8 research outputs found

    An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Spectral Sparsification of Laplacian and SDDM Matrix Polynomials

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    For "large" class C\mathcal{C} of continuous probability density functions (p.d.f.), we demonstrate that for every w∈Cw\in\mathcal{C} there is mixture of discrete Binomial distributions (MDBD) with Tβ‰₯NΟ•w/Ξ΄T\geq N\sqrt{\phi_{w}/\delta} distinct Binomial distributions B(β‹…,N)B(\cdot,N) that Ξ΄\delta-approximates a discretized p.d.f. w^(i/N)β‰œw(i/N)/[βˆ‘β„“=0Nw(β„“/N)]\widehat{w}(i/N)\triangleq w(i/N)/[\sum_{\ell=0}^{N}w(\ell/N)] for all i∈[3:Nβˆ’3]i\in[3:N-3], where Ο•wβ‰₯max⁑x∈[0,1]∣w(x)∣\phi_{w}\geq\max_{x\in[0,1]}|w(x)|. Also, we give two efficient parallel algorithms to find such MDBD. Moreover, we propose a sequential algorithm that on input MDBD with N=2kN=2^k for k∈N+k\in\mathbb{N}_{+} that induces a discretized p.d.f. Ξ²\beta, B=Dβˆ’MB=D-M that is either Laplacian or SDDM matrix and parameter ϡ∈(0,1)\epsilon\in(0,1), outputs in O^(Ο΅βˆ’2m+Ο΅βˆ’4nT)\widehat{O}(\epsilon^{-2}m + \epsilon^{-4}nT) time a spectral sparsifier Dβˆ’M^Nβ‰ˆΟ΅Dβˆ’Dβˆ‘i=0NΞ²i(Dβˆ’1M)iD-\widehat{M}_{N} \approx_{\epsilon} D-D\sum_{i=0}^{N}\beta_{i}(D^{-1} M)^i of a matrix-polynomial, where O^(β‹…)\widehat{O}(\cdot) notation hides poly(log⁑n,log⁑N)\mathrm{poly}(\log n,\log N) factors. This improves the Cheng et al.'s [CCLPT15] algorithm whose run time is O^(Ο΅βˆ’2mN2+NT)\widehat{O}(\epsilon^{-2} m N^2 + NT). Furthermore, our algorithm is parallelizable and runs in work O^(Ο΅βˆ’2m+Ο΅βˆ’4nT)\widehat{O}(\epsilon^{-2}m + \epsilon^{-4}nT) and depth O(log⁑Nβ‹…poly(log⁑n)+log⁑T)O(\log N\cdot\mathrm{poly}(\log n)+\log T). Our main algorithmic contribution is to propose the first efficient parallel algorithm that on input continuous p.d.f. w∈Cw\in\mathcal{C}, matrix B=Dβˆ’MB=D-M as above, outputs a spectral sparsifier of matrix-polynomial whose coefficients approximate component-wise the discretized p.d.f. w^\widehat{w}. Our results yield the first efficient and parallel algorithm that runs in nearly linear work and poly-logarithmic depth and analyzes the long term behaviour of Markov chains in non-trivial settings. In addition, we strengthen the Spielman and Peng's [PS14] parallel SDD solver

    Solving Directed Laplacian Systems in Nearly-Linear Time through Sparse LU Factorizations

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    We show how to solve directed Laplacian systems in nearly-linear time. Given a linear system in an nΓ—nn \times n Eulerian directed Laplacian with mm nonzero entries, we show how to compute an Ο΅\epsilon-approximate solution in time O(mlog⁑O(1)(n)log⁑(1/Ο΅))O(m \log^{O(1)} (n) \log (1/\epsilon)). Through reductions from [Cohen et al. FOCS'16] , this gives the first nearly-linear time algorithms for computing Ο΅\epsilon-approximate solutions to row or column diagonally dominant linear systems (including arbitrary directed Laplacians) and computing Ο΅\epsilon-approximations to various properties of random walks on directed graphs, including stationary distributions, personalized PageRank vectors, hitting times, and escape probabilities. These bounds improve upon the recent almost-linear algorithms of [Cohen et al. STOC'17], which gave an algorithm to solve Eulerian Laplacian systems in time O((m+n2O(log⁑nlog⁑log⁑n))log⁑O(1)(nΟ΅βˆ’1))O((m+n2^{O(\sqrt{\log n \log \log n})})\log^{O(1)}(n \epsilon^{-1})). To achieve our results, we provide a structural result that we believe is of independent interest. We show that Laplacians of all strongly connected directed graphs have sparse approximate LU-factorizations. That is, for every such directed Laplacian L {\mathbf{L}}, there is a lower triangular matrix L\boldsymbol{\mathit{{\mathfrak{L}}}} and an upper triangular matrix U\boldsymbol{\mathit{{\mathfrak{U}}}}, each with at most O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) nonzero entries, such that their product LU\boldsymbol{\mathit{{\mathfrak{L}}}} \boldsymbol{\mathit{{\mathfrak{U}}}} spectrally approximates L {\mathbf{L}} in an appropriate norm. This claim can be viewed as an analogue of recent work on sparse Cholesky factorizations of Laplacians of undirected graphs. We show how to construct such factorizations in nearly-linear time and prove that, once constructed, they yield nearly-linear time algorithms for solving directed Laplacian systems.Comment: Appeared in FOCS 201

    Approximate Maximum Flow on Separable Undirected Graphs

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    We present faster algorithms for approximate maximum flow in undirected graphs with good separator structures, such as bounded genus, minor free, and geometric graphs. Given such a graph with n vertices, m edges along with a recursive √ n-vertex separator structure, our algorithm finds an 1βˆ’Ι› approximate maximum flow in time Γ•(m6/5poly(Ι›βˆ’1)), ignoring poly-logarithmic terms. Similar speedups are also achieved for separable graphs with larger size separators albeit with larger run times. These bounds also apply to image problems in two and three dimensions. Key to our algorithm is an intermediate problem that we term grouped L2 flow, which exists between maximum flows and electrical flows. Our algorithm also makes use of spectral vertex sparsifiers in order to remove vertices while preserving the energy dissipation of electrical flows. We also give faster spectral vertex sparsification algorithms on well separated graphs, which may be of independent interest

    Analysis and Maintenance of Graph Laplacians via Random Walks

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    Graph Laplacians arise in many natural and artificial contexts. They are linear systems associated with undirected graphs. They are equivalent to electric flows which is a fundamental physical concept by itself and is closely related to other physical models, e.g., the Abelian sandpile model. Many real-world problems can be modeled and solved via Laplacian linear systems, including semi-supervised learning, graph clustering, and graph embedding. More recently, better theoretical understandings of Laplacians led to dramatic improvements across graph algorithms. The applications include dynamic connectivity problem, graph sketching, and most recently combinatorial optimization. For example, a sequence of papers improved the runtime for maximum flow and minimum cost flow in many different settings. In this thesis, we present works that the analyze, maintain and utilize Laplacian linear systems in both static and dynamic settings by representing them as random walks. This combinatorial representation leads to better bounds for Abelian sandpile model on grids, the first data structures for dynamic vertex sparsifiers and dynamic Laplacian solvers, and network flows on planar as well as general graphs.Ph.D