15,844 research outputs found

    Approximation via Correlation Decay when Strong Spatial Mixing Fails

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    Approximate counting via correlation decay is the core algorithmic technique used in the sharp delineation of the computational phase transition that arises in the approximation of the partition function of antiferromagnetic 2-spin models. Previous analyses of correlation-decay algorithms implicitly depended on the occurrence of strong spatial mixing. This, roughly, means that one uses worst-case analysis of the recursive procedure that creates the subinstances. In this paper, we develop a new analysis method that is more refined than the worst-case analysis. We take the shape of instances in the computation tree into consideration and we amortize against certain “bad” instances that are created as the recursion proceeds. This enables us to show correlation decay and to obtain a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) even when strong spatial mixing fails. We apply our technique to the problem of approximately counting independent sets in hypergraphs with degree upper bound Δ\Delta and with a lower bound kk on the arity of hyperedges. Liu and Lin gave an FPTAS for k≄2k\geq2 and Δ≀5\Delta\leq5 (lack of strong spatial mixing was the obstacle preventing this algorithm from being generalized to Δ=6\Delta=6). Our technique gives a tight result for Δ=6\Delta=6, showing that there is an FPTAS for k≄3k\geq3 and Δ≀6\Delta\leq6. The best previously known approximation scheme for Δ=6\Delta=6 is the Markov-chain simulation based fully polynomial-time randomized approximation scheme (FPRAS) of Bordewich, Dyer, and Karpinski, which only works for k≄8k\geq8. Our technique also applies for larger values of kk, giving an FPTAS for k≄Δk\geq\Delta. This bound is not substantially stronger than existing randomized results in the literature. Nevertheless, it gives the first deterministic approximation scheme in this regime. Moreover, unlike existing results, it leads to an FPTAS for counting dominating sets in regular graphs with sufficiently large degree. We further demonstrate that in the hypergraph independent set model, approximating the partition function is NP-hard even within the uniqueness regime. Also, approximately counting dominating sets of bounded-degree graphs (without the regularity restriction) is NP-hard

    Approximation via Correlation Decay When Strong Spatial Mixing Fails

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    Approximate counting via correlation decay is the core algorithmic technique used in the sharp delineation of the computational phase transition that arises in the approximation of the partition function of anti-ferromagnetic two-spin models. Previous analyses of correlation-decay algorithms implicitly depended on the occurrence of strong spatial mixing. This, roughly, means that one uses worst-case analysis of the recursive procedure that creates the sub-instances. In this paper, we develop a new analysis method that is more refined than the worst-case analysis. We take the shape of instances in the computation tree into consideration and we amortise against certain “bad” instances that are created as the recursion proceeds. This enables us to show correlation decay and to obtain an FPTAS even when strong spatial mixing fails. We apply our technique to the problem of approximately counting independent sets in hypergraphs with degree upper-bound ∆ and with a lower bound k on the arity of hyperedges. Liu and Lin gave an FPTAS for k ≄ 2 and ∆ ≀ 5 (lack of strong spatial mixing was the obstacle preventing this algorithm from being generalised to ∆ = 6). Our technique gives a tight result for ∆ = 6, showing that there is an FPTAS for k ≄ 3 and ∆ ≀ 6. The best previously-known approximation scheme for ∆ = 6 is the Markov-chain simulation based FPRAS of Bordewich, Dyer and Karpinski, which only works for k ≄ 8. Our technique also applies for larger values of k, giving an FPTAS for k ≄ 1.66∆. This bound is not as strong as existing randomised results, for technical reasons that are discussed in the paper. Nevertheless, it gives the first deterministic approximation schemes in this regime. We further demonstrate that in the hypergraph independent set model, approximating the partition function is NP-hard even within the uniqueness regime.</p

    Correlation Decay up to Uniqueness in Spin Systems

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    We give a complete characterization of the two-state anti-ferromagnetic spin systems which are of strong spatial mixing on general graphs. We show that a two-state anti-ferromagnetic spin system is of strong spatial mixing on all graphs of maximum degree at most \Delta if and only if the system has a unique Gibbs measure on infinite regular trees of degree up to \Delta, where \Delta can be either bounded or unbounded. As a consequence, there exists an FPTAS for the partition function of a two-state anti-ferromagnetic spin system on graphs of maximum degree at most \Delta when the uniqueness condition is satisfied on infinite regular trees of degree up to \Delta. In particular, an FPTAS exists for arbitrary graphs if the uniqueness is satisfied on all infinite regular trees. This covers as special cases all previous algorithmic results for two-state anti-ferromagnetic systems on general-structure graphs. Combining with the FPRAS for two-state ferromagnetic spin systems of Jerrum-Sinclair and Goldberg-Jerrum-Paterson, and the very recent hardness results of Sly-Sun and independently of Galanis-Stefankovic-Vigoda, this gives a complete classification, except at the phase transition boundary, of the approximability of all two-state spin systems, on either degree-bounded families of graphs or family of all graphs.Comment: 27 pages, submitted for publicatio

    Counting hypergraph matchings up to uniqueness threshold

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    We study the problem of approximately counting matchings in hypergraphs of bounded maximum degree and maximum size of hyperedges. With an activity parameter λ\lambda, each matching MM is assigned a weight λ∣M∣\lambda^{|M|}. The counting problem is formulated as computing a partition function that gives the sum of the weights of all matchings in a hypergraph. This problem unifies two extensively studied statistical physics models in approximate counting: the hardcore model (graph independent sets) and the monomer-dimer model (graph matchings). For this model, the critical activity λc=ddk(d−1)d+1\lambda_c= \frac{d^d}{k (d-1)^{d+1}} is the threshold for the uniqueness of Gibbs measures on the infinite (d+1)(d+1)-uniform (k+1)(k+1)-regular hypertree. Consider hypergraphs of maximum degree at most k+1k+1 and maximum size of hyperedges at most d+1d+1. We show that when λ<λc\lambda < \lambda_c, there is an FPTAS for computing the partition function; and when λ=λc\lambda = \lambda_c, there is a PTAS for computing the log-partition function. These algorithms are based on the decay of correlation (strong spatial mixing) property of Gibbs distributions. When λ>2λc\lambda > 2\lambda_c, there is no PRAS for the partition function or the log-partition function unless NP==RP. Towards obtaining a sharp transition of computational complexity of approximate counting, we study the local convergence from a sequence of finite hypergraphs to the infinite lattice with specified symmetry. We show a surprising connection between the local convergence and the reversibility of a natural random walk. This leads us to a barrier for the hardness result: The non-uniqueness of infinite Gibbs measure is not realizable by any finite gadgets

    Fluidization of collisionless plasma turbulence

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    In a collisionless, magnetized plasma, particles may stream freely along magnetic-field lines, leading to phase "mixing" of their distribution function and consequently to smoothing out of any "compressive" fluctuations (of density, pressure, etc.,). This rapid mixing underlies Landau damping of these fluctuations in a quiescent plasma-one of the most fundamental physical phenomena that make plasma different from a conventional fluid. Nevertheless, broad power-law spectra of compressive fluctuations are observed in turbulent astrophysical plasmas (most vividly, in the solar wind) under conditions conducive to strong Landau damping. Elsewhere in nature, such spectra are normally associated with fluid turbulence, where energy cannot be dissipated in the inertial scale range and is therefore cascaded from large scales to small. By direct numerical simulations and theoretical arguments, it is shown here that turbulence of compressive fluctuations in collisionless plasmas strongly resembles one in a collisional fluid and does have broad power-law spectra. This "fluidization" of collisionless plasmas occurs because phase mixing is strongly suppressed on average by "stochastic echoes", arising due to nonlinear advection of the particle distribution by turbulent motions. Besides resolving the long-standing puzzle of observed compressive fluctuations in the solar wind, our results suggest a conceptual shift for understanding kinetic plasma turbulence generally: rather than being a system where Landau damping plays the role of dissipation, a collisionless plasma is effectively dissipationless except at very small scales. The universality of "fluid" turbulence physics is thus reaffirmed even for a kinetic, collisionless system

    Spatial mixing and approximation algorithms for graphs with bounded connective constant

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    The hard core model in statistical physics is a probability distribution on independent sets in a graph in which the weight of any independent set I is proportional to lambda^(|I|), where lambda > 0 is the vertex activity. We show that there is an intimate connection between the connective constant of a graph and the phenomenon of strong spatial mixing (decay of correlations) for the hard core model; specifically, we prove that the hard core model with vertex activity lambda < lambda_c(Delta + 1) exhibits strong spatial mixing on any graph of connective constant Delta, irrespective of its maximum degree, and hence derive an FPTAS for the partition function of the hard core model on such graphs. Here lambda_c(d) := d^d/(d-1)^(d+1) is the critical activity for the uniqueness of the Gibbs measure of the hard core model on the infinite d-ary tree. As an application, we show that the partition function can be efficiently approximated with high probability on graphs drawn from the random graph model G(n,d/n) for all lambda < e/d, even though the maximum degree of such graphs is unbounded with high probability. We also improve upon Weitz's bounds for strong spatial mixing on bounded degree graphs (Weitz, 2006) by providing a computationally simple method which uses known estimates of the connective constant of a lattice to obtain bounds on the vertex activities lambda for which the hard core model on the lattice exhibits strong spatial mixing. Using this framework, we improve upon these bounds for several lattices including the Cartesian lattice in dimensions 3 and higher. Our techniques also allow us to relate the threshold for the uniqueness of the Gibbs measure on a general tree to its branching factor (Lyons, 1989).Comment: 26 pages. In October 2014, this paper was superseded by arxiv:1410.2595. Before that, an extended abstract of this paper appeared in Proc. IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2013, pp. 300-30
