43 research outputs found

    Fast Approximation Algorithms for Task-Based Runtime Systems

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    International audienceIn High Performance Computing, heterogeneity is now the norm with specialized accelerators like GPUs providing efficient computational power. Resulting complexity led to the development of task-based runtime systems, where complex computations are described as task graphs, and scheduling decisions are made at run-time to perform load balancing between all resources of the platforms. Developing good scheduling strategies, even at the scale of a single node, and analyzing them both theoretically and in practice is expected to have a very high impact on the performance of current HPC systems. The special case of two kinds of resources, typically CPUs and GPUs is already of great practical interest. The scheduling policy Hetero-Prio has been proposed in the context of fast multipole computations (FMM), and has been extended to general task graphs with very promising results. In this paper, we provide a theoretical study of the performance of HeteroPrio, by proving approximation bounds compared to the optimal schedule, both in the case of independent tasks and in the case of general task graphs. Interestingly, our results establish that spoliation (a technique that enables resources to restart uncompleted tasks on another resource) is enough to prove bounded approximation ratios for a list scheduling algorithm on two unrelated resources, which is known to be impossible otherwise. This result holds true both for independent and dependent tasks graphs. Additionally, we provide an experimental evaluation of HeteroPrio on real task graphs from dense linear algebra computation, that establishes its strong performance in practice

    Influence of Tasks Duration Variability on Task-Based Runtime Schedulers

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    In the context of HPC platforms, individual nodes nowadays consist in heterogenous processing resources such as GPU units and multicores. Those resources share communication and storage resources , what induces complex co-scheduling effects, and makes it hard to predict the exact duration of a task or of a communication. To cope with these issues, runtime dynamic schedulers such as StarPU have been developed. These systems base their decisions at runtime on the state of the platform and possibly on static priorities of tasks computed offline. In this paper, our goal is to quantify performance variability in the context of HPC heterogeneous nodes, by focusing on very regular dense linear algebra kernels. Then, we analyze the impact of this variability on a dynamic runtime scheduler such as StarPU, in order to analyze whether the strategies that have been designed in the context of MapReduce applications to cope with stragglers could be transferred to HPC systems, or if the dynamic nature of runtime schedulers is enough to cope with actual performance variations

    Analysis of a List Scheduling Algorithm for Task Graphs on Two Types of Resources

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    International audienceWe consider the problem of scheduling task graphs on two types of unrelated resources, which arises in the context of task-based runtime systems on modern platforms containing CPUs and GPUs. In this paper, we focus on an algorithm named HeteroPrio, which was originally introduced as an efficient heuristic for a particular application. HeteroPrio is an adaptation of the well known list scheduling algorithm, in which the tasks are picked by the resources in the order of their acceleration factor. This algorithm is augmented with a spoliation mechanism: a task assigned by the list algorithm can later on be reassigned to a different resource if it allows to finish this task earlier. We propose here the first theoretical analysis of the HeteroPrio algorithm in the presence of dependencies. More specifically, if the platform contains m and n processors of each type, we show that the worst-case approximation ratio of HeteroPrio is between 1 + max(m/n, n/m) and 2 + max(m/n, n/m). Our proof structure allows to precisely identify the necessary conditions on the spoliation strategy to obtain such a guarantee. We also present an in-depth experimental analysis, comparing several such spoliation strategies, and comparing HeteroPrio with other algorithms from the literature. Although the worst case analysis shows the possibility of pathological behavior, HeteroPrio is able to produce, in very reasonable time, schedules of significantly better quality

    Impact study of data locality on task-based applications through the Heteroprio scheduler

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    International audienceThe task-based approach has emerged as a viable way to effectively use modern heterogeneous computing nodes. It allows the development of parallel applications with an abstraction of the hardware by delegating task distribution and load balancing to a dynamic scheduler. In this organization, the scheduler is the most critical component that solves the DAG scheduling problem in order to select the right processing unit for the computation of each task. In this work, we extend our Heteroprio scheduler that was originally created to execute the fast multipole method on multi-GPUs nodes. We improve Heteroprio by taking into account data locality during task distribution. The main principle is to use different task-lists for the different memory nodes and to investigate how locality affinity between the tasks and the different memory nodes can be evaluated without looking at the tasks' dependencies. We evaluate the benefit of our method on two linear algebra applications and a stencil code. We show that simple heuristics can provide significant performance improvement and cut by more than half the total memory transfer of an execution

    Generic Algorithms for Scheduling Applications on Heterogeneous Platforms

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    International audienceWe study the problem of executing an application represented by a precedence task graph on a parallel machine composed of standard computing cores and accelerators. Both off-line and on-line settings are addressed by proposing generic scheduling approaches. In the first case, we establish strong lower bounds on the worst-case performance of a known approach based on Linear Programming and replace the greedy List Scheduling policy used in this approach by a better task ordering. Although this modification leads to the same approximability guarantees, it performs much better in practice. We also extend this algorithm to more types of computing units, achieving an approximation ratio which depends on the number of different types. In the on-line case, tasks arrive in any order which respects the precedence relations and the scheduler has to take irrevocable decisions about their allocation and execution. We propose the first on-line scheduling algorithm taking into account precedences , which is based on adequate rules for selecting the type of processor where to allocate the tasks. Finally, all the previous algorithms have been experimented on a large number of simulations built on actual libraries, assessing their good practical behavior with respect to the state-of-the-art solutions and baseline algorithms

    An Efficient Execution Model for Reactive Stream Programs

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    Stream programming is a paradigm where a program is structured by a set of computational nodes connected by streams. Focusing on data moving between computational nodes via streams, this programming model fits well for applications that process long sequences of data. We call such applications reactive stream programs (RSPs) to distinguish them from stream programs with rather small and finite input data. In stream programming, concurrency is expressed implicitly via communication streams. This helps to reduce the complexity of parallel programming. For this reason, stream programming has gained popularity as a programming model for parallel platforms. However, it is also challenging to analyse and improve the performance without an understanding of the program's internal behaviour. This thesis targets an effi cient execution model for deploying RSPs on parallel platforms. This execution model includes a monitoring framework to understand the internal behaviour of RSPs, scheduling strategies for RSPs on uniform shared-memory platforms; and mapping techniques for deploying RSPs on heterogeneous distributed platforms. The foundation of the execution model is based on a study of the performance of RSPs in terms of throughput and latency. This study includes quantitative formulae for throughput and latency; and the identification of factors that influence these performance metrics. Based on the study of RSP performance, this thesis exploits characteristics of RSPs to derive effective scheduling strategies on uniform shared-memory platforms. Aiming to optimise both throughput and latency, these scheduling strategies are implemented in two heuristic-based schedulers. Both of them are designed to be centralised to provide load balancing for RSPs with dynamic behaviour as well as dynamic structures. The first one uses the notion of positive and negative data demands on each stream to determine the scheduling priorities. This scheduler is independent from the runtime system. The second one requires the runtime system to provide the position information for each computational node in the RSP; and uses that to decide the scheduling priorities. Our experiments show that both schedulers provides similar performance while being significantly better than a reference implementation without dynamic load balancing. Also based on the study of RSP performance, we present in this thesis two new heuristic partitioning algorithms which are used to map RSPs onto heterogeneous distributed platforms. These are Kernighan-Lin Adaptation (KLA) and Congestion Avoidance (CA), where the main objective is to optimise the throughput. This is a multi-parameter optimisation problem where existing graph partitioning algorithms are not applicable. Compared to the generic meta-heuristic Simulated Annealing algorithm, both proposed algorithms achieve equally good or better results. KLA is faster for small benchmarks while slower for large ones. In contrast, CA is always orders of magnitudes faster even for very large benchmarks

    Exploiting BSP Abstractions for Compiler Based Optimizations of GPU Applications on multi-GPU Systems

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are accelerators for computers and provide massive amounts of computational power and bandwidth for amenable applications. While effectively utilizing an individual GPU already requires a high level of skill, effectively utilizing multiple GPUs introduces completely new types of challenges. This work sets out to investigate how the hierarchical execution model of GPUs can be exploited to simplify the utilization of such multi-GPU systems. The investigation starts with an analysis of the memory access patterns exhibited by applications from common GPU benchmark suites. Memory access patterns are collected using custom instrumentation and a simple simulation then analyzes the patterns and identifies implicit communication across the different levels of the execution hierarchy. The analysis reveals that for most GPU applications memory accesses are highly localized and there exists a way to partition the workload so that the communication volume grows slower than the aggregated bandwidth for growing numbers of GPUs. Next, an application model based on Z-polyhedra is derived that formalizes the distribution of work across multiple GPUs and allows the identification of data dependencies. The model is then used to implement a prototype compiler that consumes single-GPU programs and produces executables that distribute GPU workloads across all available GPUs in a system. It uses static analysis to identify memory access patterns and polyhedral code generation in combination with a dynamic tracking system to efficiently resolve data dependencies. The prototype is implemented as an extension to the LLVM/Clang compiler and published in full source. The prototype compiler is then evaluated using a set of benchmark applications. While the prototype is limited in its applicability by technical issues, it provides impressive speedups of up to 12.4x on 16 GPUs for amenable applications. An in-depth analysis of the application runtime reveals that dependency resolution takes up less than 10% of the runtime, often significantly less. A discussion follows and puts the work into context by presenting and differentiating related work, reflecting critically on the work itself and an outlook of the aspects that could be explored as part of this research. The work concludes with a summary and a closing opinion

    A Model-based Design Framework for Application-specific Heterogeneous Systems

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    The increasing heterogeneity of computing systems enables higher performance and power efficiency. However, these improvements come at the cost of increasing the overall complexity of designing such systems. These complexities include constructing implementations for various types of processors, setting up and configuring communication protocols, and efficiently scheduling the computational work. The process for developing such systems is iterative and time consuming, with no well-defined performance goal. Current performance estimation approaches use source code implementations that require experienced developers and time to produce. We present a framework to aid in the design of heterogeneous systems and the performance tuning of applications. Our framework supports system construction: integrating custom hardware accelerators with existing cores into processors, integrating processors into cohesive systems, and mapping computations to processors to achieve overall application performance and efficient hardware usage. It also facilitates effective design space exploration using processor models (for both existing and future processors) that do not require source code implementations to estimate performance. We evaluate our framework using a variety of applications and implement them in systems ranging from low power embedded systems-on-chip (SoC) to high performance systems consisting of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components. We show how the design process is improved, reducing the number of design iterations and unnecessary source code development ultimately leading to higher performing efficient systems