48,564 research outputs found

    A Constant Factor Approximation for the Single Sink Edge Installation Problem

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    We present the first constant approximation to the single sink buy-at-bulk network design problem, where we have to design a network by buying pipes of different costs and capacities per unit length to route demands at a set of sources to a single sink. The distances in the underlying network form a metric. This result improves the previous bound of O(log |R|), where R is the set of sources. We also present a better constant approximation to the related Access Network Design problem. Our algorithms are randomized and combinatorial. As a subroutine in our algorithm, we use an interesting variant of facility location with lower bounds on the amount of demand an open facility needs to serve. We call this variant load balanced facility location and present a constant factor approximation for it, while relaxing the lower bounds by a constant factor

    Super-Fast Distributed Algorithms for Metric Facility Location

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    This paper presents a distributed O(1)-approximation algorithm, with expected-O(loglogn)O(\log \log n) running time, in the CONGEST\mathcal{CONGEST} model for the metric facility location problem on a size-nn clique network. Though metric facility location has been considered by a number of researchers in low-diameter settings, this is the first sub-logarithmic-round algorithm for the problem that yields an O(1)-approximation in the setting of non-uniform facility opening costs. In order to obtain this result, our paper makes three main technical contributions. First, we show a new lower bound for metric facility location, extending the lower bound of B\u{a}doiu et al. (ICALP 2005) that applies only to the special case of uniform facility opening costs. Next, we demonstrate a reduction of the distributed metric facility location problem to the problem of computing an O(1)-ruling set of an appropriate spanning subgraph. Finally, we present a sub-logarithmic-round (in expectation) algorithm for computing a 2-ruling set in a spanning subgraph of a clique. Our algorithm accomplishes this by using a combination of randomized and deterministic sparsification.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. This is the full version of a paper that appeared in ICALP 201

    Approximation Algorithms for Union and Intersection Covering Problems

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    In a classical covering problem, we are given a set of requests that we need to satisfy (fully or partially), by buying a subset of items at minimum cost. For example, in the k-MST problem we want to find the cheapest tree spanning at least k nodes of an edge-weighted graph. Here nodes and edges represent requests and items, respectively. In this paper, we initiate the study of a new family of multi-layer covering problems. Each such problem consists of a collection of h distinct instances of a standard covering problem (layers), with the constraint that all layers share the same set of requests. We identify two main subfamilies of these problems: - in a union multi-layer problem, a request is satisfied if it is satisfied in at least one layer; - in an intersection multi-layer problem, a request is satisfied if it is satisfied in all layers. To see some natural applications, consider both generalizations of k-MST. Union k-MST can model a problem where we are asked to connect a set of users to at least one of two communication networks, e.g., a wireless and a wired network. On the other hand, intersection k-MST can formalize the problem of connecting a subset of users to both electricity and water. We present a number of hardness and approximation results for union and intersection versions of several standard optimization problems: MST, Steiner tree, set cover, facility location, TSP, and their partial covering variants

    Traffic-Redundancy Aware Network Design

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    We consider network design problems for information networks where routers can replicate data but cannot alter it. This functionality allows the network to eliminate data-redundancy in traffic, thereby saving on routing costs. We consider two problems within this framework and design approximation algorithms. The first problem we study is the traffic-redundancy aware network design (RAND) problem. We are given a weighted graph over a single server and many clients. The server owns a number of different data packets and each client desires a subset of the packets; the client demand sets form a laminar set system. Our goal is to connect every client to the source via a single path, such that the collective cost of the resulting network is minimized. Here the transportation cost over an edge is its weight times times the number of distinct packets that it carries. The second problem is a facility location problem that we call RAFL. Here the goal is to find an assignment from clients to facilities such that the total cost of routing packets from the facilities to clients (along unshared paths), plus the total cost of "producing" one copy of each desired packet at each facility is minimized. We present a constant factor approximation for the RAFL and an O(log P) approximation for RAND, where P is the total number of distinct packets. We remark that P is always at most the number of different demand sets desired or the number of clients, and is generally much smaller.Comment: 17 pages. To be published in the proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithm

    A new approximation algorithm for the multilevel facility location problem

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    In this paper we propose a new integer programming formulation for the multi-level facility location problem and a novel 3-approximation algorithm based on LP rounding. The linear program we are using has a polynomial number of variables and constraints, being thus more efficient than the one commonly used in the approximation algorithms for this type of problems

    Algorithms for Constructing Overlay Networks For Live Streaming

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    We present a polynomial time approximation algorithm for constructing an overlay multicast network for streaming live media events over the Internet. The class of overlay networks constructed by our algorithm include networks used by Akamai Technologies to deliver live media events to a global audience with high fidelity. We construct networks consisting of three stages of nodes. The nodes in the first stage are the entry points that act as sources for the live streams. Each source forwards each of its streams to one or more nodes in the second stage that are called reflectors. A reflector can split an incoming stream into multiple identical outgoing streams, which are then sent on to nodes in the third and final stage that act as sinks and are located in edge networks near end-users. As the packets in a stream travel from one stage to the next, some of them may be lost. A sink combines the packets from multiple instances of the same stream (by reordering packets and discarding duplicates) to form a single instance of the stream with minimal loss. Our primary contribution is an algorithm that constructs an overlay network that provably satisfies capacity and reliability constraints to within a constant factor of optimal, and minimizes cost to within a logarithmic factor of optimal. Further in the common case where only the transmission costs are minimized, we show that our algorithm produces a solution that has cost within a factor of 2 of optimal. We also implement our algorithm and evaluate it on realistic traces derived from Akamai's live streaming network. Our empirical results show that our algorithm can be used to efficiently construct large-scale overlay networks in practice with near-optimal cost