3,457 research outputs found

    Fault-Tolerant Spanners: Better and Simpler

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    A natural requirement of many distributed structures is fault-tolerance: after some failures, whatever remains from the structure should still be effective for whatever remains from the network. In this paper we examine spanners of general graphs that are tolerant to vertex failures, and significantly improve their dependence on the number of faults rr, for all stretch bounds. For stretch k3k \geq 3 we design a simple transformation that converts every kk-spanner construction with at most f(n)f(n) edges into an rr-fault-tolerant kk-spanner construction with at most O(r3logn)f(2n/r)O(r^3 \log n) \cdot f(2n/r) edges. Applying this to standard greedy spanner constructions gives rr-fault tolerant kk-spanners with O~(r2n1+2k+1)\tilde O(r^{2} n^{1+\frac{2}{k+1}}) edges. The previous construction by Chechik, Langberg, Peleg, and Roddity [STOC 2009] depends similarly on nn but exponentially on rr (approximately like krk^r). For the case k=2k=2 and unit-length edges, an O(rlogn)O(r \log n)-approximation algorithm is known from recent work of Dinitz and Krauthgamer [arXiv 2010], where several spanner results are obtained using a common approach of rounding a natural flow-based linear programming relaxation. Here we use a different (stronger) LP relaxation and improve the approximation ratio to O(logn)O(\log n), which is, notably, independent of the number of faults rr. We further strengthen this bound in terms of the maximum degree by using the \Lovasz Local Lemma. Finally, we show that most of our constructions are inherently local by designing equivalent distributed algorithms in the LOCAL model of distributed computation.Comment: 17 page

    On a family of strong geometric spanners that admit local routing strategies

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    We introduce a family of directed geometric graphs, denoted \paz, that depend on two parameters λ\lambda and θ\theta. For 0θ<π20\leq \theta<\frac{\pi}{2} and 1/2<λ<1{1/2} < \lambda < 1, the \paz graph is a strong tt-spanner, with t=1(1λ)cosθt=\frac{1}{(1-\lambda)\cos\theta}. The out-degree of a node in the \paz graph is at most 2π/min(θ,arccos12λ)\lfloor2\pi/\min(\theta, \arccos\frac{1}{2\lambda})\rfloor. Moreover, we show that routing can be achieved locally on \paz. Next, we show that all strong tt-spanners are also tt-spanners of the unit disk graph. Simulations for various values of the parameters λ\lambda and θ\theta indicate that for random point sets, the spanning ratio of \paz is better than the proven theoretical bounds

    Distance Oracles for Time-Dependent Networks

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    We present the first approximate distance oracle for sparse directed networks with time-dependent arc-travel-times determined by continuous, piecewise linear, positive functions possessing the FIFO property. Our approach precomputes (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate distance summaries from selected landmark vertices to all other vertices in the network. Our oracle uses subquadratic space and time preprocessing, and provides two sublinear-time query algorithms that deliver constant and (1+σ)(1+\sigma)-approximate shortest-travel-times, respectively, for arbitrary origin-destination pairs in the network, for any constant σ>ϵ\sigma > \epsilon. Our oracle is based only on the sparsity of the network, along with two quite natural assumptions about travel-time functions which allow the smooth transition towards asymmetric and time-dependent distance metrics.Comment: A preliminary version appeared as Technical Report ECOMPASS-TR-025 of EU funded research project eCOMPASS (http://www.ecompass-project.eu/). An extended abstract also appeared in the 41st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2014, track-A

    Robust geometric forest routing with tunable load balancing

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    Although geometric routing is proposed as a memory-efficient alternative to traditional lookup-based routing and forwarding algorithms, it still lacks: i) adequate mechanisms to trade stretch against load balancing, and ii) robustness to cope with network topology change. The main contribution of this paper involves the proposal of a family of routing schemes, called Forest Routing. These are based on the principles of geometric routing, adding flexibility in its load balancing characteristics. This is achieved by using an aggregation of greedy embeddings along with a configurable distance function. Incorporating link load information in the forwarding layer enables load balancing behavior while still attaining low path stretch. In addition, the proposed schemes are validated regarding their resilience towards network failures