23 research outputs found

    Arc-disjoint in- and out-branchings rooted at the same vertex in compositions of digraphs

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    A digraph D=(V,A)D=(V, A) has a good pair at a vertex rr if DD has a pair of arc-disjoint in- and out-branchings rooted at rr. Let TT be a digraph with tt vertices u1,…,utu_1,\dots , u_t and let H1,…HtH_1,\dots H_t be digraphs such that HiH_i has vertices ui,ji,Β 1≀ji≀ni.u_{i,j_i},\ 1\le j_i\le n_i. Then the composition Q=T[H1,…,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] is a digraph with vertex set {ui,ji∣1≀i≀t,1≀ji≀ni}\{u_{i,j_i}\mid 1\le i\le t, 1\le j_i\le n_i\} and arc set A(Q)=βˆͺi=1tA(Hi)βˆͺ{uijiupqp∣uiup∈A(T),1≀ji≀ni,1≀qp≀np}.A(Q)=\cup^t_{i=1}A(H_i)\cup \{u_{ij_i}u_{pq_p}\mid u_iu_p\in A(T), 1\le j_i\le n_i, 1\le q_p\le n_p\}. When TT is arbitrary, we obtain the following result: every strong digraph composition QQ in which niβ‰₯2n_i\ge 2 for every 1≀i≀t1\leq i\leq t, has a good pair at every vertex of Q.Q. The condition of niβ‰₯2n_i\ge 2 in this result cannot be relaxed. When TT is semicomplete, we characterize semicomplete compositions with a good pair, which generalizes the corresponding characterization by Bang-Jensen and Huang (J. Graph Theory, 1995) for quasi-transitive digraphs. As a result, we can decide in polynomial time whether a given semicomplete composition has a good pair rooted at a given vertex

    Arc-disjoint out- and in-branchings in compositions of digraphs

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    An out-branching Bu+B^+_u (in-branching Buβˆ’B^-_u) in a digraph DD is a connected spanning subdigraph of DD in which every vertex except the vertex uu, called the root, has in-degree (out-degree) one. A {\bf good (u,v)\mathbf{(u,v)}-pair} in DD is a pair of branchings Bu+,Bvβˆ’B^+_u,B^-_v which have no arc in common. Thomassen proved that is NP-complete to decide if a digraph has any good pair. A digraph is {\bf semicomplete} if it has no pair of non adjacent vertices. A {\bf semicomplete composition} is any digraph DD which is obtained from a semicomplete digraph SS by substituting an arbitrary digraph HxH_x for each vertex xx of SS. Recently the authors of this paper gave a complete classification of semicomplete digraphs which have a good (u,v)(u,v)-pair, where u,vu,v are prescribed vertices of DD. They also gave a polynomial algorithm which for a given semicomplete digraph DD and vertices u,vu,v of DD, either produces a good (u,v)(u,v)-pair in DD or a certificate that DD has such pair. In this paper we show how to use the result for semicomplete digraphs to completely solve the problem of deciding whether a given semicomplete composition DD, has a good (u,v)(u,v)-pair for given vertices u,vu,v of DD. Our solution implies that the problem is polynomially solvable for all semicomplete compositions. In particular our result implies that there is a polynomial algorithm for deciding whether a given quasi-transitive digraph DD has a good (u,v)(u,v)-pair for given vertices u,vu,v of DD. This confirms a conjecture of Bang-Jensen and Gutin from 1998

    Arc-disjoint Strong Spanning Subdigraphs of Semicomplete Compositions

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    A strong arc decomposition of a digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) is a decomposition of its arc set AA into two disjoint subsets A1A_1 and A2A_2 such that both of the spanning subdigraphs D1=(V,A1)D_1=(V,A_1) and D2=(V,A2)D_2=(V,A_2) are strong. Let TT be a digraph with tt vertices u1,…,utu_1,\dots , u_t and let H1,…HtH_1,\dots H_t be digraphs such that HiH_i has vertices ui,ji,Β 1≀ji≀ni.u_{i,j_i},\ 1\le j_i\le n_i. Then the composition Q=T[H1,…,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] is a digraph with vertex set βˆͺi=1tV(Hi)={ui,ji∣1≀i≀t,1≀ji≀ni}\cup_{i=1}^t V(H_i)=\{u_{i,j_i}\mid 1\le i\le t, 1\le j_i\le n_i\} and arc set (βˆͺi=1tA(Hi))βˆͺ(βˆͺuiup∈A(T){uijiupqp∣1≀ji≀ni,1≀qp≀np}). \left(\cup^t_{i=1}A(H_i) \right) \cup \left( \cup_{u_iu_p\in A(T)} \{u_{ij_i}u_{pq_p} \mid 1\le j_i\le n_i, 1\le q_p\le n_p\} \right). We obtain a characterization of digraph compositions Q=T[H1,…Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots H_t] which have a strong arc decomposition when TT is a semicomplete digraph and each HiH_i is an arbitrary digraph. Our characterization generalizes a characterization by Bang-Jensen and Yeo (2003) of semicomplete digraphs with a strong arc decomposition and solves an open problem by Sun, Gutin and Ai (2018) on strong arc decompositions of digraph compositions Q=T[H1,…,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] in which TT is semicomplete and each HiH_i is arbitrary. Our proofs are constructive and imply the existence of a polynomial algorithm for constructing a \good{} decomposition of a digraph Q=T[H1,…,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t], with TT semicomplete, whenever such a decomposition exists

    Strong arc decompositions of split digraphs

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    A {\bf strong arc decomposition} of a digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) is a partition of its arc set AA into two sets A1,A2A_1,A_2 such that the digraph Di=(V,Ai)D_i=(V,A_i) is strong for i=1,2i=1,2. Bang-Jensen and Yeo (2004) conjectured that there is some KK such that every KK-arc-strong digraph has a strong arc decomposition. They also proved that with one exception on 4 vertices every 2-arc-strong semicomplete digraph has a strong arc decomposition. Bang-Jensen and Huang (2010) extended this result to locally semicomplete digraphs by proving that every 2-arc-strong locally semicomplete digraph which is not the square of an even cycle has a strong arc decomposition. This implies that every 3-arc-strong locally semicomplete digraph has a strong arc decomposition. A {\bf split digraph} is a digraph whose underlying undirected graph is a split graph, meaning that its vertices can be partioned into a clique and an independent set. Equivalently, a split digraph is any digraph which can be obtained from a semicomplete digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) by adding a new set Vβ€²V' of vertices and some arcs between Vβ€²V' and VV. In this paper we prove that every 3-arc-strong split digraph has a strong arc decomposition which can be found in polynomial time and we provide infinite classes of 2-strong split digraphs with no strong arc decomposition. We also pose a number of open problems on split digraphs

    Arc-disjoint strong spanning subdigraphs in compositions and products of digraphs

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    A digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) has a good decomposition if AA has two disjoint sets A1A_1 and A2A_2 such that both (V,A1)(V,A_1) and (V,A2)(V,A_2) are strong. Let TT be a digraph with tt vertices u1,…,utu_1,\dots , u_t and let H1,…HtH_1,\dots H_t be digraphs such that HiH_i has vertices ui,ji,Β 1≀ji≀ni.u_{i,j_i},\ 1\le j_i\le n_i. Then the composition Q=T[H1,…,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] is a digraph with vertex set {ui,ji∣1≀i≀t,1≀ji≀ni}\{u_{i,j_i}\mid 1\le i\le t, 1\le j_i\le n_i\} and arc set A(Q)=βˆͺi=1tA(Hi)βˆͺ{uijiupqp∣uiup∈A(T),1≀ji≀ni,1≀qp≀np}.A(Q)=\cup^t_{i=1}A(H_i)\cup \{u_{ij_i}u_{pq_p}\mid u_iu_p\in A(T), 1\le j_i\le n_i, 1\le q_p\le n_p\}. For digraph compositions Q=T[H1,…Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots H_t], we obtain sufficient conditions for QQ to have a good decomposition and a characterization of QQ with a good decomposition when TT is a strong semicomplete digraph and each HiH_i is an arbitrary digraph with at least two vertices. For digraph products, we prove the following: (a) if kβ‰₯2k\geq 2 is an integer and GG is a strong digraph which has a collection of arc-disjoint cycles covering all vertices, then the Cartesian product digraph Gβ–‘kG^{\square k} (the kkth powers with respect to Cartesian product) has a good decomposition; (b) for any strong digraphs G,HG, H, the strong product G⊠HG\boxtimes H has a good decomposition