341 research outputs found

    Aqueous Humor Outflow Structure and Function Imaging At the Bench and Bedside: A Review.

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    Anterior segment glaucoma clinical care and research has recently gained new focus because of novel imaging modalities and the advent of angle-based surgical treatments. Traditional investigation drawn to the trabecular meshwork now emphasizes the entire conventional aqueous humor outflow (AHO) pathway from the anterior chamber to the episcleral vein. AHO investigation can be divided into structural and functional assessments using different methods. The historical basis for studying the anterior segment of the eye and AHO in glaucoma is discussed. Structural studies of AHO are reviewed and include traditional pathological approaches to modern tools such as multi-model two-photon microscopy and optical coherence tomography. Functional assessment focuses on visualizing AHO itself through a variety of non-real-time and real-time techniques such as aqueous angiography. Implications of distal outflow resistance and segmental AHO are discussed with an emphasis on melding bench-side research to viable clinical applications. Through the development of an improved structure: function relationship for AHO in the anterior segment of the normal and diseased eye, a better understanding of the eye with improved therapeutics may be developed

    The experimental production of impaired outflow facility in the vervet monkey; an in vitro study

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    Resistance to Aqueous Outflow in the Rhesus Monkey Eye; Anatomic and Physiologic Studies in Vitro

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    Perfusion studies carried out in 50 enucleated normal Rhesus eyes suggested that the trabecular meshwork is responsible for 60-65% of the resistance to aqueous outflow, that aqueous outflow pathways in the inner 1/3 to 1/2 of the sclera are responsible for about 25%, that pathways in the outer 1/2 to 2/3 of the sclera account for 10-15%, and that more distal path ways account for very little, if any resistance. An initial opening into Schlemm\u27s canal increased the facility of outflow proportionally much more than did subsequent extension of the incision. Mean facility of aqueous outflow was found to be 0.52 ± 0.02 μl/min/mmHg at body temperature and at a mean experimental intraocular pressure of 8.0 mm Hg. A rough but definite inverse variation of outflow facility with intraocular pressure was observed over the range of experimental intraocular pressures (5.5-12.0 mm Hg)

    Schlemm\u27s Canal: The Outflow “Vessel”

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    The aim of this chapter is to review the knowledge about the aqueous outflow through Schlemm\u27s canal. Morphology of this canal and aqueous humor pathways from the anterior chamber through the trabeculum into suprascleral and conjunctival veins via connector channels are described. Additionally, the role of Schlemm\u27s canal in the development of glaucoma and outflow resistance is discussed. Canalography as a more precise method of assessing the conventional drainage pathway and facilitating localization of an uncollapsed collector and aqueous veins is shown. Attention is also drawn to the relationship between aqueous and suprascleral veins and heartbeat

    Investigation of the two types of cellular connections of Schlemm's canal inner wall cells and their role in giant vacuole and pore formation by serial block-face scanning electron microscopy

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    PURPOSE: To determine, under flow conditions, whether reduced connections between Schlemm’s canal (SC) inner wall (IW) and juxtacanalicular tissue (JCT) cells play a role in giant vacuole (GV) formation; and whether decreased amount of cell margin overlap between adjacent IW cells promotes paracellular pore formation using serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM). METHODS: Normal human eyes were immersion-fixed (0 mmHg, N=2) or perfusion-fixed (15 mmHg, N=1). Frontal and radial sections of SC were processed for SBF-SEM. IW and JCT cells, GVs, and pores were 3D-reconstructed. In each IW cell, total number of connections with underlying JCT cells/matrix was determined. Total cell margin length (TCML) and zero-overlap length (ZL) of each IW cell were measured to calculate percent zero-overlap length (PZL=ZL/TCML). All data were compared between the eyes fixed at 0 and 15 mmHg. RESULTS: Total number of IW/JCT connections in individual IWs significantly decreased in the eye fixed at 15 mmHg (33±5, N=5 cells) compared to those fixed at 0 mmHg (189±12, N=4 cells, p<0.001). The summed GV volume in individual cells significantly increased in the eye fixed at 15mmHg (218.03±19.65 μm3) compared to those fixed at 0 mmHg (82.33±27.22 μm3, p=0.0043). PZL increased 26.68% (p=0.001) in the eye fixed at 15mmHg vs. those fixed at 0mmHg, and all paracellular pores were found only in regions where the overlap length was 0 μm. CONCLUSIONS: Cellular connections between IW/JCT and IW/IW cells play a role in GV and pore formation in normal human eyes under flow conditions. Our results provide a baseline for future comparison with primary open angle glaucoma eyes

    Structural and functional investigation of the trabecular outflow pathway

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    Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is a leading cause of blindness in the world. A primary risk factor for POAG is elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), caused by increased aqueous humor outflow resistance. Currently, lowering the IOP is the only effective way of treating glaucoma; however, the cause of increased outflow resistance remains unclear. This thesis will present a series of studies which investigated structures of the trabecular outflow pathway, including Schlemm’s canal endothelium, juxtacanalicular tissue, and trabecular beams, and their roles in regulating aqueous outflow resistance. The studies were conducted in both human and animal models using ex vivo ocular perfusion as well as in vitro microfluidic systems. In the first study, we investigated the effects of Y27632, a derivative of Rho-kinase inhibitor that is being developed as next generation glaucoma drug with unclear IOP lowering mechanism, on aqueous humor outflow dynamics and associated morphological changes in normal human eyes and laser-induced ocular hypertensive monkey eyes. In the second study, we developed and validated a novel three-dimensional microfluidic system using lymphatic microvascular endothelial cells. The microfluidic system can be used to study Schlemm’s canal endothelial cell dynamics and aqueous humor transport mechanism in the future. In the last study, we characterized the morphological structure, distribution, and thickness of the endothelial glycocalyx in the aqueous humor outflow pathway of human and bovine eyes. Together these studies will help define new directions for therapy that will help control IOP and preserve vision throughout a normal life span

    Aqueous Humor Dynamics: A Review

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    Glaucoma is a family of optic neuropathies which cause irreversible but potentially preventable vision loss. Vision loss in most forms of glaucoma is related to elevated IOP with subsequent injury to the optic nerve. Secretion of aqueous humor and regulation of its outflow are physiologically important processes for maintaining IOP in the normal range. Thus, understanding the complex mechanisms that regulate aqueous humor circulation is essential for management of glaucoma. The two main structures related to aqueous humor dynamics are the ciliary body and the trabecular meshwork (TM). Three mechanisms are involved in aqueous humor formation: diffusion, ultrafiltration and active secretion. Active secretion is the major contributor to aqueous humor formation. The aqueous humor flow in humans follows a circadian rhythm, being higher in the morning than at night. The aqueous humor leaves the eye by passive flow via two pathways - the trabecular meshwork and the uveoscleral pathway. In humans, 75% of the resistance to aqueous humor outflow is localized within the TM with the juxtacanalicular portion of the TM being the main site of outflow resistance. Glycosaminoglycan deposition in the TM extracellular matrix (ECM) has been suggested to be responsible for increased outflow resistance at this specific site whereas others have suggested deposition of proteins, such as cochlin, obstruct the aqueous humor outflow through the TM. The uveoscleral outflow pathway is relatively independent of the intraocular pressure and the proportion of aqueous humor exiting the eye via the uveoscleral pathway decreases with age