7 research outputs found

    Examining the popularity trajectory of outsourcing as a management concept

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    This paper examines the popularity trajectory of outsourcing as a management concept. The paper shows that while outsourcing is an old management practice that has roots that date back centuries, it did not gain widespread popularity as a modern organizational practice until the 1980s. While the initial outsourcing hype and craze of the late 1980s and early 1990s has waned, outsourcing has shown considerable staying power as a management concept, even in the face of counter-movements such as backsourcing and insourcing. Although the experiences with implementation of outsourcing are mixed, outsourcing remains a widely used management concept. However, the current relatively low satisfaction level among users could influence the future popularity trajectory of the outsourcing concept

    Conceptualizing the Dynamics of Rhetorical Practice and Technological Frame in the Context of Technology Diffusion

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    This paper examines and conceptualizes the process underlying the diffusion of a back office messaging system connecting the financial transaction activities of fund houses in Europe and banks in Taiwan. Drawing on the theoretical notions of rhetorical practice and technological frame, it develops a socio-cognitive process framework to conceptualize how the articulation of rhetorical situations and the deployment of rhetorical strategies influence stakeholders' sense-making towards a new technology. A conceptual framework is developed to enhance understanding of technology diffusion by taking into account the dynamic interplay between rhetorical practice and technological frame. We show that the persuasive power of rhetorical practices is largely influenced by (i) the rhetors' ongoing advancement of local knowledge, assumptions and beliefs, and (ii) an effective deployment of a balanced rhetorical strategy to promote the technology to different stakeholders. We demonstrate that analysis of rhetorical practice helps to explain how the phenomenon of diffusion is linguistically afforded and discursively constructed into a reality

    Offshoring og reshoring - en studie av endringer i strategiske drivere for perioden 1999-2012

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    Employee perceptions on service quality at a selected outsourcing company in Cape Town

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    Thesis (MTech (Business Administration))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019Over the last decade, business process outsourcing (BPO) has become increasingly important in the South African context. For economic and strategic reasons, organisations have embraced an outsourcing strategy as one of their core activities in order to be competitive in the business arena. On this matter, the standard of services delivered by BPOs is crucial to achieve customer satisfaction. However, the lack of effective quality management practices, which impact on service delivery negatively, ultimately paves the way for customer dissatisfaction with service quality in BPOs. This issue needs to be considered carefully by BPOs. Thus, this study has investigated employee perceptions in relation to the key measurements for service quality, namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles through the SERVQUAL model to measure the quality of service delivery at a BPO in Cape Town, South Africa. A quantitative research method was applied and data were collected through a semi-structured survey questionnaire from the group of employees (n=188) at the selected BPO in Cape Town. The statistical software program SPSS Version 25 and Microsoft Excel were used for data analysis. Descriptive statistical results were generated as well as the validity and reliability of the dataset determined. The research findings revealed that the key factors to which particular attention needs to be given are reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. It is revealed that it is imperative for the BPO to intensify continual training and skills development for their employees. Given the findings of these key factors as focus areas for good practice, this study has drawn special attention to the selected BPO and other BPOs in the South African context to advance their service quality to maintain their services up to standard and to remain competitive. The research could benefit BPOs in South Africa and Africa in general as more and more companies are outsourcing their services on the continent

    Assessing software as a service diffusion : from adoption to its continuance intention

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information TechnologiesTechnological progress is enabling firms to acquire software from different architecture environments. One such architecture environment that has produced a considerable impact on the markets is software as a service (SaaS). SaaS focuses on delivering software hosted off-premises and accessed remotely by means of a subscription fee. Recognized by managers and researchers as a promising solution, it is expanding in the software markets. However, SaaS is surrounded by uncertainty as its perceived viability is still questioned. Although this has motivated recent research into the determinants of SaaS, evidence suggests that it is still not enough. Research has much to cover in order to improve our understanding of the SaaS diffusion process. This dissertation investigates the SaaS diffusion process at a firm level by examining the drivers for each stage. Specifically, we analyze the different influences of the determinant factors on SaaS from the intention to adopt, passing through adoption, routinization and use, as well as its continuance intention. Because SaaS is considered a specific form of information systems outsourcing (ISO), in a first phase we assess the determinants in the context of ISO adoption in order to introduce to its investigation. The purpose of this approach is twofold. First, we test the appropriateness of the theoretical framework selected for the study of SaaS through its application in the analyses of ISO. Second, we find factors of ISO that are transferable to the SaaS context. In a second phase, we consider mediator and moderator influences and propose a new approach of applying a well known theoretical framework in the setting of SaaS adoption. This dissertation contributes to scholarship by enhancing current knowledge of why firms adopt and use SaaS. It incorporates seven studies individually separated into chapters. Chapter 2 is a detailed literature review on ISO and SaaS. As mentioned above, SaaS a specific form of outsourcing. Chapter 3 introduces the main theme by evaluating the suitability of the base framework proposed in this work on the study of ISO. Chapters 4 and 5 are extensions of chapter 3, in which comparisons of the determinants for ISO adoption in different business areas are performed. In chapter 6 we assess the determinants of the SaaS diffusion process (i.e. intention, adoption, and routinization). The factors that influence SaaS use and its continuance intention are identified in chapter 7. In chapter 8 we provide a new approach of applying the theoretical framework used in this dissertation in the context of SaaS adoption. This work adopts a positivist epistemological posture. As for the research methodology, a deductive method is used. All studies of this dissertation with the exception of the one presented in chapter 2 are based on the technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework. Additionally, we integrate TOE framework with other theories to enhance the explanatory power of the model. Thus, in chapters 4 and 5 we use diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory; in chapter 6 the institutional theory (INT) is used, in addition to DOI theory; in chapter 7 we include opportunity-risk framework apart from the theories already mentioned. The findings of this dissertation confirm that little research has indeed been performed on SaaS adoption, and more efforts are needed to provide an in-depth understanding of the topic. Through the analysis performed in the ISO context in chapters 3, 4, and 5, the TOE framework suitability as a theoretical basis for the study of SaaS is confirmed. Significant factors of ISO that are transferable for the SaaS context are also found. Relative advantage, complexity, technology competence, top management support, and normative pressures are determinants in the intention to adopt stage. Normative pressures are a constant determinant in the intention, adoption, and routinization stages. Additionally, a total effect (direct effect and indirect effect combined) of cost savings, relative advantage, and top management support is found in the adoption stage of SaaS. A cost savings total effect on the intention to adopt is also found. In terms of the post-adoption stages (i.e. SaaS use to its continuance intention) the findings confirm top management support and normative pressures as determinants of SaaS use. SaaS use and perceived opportunities are significant factors for the continuance intention. Moreover, the relationship between SaaS use and continuance intention is moderated by perceived opportunities. Finally, in this research we validate a new conceptual approach for the TOE framework by introducing moderator effects in its application. This investigation fills a crucial research gap by providing a better understanding of the determinants that affect organizational SaaS diffusion, advancing newer paths of approaching a solid theoretical framework.O progresso tecnológico tem possibilitado às empresas a aquisição de software em diferentes ambientes arquitetónicos. Um exemplo de um ambiente distinto de arquitetura tecnológica que tem produzido um impacto considerável no mercado de software é o software as a service (SaaS). O SaaS refere-se a software instalado fora da infraestrutura da empresa, cujo acesso é efetuado remotamente por meio da subscrição do serviço. Reconhecido, quer pelos gestores e investigadores, como uma solução promissora e encontrando-se em fase de expansão nos mercados de software, a sua viabilidade ainda é questionada. Embora esta dúvida tenha motivado a investigação sobre os fatores determinantes do SaaS, evidências sugerem que não é suficiente. Requer-se assim mais investigação para melhorar o nosso entendimento sobre o processo difusão do SaaS. Esta dissertação investiga os fatores determinantes para cada estágio do processo de difusão do SaaS, ao nível de empresa. Especificamente, analisamos as diferentes influências dos fatores determinantes desde a intenção de adotar, passando pela adoção, rotinização e uso, até à intenção de continuidade do SaaS. Porque o SaaS é considerado uma forma específica de outsourcing de sistemas de informação (ISO), numa primeira fase deste estudo avaliamos os fatores determinantes no contexto da adoção do ISO a fim de introduzir esta investigação. Esta abordagem tem dois objetivos: testar a adequação do quadro teórico escolhido para o estudo do SaaS através da sua aplicação no contexto do ISO e obter os fatores que se revelaram significativos no ISO e que podem ser utilizados no contexto do SaaS. Numa segunda fase, consideramos as influências de fatores moderadores e mediadores no estudo da adoção do SaaS e propomos uma nova abordagem para a aplicação do quadro teórico de referência. Sete estudos, separados por capítulos, compilam esta investigação. É nosso objetivo ampliar o conhecimento atual sobre como as empresas adotam e usam o SaaS. Como mencionado, o SaaS é uma forma específica de outsourcing, assim o capítulo 2 é uma revisão detalhada da literatura sobre o ISO e SaaS. O capítulo 3 avalia a adequação do quadro teórico base proposto neste trabalho no âmbito do estudo do ISO. Os capítulos 4 e 5 são extensões do capítulo 3, nos quais são efetuadas análises comparativas dos fatores determinantes para a adoção do ISO entre as diferentes áreas de negócio. No capítulo 6, avaliamos os fatores determinantes do processo de difusão do SaaS (intenção, adoção e rotinização). Os fatores que influenciam o seu uso e continuidade são identificados no capítulo 7. No capítulo 8, apresentamos uma nova abordagem para a aplicação do quadro teórico de referência utilizado nesta dissertação, no contexto da adoção do SaaS. A postura epistemológica adotada é a positivista e utiliza-se o método dedutivo no respeitante à metodologia de pesquisa. Todos os estudos apresentados, com exceção do capítulo 2, são baseados no quadro teórico tecnologia-organização-ambiente (TOE). Adicionalmente, integramos o quadro teórico TOE com outras teorias para aumentar o poder explicativo do modelo. Assim, nos capítulos 4 e 5 utilizamos a teoria difusão da inovação (DOI); No capítulo 6 é utilizada a teoria institucional (INT), em conjunto com a teoria DOI; No capítulo 7, incluímos o quadro teórico oportunidade-risco para além das teorias já mencionadas. Os resultados desta dissertação confirmam que a investigação sobre a adoção do SaaS é escassa e que são necessários mais esforços para conferir uma maior clareza sobre o tema. Da análise realizada no contexto do ISO, nos capítulos 3, 4 e 5, a adequação do quadro teórico TOE como base teórica de referência para o estudo do SaaS é confirmada. Os fatores determinantes para o ISO e que se adequam ao contexto do SaaS também foram identificados. A vantagem relativa, a complexidade, a competência tecnológica, o apoio da gestão de topo e as pressões normativas são determinantes no estágio da intenção de adotar. As pressões normativas são um fator determinante constante, nos estágios da intenção, adoção e rotinização. Além disso, um efeito total (efeito direto e efeito indireto combinado) da redução de custos, vantagem relativa e apoio da gestão de topo é verificado na fase de adoção do SaaS. Um efeito total de redução de custos sobre a intenção de adotar também é detetado. No que diz respeito aos estágios da pós-adoção (uso do SaaS e a intenção de continuidade), os resultados confirmam o apoio da gestão de topo e pressões normativas como determinantes no uso do SaaS. O uso do SaaS e oportunidades percebidas são fatores significativos para a intenção de continuidade. Além disso, a relação entre o uso do SaaS e a intenção de continuidade é moderada pelas oportunidades percebidas. Finalmente, apresentamos e validamos uma nova abordagem do quadro TOE, introduzindo efeitos moderadores na sua aplicação. Esta dissertação preenche uma lacuna crucial na investigação, proporcionando um melhor entendimento dos fatores determinantes que afetam o processo de difusão do SaaS e avançando novos caminhos de abordagem de um quadro teórico de referência. Outsourcing dos sistemas de informação, quadro tecnologia-organização-ambiente (TOE), difusão da inovação, adoção de TI, Software as a Service, pós-adoção, teoria institucional, modelo oportunidade-risco, intenção de continuidade, efeitos moderadores


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