44,926 research outputs found

    The Goodman-Nguyen Relation within Imprecise Probability Theory

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    The Goodman-Nguyen relation is a partial order generalising the implication (inclusion) relation to conditional events. As such, with precise probabilities it both induces an agreeing probability ordering and is a key tool in a certain common extension problem. Most previous work involving this relation is concerned with either conditional event algebras or precise probabilities. We investigate here its role within imprecise probability theory, first in the framework of conditional events and then proposing a generalisation of the Goodman-Nguyen relation to conditional gambles. It turns out that this relation induces an agreeing ordering on coherent or C-convex conditional imprecise previsions. In a standard inferential problem with conditional events, it lets us determine the natural extension, as well as an upper extension. With conditional gambles, it is useful in deriving a number of inferential inequalities.Comment: Published version: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0888613X1400101

    2-coherent and 2-convex Conditional Lower Previsions

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    In this paper we explore relaxations of (Williams) coherent and convex conditional previsions that form the families of nn-coherent and nn-convex conditional previsions, at the varying of nn. We investigate which such previsions are the most general one may reasonably consider, suggesting (centered) 22-convex or, if positive homogeneity and conjugacy is needed, 22-coherent lower previsions. Basic properties of these previsions are studied. In particular, we prove that they satisfy the Generalized Bayes Rule and always have a 22-convex or, respectively, 22-coherent natural extension. The role of these extensions is analogous to that of the natural extension for coherent lower previsions. On the contrary, nn-convex and nn-coherent previsions with n3n\geq 3 either are convex or coherent themselves or have no extension of the same type on large enough sets. Among the uncertainty concepts that can be modelled by 22-convexity, we discuss generalizations of capacities and niveloids to a conditional framework and show that the well-known risk measure Value-at-Risk only guarantees to be centered 22-convex. In the final part, we determine the rationality requirements of 22-convexity and 22-coherence from a desirability perspective, emphasising how they weaken those of (Williams) coherence.Comment: This is the authors' version of a work that was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, vol. 77, October 2016, pages 66-86, doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2016.06.003, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0888613X1630079

    Default Logic in a Coherent Setting

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    In this talk - based on the results of a forthcoming paper (Coletti, Scozzafava and Vantaggi 2002), presented also by one of us at the Conference on "Non Classical Logic, Approximate Reasoning and Soft-Computing" (Anacapri, Italy, 2001) - we discuss the problem of representing default rules by means of a suitable coherent conditional probability, defined on a family of conditional events. An event is singled-out (in our approach) by a proposition, that is a statement that can be either true or false; a conditional event is consequently defined by means of two propositions and is a 3-valued entity, the third value being (in this context) a conditional probability

    ISIPTA'07: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications

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    From imprecise probability assessments to conditional probabilities with quasi additive classes of conditioning events

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    In this paper, starting from a generalized coherent (i.e. avoiding uniform loss) intervalvalued probability assessment on a finite family of conditional events, we construct conditional probabilities with quasi additive classes of conditioning events which are consistent with the given initial assessment. Quasi additivity assures coherence for the obtained conditional probabilities. In order to reach our goal we define a finite sequence of conditional probabilities by exploiting some theoretical results on g-coherence. In particular, we use solutions of a finite sequence of linear systems.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2012

    Epistemic irrelevance in credal nets: the case of imprecise Markov trees

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    We focus on credal nets, which are graphical models that generalise Bayesian nets to imprecise probability. We replace the notion of strong independence commonly used in credal nets with the weaker notion of epistemic irrelevance, which is arguably more suited for a behavioural theory of probability. Focusing on directed trees, we show how to combine the given local uncertainty models in the nodes of the graph into a global model, and we use this to construct and justify an exact message-passing algorithm that computes updated beliefs for a variable in the tree. The algorithm, which is linear in the number of nodes, is formulated entirely in terms of coherent lower previsions, and is shown to satisfy a number of rationality requirements. We supply examples of the algorithm's operation, and report an application to on-line character recognition that illustrates the advantages of our approach for prediction. We comment on the perspectives, opened by the availability, for the first time, of a truly efficient algorithm based on epistemic irrelevance.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Coherent frequentism

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    By representing the range of fair betting odds according to a pair of confidence set estimators, dual probability measures on parameter space called frequentist posteriors secure the coherence of subjective inference without any prior distribution. The closure of the set of expected losses corresponding to the dual frequentist posteriors constrains decisions without arbitrarily forcing optimization under all circumstances. This decision theory reduces to those that maximize expected utility when the pair of frequentist posteriors is induced by an exact or approximate confidence set estimator or when an automatic reduction rule is applied to the pair. In such cases, the resulting frequentist posterior is coherent in the sense that, as a probability distribution of the parameter of interest, it satisfies the axioms of the decision-theoretic and logic-theoretic systems typically cited in support of the Bayesian posterior. Unlike the p-value, the confidence level of an interval hypothesis derived from such a measure is suitable as an estimator of the indicator of hypothesis truth since it converges in sample-space probability to 1 if the hypothesis is true or to 0 otherwise under general conditions.Comment: The confidence-measure theory of inference and decision is explicitly extended to vector parameters of interest. The derivation of upper and lower confidence levels from valid and nonconservative set estimators is formalize