3 research outputs found

    Approximate Analysis Of Multiqueue Systems With Multiple Cyclic Servers

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    In this paper we consider an approximate model of a system of multiple queues served cyclically by a number of identical servers, which is an extension of the Kuehn model for the single server multiqueueing system. The arrival process of customers is Poissonian, walking and service times are general, servers work in the repeated mode, and they serve at most one customer per visit at a queue (node) in a cycle. Applications in the performance evaluation of the existent network of processors of the Brazilian switching system TRÓPICO are considered. The approximation is validated by means of computer simulations. © 1994.204391412Cooper, Murray, Queues Served in Cyclic Order (1969) Bell System Technical Journal, pp. 675-689Cooper, Queues Served in Cyclic Order: Waiting Times (1970) Bell System Technical Journal, pp. 399-413Hashida, Ohara, Line accomodation capacity of a communication control unit (1972) Rev. Electr. Comm. Lab., 20, pp. 231-239Kuehn, Multiqueue systems with nonexhaustive cyclic service (1979) Bell System Techn. J., 58, pp. 671-698Ferguson, Aminetzah, Exact results for nonsymmetric token ring systems (1985) IEEE Trans. Comm., 33, pp. 223-231Fuhrmann, Cooper, Application of decomposition principle in M/G/1 vacation model to two continuum cyclic queueing models — especially token-ring LANs (1985) AT&T Techn. J., 64, pp. 1091-1099Takagi, Mean message waiting times in symmetric multi-queue systems with cyclic service (1985) Performance Evaluation, 5, pp. 271-277Raith, Tran-Gia, Performance analysis of polling mechanisms with receiver blocking (1986) ICCC 1986, pp. 577-583. , P. Kuehn, Elsevier, AmsterdamEveritt, Simple approximations for token rings (1986) IEEE Trans. Comm., 34, pp. 719-721Takagi, Analysis and applications of a multiqueue cyclic service system with feedback (1987) IEEE Trans. Comm., 35, pp. 248-250Tran-Gia, Raith, Performance analysis of finite capacity polling systems with nonexhaustive service (1988) Performance Evaluation, 9, pp. 1-16Ibe, Cheng, Approximate analysis of asymmetric single-service token-passing systems (1989) IEEE Trans. Comm., 37, pp. 572-577Everitt, A note on the pseudoconservation laws for cyclic service systems with limited service disciplines (1989) IEEE Trans. Comm., 37, pp. 781-783de Moraes, Comments on “Analysis and applications of a multiqueue cyclic service system with feedback” (1990) IEEE Trans. Comm., 38, pp. 148-149Morris, Wang, Some results for multiqueue systems with multiple cyclic servers (1984) Performance of Computer-Communication Systems, pp. 245-258. , H. Rudin, W. Bux, North-Holland, AmsterdamRaith, Performance analysis of multibus interconnection networks in distributed systems (1985) Teletraffic Issues in an Advanced Information Society, pp. 662-668. , Minoru Akiyama, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (ITC 11)Kamal, Hamacher, Approximate analysis of non-exhaustive multi-server polling systems with applications to local area networks (1989) Comput. Networks ISDN Systems, 17, pp. 15-27Marsan, de Moraes, Donatelli, Neri, Analysis of symmetric nonexhaustive polling with multiple servers (1990) Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, , San Francisco, USAMarsan, Donatelli, Neri, GSPN models of Markovian multiserver multiqueue systems (1990) Performance Evaluation, 11, pp. 227-240Bhuyan, Ghosal, Yang, Approximate analysis of single and multiple ring networks (1989) IEEE Trans. Comput., 38, pp. 1027-1040Kuehn, Approximate analysis of general queueing networks by decomposition (1979) IEEE Trans. Comm., 27, pp. 113-126Whitt, Approximating a point process by a renewal process, I: Two basic methods (1982) Oper. Res., 30, pp. 125-147Birtwistle, Dahl, Myhrhaug, Nygaard, (1973) Simula Begin, , Auerbach, PhiladelphiaLaw, Statistical analysis of simulation output data (1983) Oper. Res., 31, pp. 983-1029Lavelha, Análise de sistemas multifilas com múltiplos servidores cíclicos (in Portuguese, with English abstract) (1991) Ph.D. Thesis, , UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, BrasilLavelha, de Souza, do Val, Analysis of the interprocessor signalling structure in a distributed networks switching system (1993) ITC Regional Seminar: Teletraffic Challenges for Developing Countries, , Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazi