5 research outputs found

    Proposta de uma plataforma codeless para implementação de apps de promoção da saúde

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    O uso de dispositivos móveis por profissionais de saúde transformou diversos aspectos da prática clínica. Os dispositivos móveis tornaram-se comuns em ambientes de saúde. Vá rios aplicativos estão agora disponíveis para auxiliar os profissionais de saúde do inglês, HCPs Health Care Professionals em tarefas importantes. Este estudo parte da hipótese de que o mobile health (mHealth) não é largamente adotado ainda devido à dificuldade tecnológica para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos de saúde com elementos individualizados de informações de engajamento. Esta dificuldade surge do alto custo (financeiro e temporal) de desenvolvimento de tal solução usando as abordagens disponíveis. Embora os benefícios do mHealth já tenham sido demonstrados, seu uso no Brasil ainda é incipiente. Nota-se que as soluções disponíveis oferecem mecanismos genéricos de engajamento e informação, oferecendo um fluxo pré-determinado e único para todos os usuários, embora os fatores de adesão ou não a um tratamento de saúde sejam bastante particulares e individual para cada pessoa. Considerando a complexidade desta proposta, este trabalho apresenta uma prova de conceito da plataforma codeless, fazendo o uso dos conceitos de flow based programing (FBP) e visual based programming (VPL), focando na possibilidade de geração rápida e sem codificação de um aplicativo contendo mecanismos customizados de elementos de engajamento com a possibilidade de customização/individualização de elementos de informação e engajamento para grupos de pacientes. Assim sendo, como resultado desse trabalho foi possível criar um ecossistema de software, onde os profissio nais de saúde conseguem programar um conjunto de elementos de engajamento a fim de aumentar a adesão dos pacientes no tratamento. Por fim, nota-se que ainda existem várias possíveis áreas de evoluções do sistema para contemplar um funcionamento que reflete um fluxo complexo criado pelos HCPs

    Using Session Replication in Web Services

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    Web services have become to play an important role in people's everyday life. Along with their importance requirements and expectations for web services have risen and they will continue to grow in the future. Session replication is a technique which improves many quality aspects of web services, such as maintainability, availability and reliability. It reduces down time of the servers and betters the user experience by improving these factors in the wen service. The idea in session replication is to make the web services individual application servers users session objects available for all the application servers by storing them on a third party storage. In this thesis there is a survey on the technologies used in the web on a broad spectrum and a survey on the most promising open source session replication solution in the web. After studying and comparing these technologies, a pilot implementation is made to see the technologies in action and to see how they compare to a solution where no session replication is used. The goal is to find the best option for production system session replication. All of the implemented replication technologies worked and the goals set for this thesis were met. The findings of this study will be used as a baseline for the production session replication solutions

    Efficient Methods on Reducing Data Redundancy in the Internet

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    The transformation of the Internet from a client-server based paradigm to a content-based one has led to many of the fundamental network designs becoming outdated. The increase in user-generated contents, instant sharing, flash popularity, etc., brings forward the needs for designing an Internet which is ready for these and can handle the needs of the small-scale content providers. The Internet, as of today, carries and stores a large amount of duplicate, redundant data, primarily due to a lack of duplication detection mechanisms and caching principles. This redundancy costs the network in different ways: it consumes energy from the network elements that need to process the extra data; it makes the network caches store duplicate data, thus causing the tail of the data distribution to be swapped out of the caches; and it causes the content-servers to be loaded more as they have to always serve the less popular contents.  In this dissertation, we have analyzed the aforementioned phenomena and proposed several methods to reduce the redundancy of the network at a low cost. The proposals involve different approaches to do so--including data chunk level redundancy detection and elimination, rerouting-based caching mechanisms in information-centric networks, and energy-aware content distribution techniques. Using these approaches, we have demonstrated how we can perform redundancy elimination using a low overhead and low processing power. We have also demonstrated that by using local or global cooperation methods, we can increase the storage efficiency of the existing caches many-fold. In addition to that, this work shows that it is possible to reduce a sizable amount of traffic from the core network using collaborative content download mechanisms, while reducing client devices' energy consumption simultaneously