1,317 research outputs found

    Evolutionary and structural aspects of Solanaceae RNases T2

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    Plant RNases T2 are involved in several physiological and developmental processes, including inorganic phosphate starvation, senescence, wounding, defense against pathogens, and the self-incompatibility system. Solanaceae RNases form three main clades, one composed exclusively of S-RNases and two that include S-like RNases. We identified several positively selected amino acids located in highly flexible regions of these molecules, mainly close to the B1 and B2 substrate-binding sites in S-like RNases and the hypervariable regions of S-RNases. These differences between S- and S-like RNases in the flexibility of amino acids in substrate-binding regions are essential to understand the RNA-binding process. For example, in the S-like RNase NT, two positively selected amino acid residues (Tyr156 and Asn134) are located at the most flexible sites on the molecular surface. RNase NT is induced in response to tobacco mosaic virus infection; these sites may thus be regions of interaction with pathogen proteins or viral RNA. Differential selective pressures acting on plant ribonucleases have increased amino acid variability and, consequently, structural differences within and among S-like RNases and S-RNases that seem to be essential for these proteins play different functions

    Bayesian machine learning methods for predicting protein-peptide interactions and detecting mosaic structures in DNA sequences alignments

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    Short well-defined domains known as peptide recognition modules (PRMs) regulate many important protein-protein interactions involved in the formation of macromolecular complexes and biochemical pathways. High-throughput experiments like yeast two-hybrid and phage display are expensive and intrinsically noisy, therefore it would be desirable to target informative interactions and pursue in silico approaches. We propose a probabilistic discriminative approach for predicting PRM-mediated protein-protein interactions from sequence data. The model suffered from over-fitting, so Laplacian regularisation was found to be important in achieving a reasonable generalisation performance. A hybrid approach yielded the best performance, where the binding site motifs were initialised with the predictions of a generative model. We also propose another discriminative model which can be applied to all sequences present in the organism at a significantly lower computational cost. This is due to its additional assumption that the underlying binding sites tend to be similar.It is difficult to distinguish between the binding site motifs of the PRM due to the small number of instances of each binding site motif. However, closely related species are expected to share similar binding sites, which would be expected to be highly conserved. We investigated rate variation along DNA sequence alignments, modelling confounding effects such as recombination. Traditional approaches to phylogenetic inference assume that a single phylogenetic tree can represent the relationships and divergences between the taxa. However, taxa sequences exhibit varying levels of conservation, e.g. due to regulatory elements and active binding sites, and certain bacteria and viruses undergo interspecific recombination. We propose a phylogenetic factorial hidden Markov model to infer recombination and rate variation. We examined the performance of our model and inference scheme on various synthetic alignments, and compared it to state of the art breakpoint models. We investigated three DNA sequence alignments: one of maize actin genes, one bacterial (Neisseria), and the other of HIV-1. Inference is carried out in the Bayesian framework, using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo

    Estructura genética de árboles forestales en regiones de alta biodiversidad a diferentes escalas espaciales

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de Genética, leída el 09-05-2014. Tesis formato europeo (Compendio de artículos)Depto. de Genética, Fisiología y MicrobiologíaFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEunpu

    Evolution and ecology of oak gall wasp communities

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    Carrier detection in the haemophilias

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    Migration, habitat choice and assortative mating in a Bombina hybrid zone

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