38 research outputs found

    Approximation Schemes for Partitioning: Convex Decomposition and Surface Approximation

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    We revisit two NP-hard geometric partitioning problems - convex decomposition and surface approximation. Building on recent developments in geometric separators, we present quasi-polynomial time algorithms for these problems with improved approximation guarantees.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Robust Temporally Coherent Laplacian Protrusion Segmentation of 3D Articulated Bodies

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    In motion analysis and understanding it is important to be able to fit a suitable model or structure to the temporal series of observed data, in order to describe motion patterns in a compact way, and to discriminate between them. In an unsupervised context, i.e., no prior model of the moving object(s) is available, such a structure has to be learned from the data in a bottom-up fashion. In recent times, volumetric approaches in which the motion is captured from a number of cameras and a voxel-set representation of the body is built from the camera views, have gained ground due to attractive features such as inherent view-invariance and robustness to occlusions. Automatic, unsupervised segmentation of moving bodies along entire sequences, in a temporally-coherent and robust way, has the potential to provide a means of constructing a bottom-up model of the moving body, and track motion cues that may be later exploited for motion classification. Spectral methods such as locally linear embedding (LLE) can be useful in this context, as they preserve "protrusions", i.e., high-curvature regions of the 3D volume, of articulated shapes, while improving their separation in a lower dimensional space, making them in this way easier to cluster. In this paper we therefore propose a spectral approach to unsupervised and temporally-coherent body-protrusion segmentation along time sequences. Volumetric shapes are clustered in an embedding space, clusters are propagated in time to ensure coherence, and merged or split to accommodate changes in the body's topology. Experiments on both synthetic and real sequences of dense voxel-set data are shown. This supports the ability of the proposed method to cluster body-parts consistently over time in a totally unsupervised fashion, its robustness to sampling density and shape quality, and its potential for bottom-up model constructionComment: 31 pages, 26 figure

    Fast Approximate Convex Decomposition

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    Approximate convex decomposition (ACD) is a technique that partitions an input object into "approximately convex" components. Decomposition into approximately convex pieces is both more efficient to compute than exact convex decomposition and can also generate a more manageable number of components. It can be used as a basis of divide-and-conquer algorithms for applications such as collision detection, skeleton extraction and mesh generation. In this paper, we propose a new method called Fast Approximate Convex Decomposition (FACD) that improves the quality of the decomposition and reduces the cost of computing it for both 2D and 3D models. In particular, we propose a new strategy for evaluating potential cuts that aims to reduce the relative concavity, rather than absolute concavity. As shown in our results, this leads to more natural and smaller decompositions that include components for small but important features such as toes or fingers while not decomposing larger components, such as the torso that may have concavities due to surface texture. Second, instead of decomposing a component into two pieces at each step, as in the original ACD, we propose a new strategy that uses a dynamic programming approach to select a set of n_c non-crossing (independent) cuts that can be simultaneously applied to decompose the component into n_c + 1 components. This reduces the depth of recursion and, together with a more efficient method for computing the concavity measure, leads to significant gains in efficiency. We provide comparative results for 2D and 3D models illustrating the improvements obtained by FACD over ACD and we compare with the segmentation methods given in the Princeton Shape Benchmark

    A new area-based convexity measure with distance weighted area integration for planar shapes

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    In this paper we propose a new area-based convexity measure. We assume that convexity evaluation of an arbitrary planar shape is related to the total influence of dents of the shape, and discover that those attributes of the dents, such as the position, area, and depth with respect to the Geometric Center of Convex Hull (GCCH) of the shape, determine the dent influence. We consider that the convex hull of the shape consists of infinitely small patches, to each of which we assign a weight showing the patch influence. We can simply integrate all the patch weights in any regions within the convex hull to calculate their total influence. We define this operation as the Distance Weighted Area Integration, if the weight is associated with the Euclidean distance from the patch to the GCCH. Our new measure is a distance weighted generalization of the most commonly used convexity measure, making this conventional measure fully replaceable for the first time. Experiments demonstrate advantages of the new convexity measure against the existing ones