications most used. A descriptive qualitative analysis was used to examine the findings in the study. The results of the study showed that the majority of respondents spend 3-5 hours a day using their smartphones, with 75% of respondents saying that they used Instagram and Facebook most. The conclusions of the study indicate that individuals in the 18-30 age range are the ones most affected in their social interactions because of the reliance on smartphones. These younger individuals use the smartphones as their main form of communication

    A New Artificial Intelligence-Based Hierarchical K-Means Clustering Technique to Detect Addictive Twitter Activity

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    To stop the COVID-19 epidemic from spreading among their populations, several countries have implemented lockdowns. Students are being forced to stay at home during these lockdowns, which is causing them to use mobile phones, social media, and other digital technologies more frequently than ever. Their poor utilization of these digital tools may be detrimental to their emotional and mental health. In this study, we implement an Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach named Hierarchy-based K-Means Clustering (HKMC) algorithm to group individuals with comparable Twitter consumption habits to detect addictive Twitter activity during the epidemic. The effectiveness of the suggested HKMC is evaluated in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score in respect to the association between students’ mental health and mobile phone dependency. Additionally, this study offers a comparative examination of both the suggested and existing procedures