13 research outputs found

    Algebraic Methods in the Congested Clique

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    In this work, we use algebraic methods for studying distance computation and subgraph detection tasks in the congested clique model. Specifically, we adapt parallel matrix multiplication implementations to the congested clique, obtaining an O(n12/ω)O(n^{1-2/\omega}) round matrix multiplication algorithm, where ω<2.3728639\omega < 2.3728639 is the exponent of matrix multiplication. In conjunction with known techniques from centralised algorithmics, this gives significant improvements over previous best upper bounds in the congested clique model. The highlight results include: -- triangle and 4-cycle counting in O(n0.158)O(n^{0.158}) rounds, improving upon the O(n1/3)O(n^{1/3}) triangle detection algorithm of Dolev et al. [DISC 2012], -- a (1+o(1))(1 + o(1))-approximation of all-pairs shortest paths in O(n0.158)O(n^{0.158}) rounds, improving upon the O~(n1/2)\tilde{O} (n^{1/2})-round (2+o(1))(2 + o(1))-approximation algorithm of Nanongkai [STOC 2014], and -- computing the girth in O(n0.158)O(n^{0.158}) rounds, which is the first non-trivial solution in this model. In addition, we present a novel constant-round combinatorial algorithm for detecting 4-cycles.Comment: This is work is a merger of arxiv:1412.2109 and arxiv:1412.266

    Fast Partial Distance Estimation and Applications

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    We study approximate distributed solutions to the weighted {\it all-pairs-shortest-paths} (APSP) problem in the CONGEST model. We obtain the following results. 1.1. A deterministic (1+o(1))(1+o(1))-approximation to APSP in O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) rounds. This improves over the best previously known algorithm, by both derandomizing it and by reducing the running time by a Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) factor. In many cases, routing schemes involve relabeling, i.e., assigning new names to nodes and require that these names are used in distance and routing queries. It is known that relabeling is necessary to achieve running times of o(n/logn)o(n/\log n). In the relabeling model, we obtain the following results. 2.2. A randomized O(k)O(k)-approximation to APSP, for any integer k>1k>1, running in O~(n1/2+1/k+D)\tilde{O}(n^{1/2+1/k}+D) rounds, where DD is the hop diameter of the network. This algorithm simplifies the best previously known result and reduces its approximation ratio from O(klogk)O(k\log k) to O(k)O(k). Also, the new algorithm uses uses labels of asymptotically optimal size, namely O(logn)O(\log n) bits. 3.3. A randomized O(k)O(k)-approximation to APSP, for any integer k>1k>1, running in time O~((nD)1/2n1/k+D)\tilde{O}((nD)^{1/2}\cdot n^{1/k}+D) and producing {\it compact routing tables} of size O~(n1/k)\tilde{O}(n^{1/k}). The node lables consist of O(klogn)O(k\log n) bits. This improves on the approximation ratio of Θ(k2)\Theta(k^2) for tables of that size achieved by the best previously known algorithm, which terminates faster, in O~(n1/2+1/k+D)\tilde{O}(n^{1/2+1/k}+D) rounds

    Approximation of Distances and Shortest Paths in the Broadcast Congest Clique

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    We study the broadcast version of the CONGEST-CLIQUE model of distributed computing. This model operates in synchronized rounds; in each round, any node in a network of size n can send the same message (i.e. broadcast a message) of limited size to every other node in the network. Nanongkai presented in [STOC\u2714] a randomized (2+o(1))-approximation algorithm to compute all pairs shortest paths (APSP) in time ~{O}(sqrt{n}) on weighted graphs. We complement this result by proving that any randomized (2-o(1))-approximation of APSP and (2-o(1))-approximation of the diameter of a graph takes ~Omega(n) time in the worst case. This demonstrates that getting a negligible improvement in the approximation factor requires significantly more time. Furthermore this bound implies that already computing a (2-o(1))-approximation of all pairs shortest paths is among the hardest graph-problems in the broadcast-version of the CONGEST-CLIQUE model, as any graph-problem where each node receives a linear amount of input can be solved trivially in linear time in this model. This contrasts a recent (1+o(1))-approximation for APSP that runs in time O(n^{0.15715}) and an exact algorithm for APSP that runs in time ~O(n^{1/3}) in the unicast version of the CONGEST-CLIQUE model, a more powerful variant of the broadcast version. This lower bound in the broadcast CONGEST-CLIQUE model is derived by first establishing a new lower bound for (2-o(1))-approximating the diameter in weighted graphs in the CONGEST model, which is of independent interest. This lower bound is then transferred to the CONGEST-CLIQUE model. On the positive side we provide a deterministic version of Nanongkai\u27s (2+o(1))-approximation algorithm for APSP. To do so we present a fast deterministic construction of small hitting sets. We also show how to replace another randomized part within Nanongkai\u27s algorithm with a deterministic source-detection algorithm designed for the CONGEST model

    Distributed Exact Shortest Paths in Sublinear Time

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    The distributed single-source shortest paths problem is one of the most fundamental and central problems in the message-passing distributed computing. Classical Bellman-Ford algorithm solves it in O(n)O(n) time, where nn is the number of vertices in the input graph GG. Peleg and Rubinovich (FOCS'99) showed a lower bound of Ω~(D+n)\tilde{\Omega}(D + \sqrt{n}) for this problem, where DD is the hop-diameter of GG. Whether or not this problem can be solved in o(n)o(n) time when DD is relatively small is a major notorious open question. Despite intensive research \cite{LP13,N14,HKN15,EN16,BKKL16} that yielded near-optimal algorithms for the approximate variant of this problem, no progress was reported for the original problem. In this paper we answer this question in the affirmative. We devise an algorithm that requires O((nlogn)5/6)O((n \log n)^{5/6}) time, for D=O(nlogn)D = O(\sqrt{n \log n}), and O(D1/3(nlogn)2/3)O(D^{1/3} \cdot (n \log n)^{2/3}) time, for larger DD. This running time is sublinear in nn in almost the entire range of parameters, specifically, for D=o(n/log2n)D = o(n/\log^2 n). For the all-pairs shortest paths problem, our algorithm requires O(n5/3log2/3n)O(n^{5/3} \log^{2/3} n) time, regardless of the value of DD. We also devise the first algorithm with non-trivial complexity guarantees for computing exact shortest paths in the multipass semi-streaming model of computation. From the technical viewpoint, our algorithm computes a hopset G"G" of a skeleton graph GG' of GG without first computing GG' itself. We then conduct a Bellman-Ford exploration in GG"G' \cup G", while computing the required edges of GG' on the fly. As a result, our algorithm computes exactly those edges of GG' that it really needs, rather than computing approximately the entire GG'