229 research outputs found

    Enriched and Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods for Acoustic Wave Scattering

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    This thesis concerns numerical acoustic wave scattering analysis. Such problems have been solved with computational procedures for decades, with the boundary element method being established as a popular choice of approach. However, such problems become more computationally expensive as the wavelength of an incident wave decreases; this is because capturing the oscillatory nature of the incident wave and its scattered field requires increasing numbers of nodal variables. Authors from mathematical and engineering backgrounds have attempted to overcome this problem using a wide variety of procedures. One such approach, and the approach which is further developed in this thesis, is to include the fundamental character of wave propagation in the element formulation. This concept, known as the Partition of Unity Boundary Element Method (PU-BEM), has been shown to significantly reduce the computational burden of wave scattering problems. This thesis furthers this work by considering the different interpolation functions that are used in boundary elements. Initially, shape functions based on trigonomet- ric functions are developed to increase continuity between elements. Following that, non-uniform rational B-splines, ubiquitous in Computer Aided Design (CAD) soft- ware, are used in developing an isogeometric approach to wave scattering analysis of medium-wave problems. The enriched isogeometric approach is named the eXtended Isogeometric Boundary Element Method (XIBEM). In addition to the work above, a novel algorithm for finding a uniform placement of points on a unit sphere is presented. The algorithm allows an arbitrary number of points to be chosen; it also allows a fixed point or a bias towards a fixed point to be used. This algorithm is used for the three-dimensional acoustic analyses in this thesis. The new techniques developed within this thesis significantly reduce the number of degrees of freedom required to solve a problem to a certain accuracyā€”this reduc- tion is more than 70% in some cases. This reduces the number of equations that have to be solved and reduces the amount of integration required to evaluate these equations

    Interpolation and scattered data fitting on manifolds using projected Powellā€“Sabin splines

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    We present methods for either interpolating data or for fitting scattered data on a two-dimensional smooth manifold. The methods are based on a local bivariate Powell-Sabin interpolation scheme, and make use of a family of charts {(UĪ¾ , Ī¾)}Ī¾āˆˆ satisfying certain conditions of smooth dependence on Ī¾. If is a C2-manifold embedded into R3, then projections into tangent planes can be employed. The data fitting method is a two-stage method. We prove that the resulting function on the manifold is continuously differentiable, and establish error bounds for both methods for the case when the data are generated by a smooth function
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