33 research outputs found

    Extraction de sous-formules minimales inconsistantes

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    Une sous-formule minimale inconsistante (Minimally Unsatisfiable Subformula ou MUS en anglais) représente la plus petite cause d'incohérence d'une instance SAT en terme de nombre de clauses. Extraire un ou plusieurs MUS s'avère donc très utile, car ceux-ci circonscrivent les sources d'inconsistance d'une formule CNF. Dans ce papier, une nouvelle méta-heuristique permettant l'approximation ou le calcul d'un MUS est présentée. Une comparaison avec les méthodes les plus compétitives est effectuée, et montre que le plus souvent, en pratique, cette approche surpasse les résultats obtenus par les autres méthodes existantes

    Debugging of inconsistent UML/OCL models

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    Une nouvelle méthode hybride pour calculer tous les MSS et tous les MUS

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    Dans ce papier, nous présentons une nouvelle technique complète permettant le calcul des sous-formules maximales consistantes (MSS) et des formules minimales inconsistantes (MUS) d'un ensemble de clauses booléennes. Cette approche améliore la meilleure technique complète connue de plusieurs manières. Elle utilise à la fois une recherche locale peu coûteuse en ressources et le nouveau concept de clause critique pour améliorer un algorithme complet proposé par Liffiton et Sakallah. Cette hybridation permet l'obtention de gains exponentiels. Ainsi, des résultats expérimentaux montrent que cette nouvelle approche dépasse la meilleure méthode proposée jusque ici

    Resolution proof transformation for compression and interpolation

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    Verification methods based on SAT, SMT, and theorem proving often rely on proofs of unsatisfiability as a powerful tool to extract information in order to reduce the overall effort. For example a proof may be traversed to identify a minimal reason that led to unsatisfiability, for computing abstractions, or for deriving Craig interpolants. In this paper we focus on two important aspects that concern efficient handling of proofs of unsatisfiability: compression and manipulation. First of all, since the proof size can be very large in general (exponential in the size of the input problem), it is indeed beneficial to adopt techniques to compress it for further processing. Secondly, proofs can be manipulated as a flexible preprocessing step in preparation for interpolant computation. Both these techniques are implemented in a framework that makes use of local rewriting rules to transform the proofs. We show that a careful use of the rules, combined with existing algorithms, can result in an effective simplification of the original proofs. We have evaluated several heuristics on a wide range of unsatisfiable problems deriving from SAT and SMT test cases

    Redundancy in Logic II: 2CNF and Horn Propositional Formulae

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    We report complexity results about redundancy of formulae in 2CNF form. We first consider the problem of checking redundancy and show some algorithms that are slightly better than the trivial one. We then analyze problems related to finding irredundant equivalent subsets (I.E.S.) of a given set. The concept of cyclicity proved to be relevant to the complexity of these problems. Some results about Horn formulae are also shown.Comment: Corrected figures on Theorem 10; added and modified some reference

    Constraint satisfaction problems in clausal form

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    This is the report-version of a mini-series of two articles on the foundations of satisfiability of conjunctive normal forms with non-boolean variables, to appear in Fundamenta Informaticae, 2011. These two parts are here bundled in one report, each part yielding a chapter. Generalised conjunctive normal forms are considered, allowing literals of the form "variable not-equal value". The first part sets the foundations for the theory of autarkies, with emphasise on matching autarkies. Main results concern various polynomial time results in dependency on the deficiency. The second part considers translations to boolean clause-sets and irredundancy as well as minimal unsatisfiability. Main results concern classification of minimally unsatisfiable clause-sets and the relations to the hermitian rank of graphs. Both parts contain also discussions of many open problems.Comment: 91 pages, to appear in Fundamenta Informaticae, 2011, as Constraint satisfaction problems in clausal form I: Autarkies and deficiency, Constraint satisfaction problems in clausal form II: Minimal unsatisfiability and conflict structur

    Heuristics for the refinement of assumptions in generalized reactivity formulae

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    Reactive synthesis is concerned with automatically generating implementations from formal specifications. These specifications are typically written in the language of generalized reactivity (GR(1)), a subset of linear temporal logic capable of expressing the most common industrial specification patterns, and describe the requirements about the behavior of a system under assumptions about the environment where the system is to be deployed. Oftentimes no implementation exists which guarantees the required behavior under all possible environments, typically due to missing assumptions (this is usually referred to as unrealizability). To address this issue, new assumptions need to be added to complete the specification, a problem known as assumptions refinement. Since the space of candidate assumptions is intractably large, searching for the best solutions is inherently hard. In particular, new methods are needed to (i) increase the effectiveness of the search procedures, measured as the ratio between the number of solutions found and of refinements explored; and (ii) improve the results' quality, defined as the weakness of the solutions. In this thesis we propose a set of heuristics to meet these goals, and a methodology to assess and compare assumptions refinement methods based on quantitative metrics. The heuristics are in the form of algorithms to generate candidate refinements during the search, and quantitative measures to assess the quality of the candidates. We first discuss a heuristic method to generate assumptions that target the cause of unrealizability. This is done by selecting candidate refinement formulas based on Craig's interpolation. We provide a formal underpinning of the technique and evaluate it in terms of our new metric of effectiveness, as defined above, whose value is improved with respect to the state of the art. We demonstrate this on a set of popular benchmarks of embedded software. We then provide a formal, quantitative characterization of the permissiveness of environment assumptions in the form of a weakness measure. We prove that the partial order induced by this measure is consistent with the one induced by implication. The key advantage of this measure is that it allows for prioritizing candidate solutions, as we show experimentally. Lastly, we propose a notion of minimal refinements with respect to the observed counterstrategies. We demonstrate that exploring minimal refinements produces weaker solutions, and reduces the amount of computations needed to explore each refinement. However, this may come at the cost of reducing the effectiveness of the search. To counteract this effect, we propose a hybrid search approach in which both minimal and non-minimal refinements are explored.Open Acces