8 research outputs found

    Approximate reasoning for real-time probabilistic processes

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    We develop a pseudo-metric analogue of bisimulation for generalized semi-Markov processes. The kernel of this pseudo-metric corresponds to bisimulation; thus we have extended bisimulation for continuous-time probabilistic processes to a much broader class of distributions than exponential distributions. This pseudo-metric gives a useful handle on approximate reasoning in the presence of numerical information -- such as probabilities and time -- in the model. We give a fixed point characterization of the pseudo-metric. This makes available coinductive reasoning principles for reasoning about distances. We demonstrate that our approach is insensitive to potentially ad hoc articulations of distance by showing that it is intrinsic to an underlying uniformity. We provide a logical characterization of this uniformity using a real-valued modal logic. We show that several quantitative properties of interest are continuous with respect to the pseudo-metric. Thus, if two processes are metrically close, then observable quantitative properties of interest are indeed close.Comment: Preliminary version appeared in QEST 0

    Behavioural Preorders on Stochastic Systems - Logical, Topological, and Computational Aspects

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    Computer systems can be found everywhere: in space, in our homes, in our cars, in our pockets, and sometimes even in our own bodies. For concerns of safety, economy, and convenience, it is important that such systems work correctly. However, it is a notoriously difficult task to ensure that the software running on computers behaves correctly. One approach to ease this task is that of model checking, where a model of the system is made using some mathematical formalism. Requirements expressed in a formal language can then be verified against the model in order to give guarantees that the model satisfies the requirements. For many computer systems, time is an important factor. As such, we need our formalisms and requirement languages to be able to incorporate real time. We therefore develop formalisms and algorithms that allow us to compare and express properties about real-time systems. We first introduce a logical formalism for reasoning about upper and lower bounds on time, and study the properties of this formalism, including axiomatisation and algorithms for checking when a formula is satisfied. We then consider the question of when a system is faster than another system. We show that this is a difficult question which can not be answered in general, but we identify special cases where this question can be answered. We also show that under this notion of faster-than, a local increase in speed may lead to a global decrease in speed, and we take step towards avoiding this. Finally, we consider how to compare the real-time behaviour of systems not just qualitatively, but also quantitatively. Thus, we are interested in knowing how much one system is faster or slower than another system. This is done by introducing a distance between systems. We show how to compute this distance and that it behaves well with respect to certain properties.Comment: PhD dissertation from Aalborg Universit

    Behavioural Preorders on Stochastic Systems - Logical, Topological, and Computational Aspects

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    Stochastic transition systems: bisimulation, logic, and composition

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    Cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things raise various challenges concerning the modelling and analysis of large modular systems. Models for such systems typically require uncountable state and action spaces, samplings from continuous distributions, and non-deterministic choices over uncountable many alternatives. In this thesis we fo- cus on a general modelling formalism for stochastic systems called stochastic transition system. We introduce a novel composition operator for stochastic transition systems that is based on couplings of probability measures. Couplings yield a declarative modelling paradigm appropriate for the formalisation of stochastic dependencies that are caused by the interaction of components. Congruence results for our operator with respect to standard notions for simulation and bisimulation are presented for which the challenge is to prove the existence of appropriate couplings. In this context a theory for stochastic transition systems concerning simulation, bisimulation, and trace-distribution relations is developed. We show that under generic Souslin conditions, the simulation preorder is a subset of trace-distribution inclusion and accordingly, bisimulation equivalence is finer than trace-distribution equivalence. We moreover establish characterisations of the simulation preorder and the bisimulation equivalence for a broad subclass of stochastic transition systems in terms of expressive action-based probabilistic logics and show that these characterisations are still maintained by small fragments of these logics, respectively. To treat associated measurability aspects, we rely on methods from descriptive set theory, properties of Souslin sets, as well as prominent measurable-selection principles.:1 Introduction 2 Probability measures on Polish spaces 3 Stochastic transition systems 4 Simulations and trace distributions for Souslin systems 5 Action-based probabilistic temporal logics 6 Parallel composition based on spans and couplings 7 Relations to models from the literature 8 Conclusions 9 Bibliograph

    A verification framework for hybrid systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 193-205) and index.Combining; discrete state transitions with differential equations, Hybrid system models provide an expressive formalism for describing software systems that interact with a physical environment. Automatically checking properties, such as invariance and stability, is extremely hard for general hybrid models, and therefore current research focuses on models with restricted expressive power. In this thesis we take a complementary approach by developing proof techniques that are not necessarily automatic, but are applicable to a general class of hybrid systems. Three components of this thesis, namely, (i) semantics for ordinary and probabilistic hybrid models, (ii) methods for proving invariance, stability, and abstraction, and (iii) software tools supporting (i) and (ii), are integrated within a common mathematical framework. (i) For specifying nonprobabilistic hybrid models, we present Structured Hybrid I/O Automata (SHIOAs) which adds control theory-inspired structures, namely state models, to the existing Hybrid I/O Automata, thereby facilitating description of continuous behavior. We introduce a generalization of SHIOAs which allows both nondeterministic and stochastic transitions and develop the trace-based semantics for this framework. (ii) We present two techniques for establishing lower-bounds on average dwell time (ADT) for SHIOA models. This provides a sufficient condition of establishing stability for SHIOAs with stable state models. A new simulation-based technique which is sound for proving ADT-equivalence of SHIOAs is proposed. We develop notions of approximate implementation and corresponding proof techniques for Probabilistic I/O Automata. Specifically, a PIOA A is an E-approximate implementation of B, if every trace distribution of A is c-close to some trace distribution of B-closeness being measured by a metric on the space of trace distributions.(cont.) We present a new class of real-valued simulation functions for proving c-approximate implementations, and demonstrate their utility in quantitatively reasoning about probabilistic safety and termination. (iii) We introduce a specification language for SHIOAs and a theorem prover interface for this language. The latter consists of a translator to typed high order logic and a set of PVS-strategies that partially automate the above verification techniques within the PVS theorem prover.by Sayan Mitra.Ph.D

    Approximate reasoning for real-time probabilistic processes

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    We develop a pseudo-metric analogue of bisimulation for generalizedsemi-Markov processes. The kernel of this pseudo-metric corresponds tobisimulation; thus we have extended bisimulation for continuous-timeprobabilistic processes to a much broader class of distributions thanexponential distributions. This pseudo-metric gives a useful handle onapproximate reasoning in the presence of numerical information -- such asprobabilities and time -- in the model. We give a fixed point characterizationof the pseudo-metric. This makes available coinductive reasoning principles forreasoning about distances. We demonstrate that our approach is insensitive topotentially ad hoc articulations of distance by showing that it is intrinsic toan underlying uniformity. We provide a logical characterization of thisuniformity using a real-valued modal logic. We show that several quantitativeproperties of interest are continuous with respect to the pseudo-metric. Thus,if two processes are metrically close, then observable quantitative propertiesof interest are indeed close.Comment: Preliminary version appeared in QEST 0

    Approximate reasoning for real-time probabilistic processes

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    We develop a pseudo-metric analogue of bisimulation for generalized semi-Markov processes. The kernel of this pseudo-metric corresponds to bisimulation; thus we have extended bisimulation for continuous-time probabilistic processes to a much broader class of distributions than exponential distributions. This pseudo-metric gives a useful handle on approximate reasoning in the presence of numerical information -- such as probabilities and time -- in the model. We give a fixed point characterization of the pseudo-metric. This makes available coinductive reasoning principles for reasoning about distances. We demonstrate that our approach is insensitive to potentially ad hoc articulations of distance by showing that it is intrinsic to an underlying uniformity. We provide a logical characterization of this uniformity using a real-valued modal logic. We show that several quantitative properties of interest are continuous with respect to the pseudo-metric. Thus, if two processes are metrically close, then observable quantitative properties of interest are indeed close