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    PSA 2018

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    NAMRU-3 Translations of Parasite Literature from Russian, French, Japanese, etc. into English (1934-1964): T1-T100

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    T8. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V. (1945). Concerning certain groups within the genus Haemaphysalis C. L. Koch, and their taxonomic significance. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 14(1):12-18. T9. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LOTOTSKY, B. V. (1956). On the morphology of Haemaphysalis pavlovskyi Pospelova-Shtrom, 1934 (Parasitiformes, Ixodidae). Zool. Zh., 35(9):1415-1417. T10. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KUCHERUK, V. V., SIDOROVA, G. A. and ZHMAEVA, Z. M. (1955). On the self protection of small rodents against tick (Ixodidae) larvae. Zool. Zh., 34(4):948-950. T11. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. SUGIMOTO, M. (1937). Notes on ticks in the Formosan Mountain Reservation for aborigines. J. Centr. Soc. Vet. Med. Tokyo, 50:303-340. T13. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POMERANTSEV, B. I. (1948). Basic directions of evolution of Ixodoidea (Acarina). Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (10): 5-18. T17. TRANSLATION FROM CHINESE. TENG KUO-FAN. (1955). Studies on the life-history of Haemaphysalis bispinosa Neum. Chinese J. Ent., 5(2):165-180. T18. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SERDYUKOVA, G. V. (1955). On the question of differential characteristics of larvae and nymphs of Ixodidae. Zool. Zh., 34(5):1037-1051. T19. TRANSLATION FROM CHINESE. LUH, P. L. and WOO, W. (1950). A list of Chinese ticks. Chinese J. Ent., 1:(2):195-222. T20. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BALASHOV, Yu. S. (1954). Peculiarities of the daily rhythm of dropping of engorged female Ixodes persulcatus from cattle. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR, 98(2):317-319. T21. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BALASHOV, Yu. S. (1956). Nutrition and course of spermatogenesis in male ixodid ticks. Akad. Nauk USSR, 110(6):1133-1136. T23. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MIRONOV, V. S. (1940). Habitats of the taiga tick, Ixodes persulcatus (P. Sch.) in the Central Kama Region. Med. Parasit., Moskva, 9(1-2):93-105. T24. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KHEISIN, E. M. and LAVRENENKO, L. F. (1956). Duration of blood-sucking and diurnal rhythm of nutrition and dropping of females of Ixodes ricinus L. Zool. Zh., 35(3):379-383. T26. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PETRISHCHEVA, P. A. (1954). Field methods of investigating sandflies and anti-sandfly measures. (Pages translated: 3-4, 109-186). T28. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ZOTOV, A. P. (1951). Infectious encephalomyelitis in horses. Veterinariya, (6):20-29. T29. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PAVLOVSKY, E. N. (1940). The natural foci of tickborne encephalitis. Acta Medica USSR, 3(3):187-199. T30. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KUIMOV, D. T. and DUBOV, A. V. (1958). Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis as a syndrome of tickborne encephalitis. Zh. Nevropat. Psikhiat., 58(3):282-287. T31. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BUSALAEVA, N. N. (1957). On finding of Ornithodoros coniceps Canestrini ticks in Kazakhstan. Trud. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh., SSR, 7:290. T32. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ZHMAEVA, Z. M. (1950). Parthenogenetic development of Haemaphysalis bispinosa Neumann (Acarina, Ixodidae). Ent. Obozr., 31(1-2):121-122. T33. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. DOLMATOVA, A. V. (1946). The autogenous development of eggs in Phlebotomus papatasii. Scop. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 15(3):58-62. T34. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P., PETROVA, S. P. and SONDAK, V. A. (1945). Study of utravirus encephalitis. VII. Artificial adaptation of the virus of tick and Japanese encephalitis to various species of ticks of the family Ixodidae. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 14(1):18-24. T35. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. and KOSAKA, K. (1954). Notes on the occurrence in Japan of a tick, Haemaphysalis wellingtoni collected from a Japanese gray thrush, Turdus cardis cardis. Misc. Rep. Res. Inst. Nat. Resour., Tokyo, (36):104-107. T36. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GROBOV, A. G. (1946). On the question of vectors of Crimean hemorrhagic fever. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 15(6):59-63. T37. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BALABEKIAN, Ts. P. (1954). Tick paralysis in foals. Veterinariya, 31(5):44. T38. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SERDYUKOVA, G. V. (1939). Experimental tick relapsing fever in the jackal (Canis aureus L.). Trud. Voenno-Med. Akad. RKKA, 18:51-57. T39. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SERDYUKOVA, G. V. (1945). Local mass reproduction of ticks Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum Koch in Tadzhikistan and their causes. Izv. Tadzhik. Fil. Akad. Nauk USSR, 6:60-63. T41. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PILIPENKO, V. G., SOBOLEVA, N. M., PONOMAREVA, T. N. and KADATSKAYA, K. P. (1955). The problem of natural foci of brucellosis infection. J. Microbiol., Moscow, (1):82-87. T43. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MATIKASHVILI, N. V. and DZHPARIDZE, N. I. (1942). Larvae and nymphs of Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latr. and Rh. turanicus B. Pom. ticks. Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz., SSR, 3(1):73-79. T44. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PRITULIN, P. I. (1954). On the transmission of brucellosis by pasture ticks, Dermacentor nuttalli and Hyalomma marginatum. Veterinariya, 31(7):31-33. T45. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ZIL\u27FYAN, V. N. and ANANYAN, E. L. (1953). The tick Ornithodoros lahorensis as carrier and transmitter of brucellae. J. Microbial., Moskva, (6):14. (Author\u27s abstract). T46. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. and SAKURAI, N. (1958). On the seasonal occurrence of the tick Haemaphysalis flava on wild hares (Lepus timidus brachyurus) in the endemic area of Yato-byo or tularemia in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. (A preliminary note). Misc. Rep. Res. Inst. Nat. Resourc. Tokyo, (48):28-38. T47. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PLYANSKY, Yu. I. and KHEISIN, E. M. (1959). Some observations on the development of Babesiella bovis in a carrier tick. Trud. Karel. Fil. Akad. Nauk USSR, (14):5-12. T48. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. (1954). Studies on ticks and bloodsucking mites infecting rats (genus Rattus) in Japan. Part I. Misc. Rep. Res. Inst. Nat. Resour., Tokyo, (36):108-119. T49. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K., SAKURAI, N., OHARA, S., ODAJIMA, H., KOSAKA, K. and NAKAGAWA, H. (1955). On the host and distribution records of a tick, Haemaphysalis flava, a dominant parasite of wild hares in Japan. Misc. Rep. Res. Inst. Nat. Resour., Tokyo, (37):127-128. T50. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. and KOSAKA, K. (1955). Notes on a tick, Ixodes turdus Nakatsuji, 1942, found on birds in Japan. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan, 16-19:192-196. T51. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POMERANTSEV, B. I., MATIKASHVILI, N. V. and LOTOTSKY, B. V. (1940). An ecological and faunistic outline of Ixodidae ticks occurring in Transcaucasia. Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (7):100-133. T52. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TER-VARTANOV, V. N., GUSEV, V. N., BAKEEV, N. N., LABUNETS, N. F., GUSEVA, A. A. and REZNIK, P. A. (1954). On the question of transmission of mammalian ectoparasites by birds. Zool. Zh., 33(5):1116-1125. T53. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V. (1935). On the systematics of ticks of the genus Haemaphysalis C. L. Koch. Trud. Tadzhik. Fil. Akad. Nauk USSR, (5):205-217. T54. TRANSLATION FROM SLOVAK. MACICKA, O. (1958). On the bionomics of Haemaphysalis inermis in our home country. Cslka. Parasit., 5(2):121-124. T55. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POMERANTSEV, B. I. (1948). On the structure and organization of Ixodoidea (Acarina, Parasitiformes). Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (9):13-38. T56. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V. (1935). On the ticks of wild animals of Tadzhikistan. In: Materials on the parasitology and fauna of southern Tadzhikistan. Trud. Tadzhik. Komplek. Eksped. 1932 g. Narkomsd. Tadzhik. SSR, (10):115-134. T57. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, A. and FUKUDA, S. (1957). On the life history of a tick Ixodes signatus infesting a blacktailed gull (Larus crassirostris) in Japan. Jap. J. Sanit. Zool., 8(3):147-159. T58. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PETRISCHEVA, P. A. (1964). Bloodsucking insects and ticks in the Kara Kum and their medical importance in the rehabilitation of deserts. Zool. Zh., 33(2):243-268. T59. TRANSLATION FROM CHINESE. YU-SHEN, (TZOU), CHIH-HATI, (CHAO), and MAI, (WANG). (1959). Isolation of plague bacillus (Pasteurella pestis) from Haemaphysalis and Dermacentor ticks. Acta Microbial. Sinica, 7(3):205-208. T60. TRANSLATION FROM GERMAN. NEUHAUSER, G. (1936). Diagnosis of new mice from Asia Minor. Z. Saugetierk., 11(2):159-160. T61. TRANSLATION FROM GERMAN. NEUHAUSER, G. (1936). The Murids of Asia Minor. Z. Saugetierk., 11(2):161-236. T63. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1961). Materials on ticks belonging to the subfamily Argasinae. Part 1. Adult ticks and larvae of the genus Argas Latr., group reflexus. Zool. Zh., 40(12):1815-1826. T64. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1957). Systematic groups of Palearctic ticks of the subfamily Ixodinae. Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prirod., Otd. Biol., 62(6):31-34. T65. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MIRONOV, V. S. (1939). Encephalomyelitis of sheep (louping-ill) and its importance for understanding certain diseases of man. Med. Parasit. Moscow, 8(1):137-140. T66. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. (1960). Host and distribution records of the soft tick, Ornithodoros capensis Neumann, in Japan. Jap. J. San. Zool., 11(2):94. T67. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. ASANUMA, K. (1959). Studies on the relationship between chigger and their hosts, especially birds, in Japan. Symposium. 33, Tsutsugamushi Disease, 2:499-507. T68. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1954). On the diagnosis of Ixodes (Exopalpiger) trianguliceps Bir. from larvae and nymphs. Zool. Zh., 33(5):1053-1057. T69. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. (1957). New tick species of Ixodes stromi and its standing in the system of Ixodinae. Zool. Zh., 36(6):864-869. T70. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PERVOMAISKY, G. S. (1947). Concerning the spread of parasites of pasture ticks at the site of tick encephalitis. Priroda, Moskva, 36(11):75-78. T71. TRANSLATION FROM FRENCH. FRAGA DE AZEVEDO, J. (1960). On the diagnosis of Kala-azar. Ann. Parasit. Hum. Comp., 35(5-6):687-703. T72. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KORENBERG, E. I. (1962). Role of birds in the feeding of ixodid ticks in natural foci of encephalitis in the forest zone. Zool. Zh., 41(8):1220-1225. T73. TRANSLATION FROM DANISH. JOHNSEN, P. (1943). Hyalomma marginatum Koch, in Bornholm Island (Blodmide) in Denmark. Ent. Medd., 22(5):381-383. T74. TRANSLATION FROM DANISH. JOHNSEN, P. (1943). Hyalomma aegypticum L. imported in Bornholm Island (Blodmide) in Denmark. Flora Fauna, 49:128. T75. TRANSLATION FROM DANISH. JOHNSEN, P. (1946). Contribution to knowledge to the Danish ixodid tick fauna. Ent. Medd., Kobenhaven, 24(6):397-401. T76. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MARIKOVSKY, P. I. (1945). Some data on observations on behavior of adult ixodid ticks under natural conditions. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 14(6):60-66. T77. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LEIBMAN, A. L. and KALIVSHKINA, E. A. (1962). Distribution of Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latr. in the Crimea and Marseilles fever in man. Zool. Zh., 41(8):1162-1165. T78. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GUSEV, V. M. and GUSEVA, A. A. (1960). The habitats and mass reproduction of Ixodes frontalis in Daghestan. Zool. Zh., 39(7):1096-1099. T79. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SHATAS, Ya. F. (1956). Larvae and nymphs of some species of the genus Rhipicephalus Koch (Acarina, Ixodidae). Ent. Obozr., 35(4):944-955. T80. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PETRISHCHEVA, P. A. and ALYMOV, A. J. (1938). On transovarial transmission of virus of pappataci fever by sandflies. Arch. Biol. Sci. 53(1):138-144. T81. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P. (1948). Results of a study made of Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever (OL) by an expedition of the Institute of Neurology. Vestn. Akad. Med. Nauk SSR, Moscow, 2:19-26. T82. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PETRISHCHEVA, P. A. and ZHMAEVA, Z. M. (1949). Natural enemies of field ticks. Zool. Zh., 28(5):479-481. T83. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN., GUSEV, V. M., GUSEVA, A. A., PETROSIAN, E. A. and EIGELIS, Yu. K. (1962). The role of birds in the spread of ticks and fleas. (According to material collected in Azerbaijan SSR). Zool. Zh., 41(6):905-912. T84. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SHATAS, Ya. F. and BYSTROVA, N. A. (1954). Role of ixodid ticks in maintenance of natural foci of tularemia. J. Microbial., Moscow, (6):55-61. T85. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KUSOV, V. N., AMANZHULOV, S. A. and POSTRICHEVA, O. V. (1962). On the problem of Q fever infection in the genus Ornithodoros. (Preliminary information). Parasites of farm animals of Kazakhstan. Parasit. Sel. -Khoz. Zhivot. Kazakh. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 1:229-235. T86. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LAPTEV, V. I. (1960). The experimental infection rate of nymphs of Haemaphysalis neumanni with Theileria sergenti and of Hyalomma anatolicum with Theileria annulata. Trud. Vsesoyuz. Gos. Inst. Exsp. Vet., 27:80-82. T87. TRANSLATION FROM FRENCH. FEIDER, Z. (1959). A study of the sexual characteristics of the Trombidioidea. Acarologia, 1(1):56-85. T88. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TAGIL’TSEV, A. A. (1962). Peculiarities of ecology of gamasid mites taken from Dyromys nitedula Pallas in the environs of Alma-Ata. Zool. Zh., 41(5):666-674. T89. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V., VASSILIEVA, I. S. and SEMASHKO, L. L. (1963). A new species of argasid tick (Subfamily Argasinae, Family Argasidae) - Argas beklemischevi n. sp. Med. Parasit. Moscow, 32(1):61-65. T90. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SEMASHKO, L. L. (1959). House sparrows and tree sparrows as tick carriers in the town of Ashkhabad. Part 1. Zool. Zh., 38(9):1383-1387. T91. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FEDOROV, Yu. V. (1958). Further observations on the importance of wild birds as hosts of Ixodes ticks in the Tomsk focus of tick-borne encephalitis. Trud. Tomsk. Nauch. -Issled. Inst. Vakts. Syvor., 9:23-26. T92. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FEDOROV, Yu. V. (1958). Role of bird fauna in natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis. Trud. Tomsk. Nauch. -Issled. Inst. Vakts. Syvor, 9:27-32. T93. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SEMASHKO, L. L. (1961). House and tree sparrows as carriers of ticks in Turkmenia. Part 2. Zool. Zh., 40(7):1070-1078. T94. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NAUMOV, R. L. (1963). Whether the taiga tick feeds on yellow and pine buntings Emberiza citrinella L. and E. leucocephalos Gm. Zool. Zh., 42(4):513-517. T95. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NIKOLSKAYA, M. N. (1950). A new species of parasite of ixodid ticks, Ixodiphagus hirtus Nik., sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Parasit. Sborn. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 12:272-274. T96. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LUTTA, A. S., KHEISIN, E. M. and SHUL\u27MAN (-ALBOVA), R. E. (1959). On the distribution of ixodid ticks in Karelia. Trud. Fil. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (14):72-83. T97. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. YAKUNIN, M. P. (1962). Spirochaetes of wild birds. Parasites of wild animals of Kazakhstan. Trud. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 16:15-22. T98. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. USHAKOVA, G. V. (1962). On the finding of Hunterellus hookeri How., parasites of ixodid ticks in Kazakhstan. Trud. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 16:183-185. T99. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KUSOV, V. N. (1962). Significance of different stages of metamorphosis of Ornithodoros lahorensis in the etiology of tick paralysis. Parasit. Sel. -Khoz. Zhivot. Kazakh. Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 1:236-246. T100. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POSPELOVA-SHTROM, M. V. (1949). The ixodid tick Haemaphysalis warburtoni Nutt. in the mountains of Kazakhstan and Kirgizia. Izv. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, s. Parasit., (7):60-65

    Winter School on Vistas in Marine Biotechnology

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    Winter School on Vistas in Marine Biotechnology, 5th to 26th October, 2010 at Marine Biotechnology Division CMFRI, Koch