17 research outputs found

    On closed queueing networks with mixed preemptive resume priority servers.

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    This paper discusses a typical closed queueing network model in which multiple preemptive resume servers are present with different priority structures at each priority node. An algorithm is developed that is applicable for the three-node two-class model and results are compared to point estimates obtained from simulation. The algorithm is partly based on the Delay/MVA algorithm developed by Bondi and Chuang, because of the accuracy with which instant arrival queue lengths at fcfs servers are calculated. Results are also compared with results obtained from the Shadow Approximation.Networks;

    The MVA Priority Approximation

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    A Mean Value Analysis (MVA) approximation is presented for computing the average performance measures of closed-, open-, and mixed-type multiclass queuing networks containing Preemptive Resume (PR) and nonpreemptive Head-Of-Line (HOL) priority service centers. The approximation has essentially the same storage and computational requirements as MVA, thus allowing computationally efficient solutions of large priority queuing networks. The accuracy of the MVA approximation is systematically investigated and presented. It is shown that the approximation can compute the average performance measures of priority networks to within an accuracy of 5 percent for a large range of network parameter values. Accuracy of the method is shown to be superior to that of Sevcik's shadow approximation

    Scheduling for the tail: Robustness versus optimality

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    When scheduling to minimize the sojourn time tail, the goals of optimality and robustness are seemingly at odds. Over the last decade, results have emerged which show that scheduling disciplines that are near-optimal under light (exponential) tailed workload distributions do not perform well under heavy (power) tailed workload distributions, and vice-versa. Very recently, it has been shown that this conflict between optimality and robustness is fundamental, i.e., no policy that does not learn information about the workload can be optimal across both light-tailed and heavy-tailed workloads. In this paper we show that one can exploit very limited workload information (the system load) in order to design a scheduler that provides robust performance across heavy-tailed and light-tailed workloads

    Response time distribution in a tandem pair of queues with batch processing

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    Response time density is obtained in a tandem pair of Markovian queues with both batch arrivals and batch departures. The method uses conditional forward and reversed node sojourn times and derives the Laplace transform of the response time probability density function in the case that batch sizes are finite. The result is derived by a generating function method that takes into account that the path is not overtake-free in the sense that the tagged task being tracked is affected by later arrivals at the second queue. A novel aspect of the method is that a vector of generating functions is solved for, rather than a single scalar-valued function, which requires investigation of the singularities of a certain matrix. A recurrence formula is derived to obtain arbitrary moments of response time by differentiation of the Laplace transform at the origin, and these can be computed rapidly by iteration. Numerical results for the first four moments of response time are displayed for some sample networks that have product-form solutions for their equilibrium queue length probabilities, along with the densities themselves by numerical inversion of the Laplace transform. Corresponding approximations are also obtained for (non-product-form) pairs of “raw” batch-queues – with no special arrivals – and validated against regenerative simulation, which indicates good accuracy. The methods are appropriate for modeling bursty internet and cloud traffic and a possible role in energy-saving is considered

    Phase-Type Approximations for Wear Processes in A Semi-Markov Environment

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    The reliability of a single-unit system experiencing degradation (wear) due to the influence of a general, observable environment process is considered. In particular, the failure time distribution is evaluated using only observations of the unit\u27s current operating environment which is characterized as a finite semi-Markov process (SMP). In order to impose the Markov property, generally distributed environment state sojourn times are approximated as phase-type (PH) random variables using observations of state holding times and transition rates. The use of PH distributions facilitates the use of existing analytical results for reliability evaluation of units subject to an environment process that evolves as a continuous-time Markov chain. The procedure is illustrated through three numerical examples, and results are compared with those obtained via Monte Carlo simulation. The maximum absolute deviation in probability for failure time distributions was on the order of 0.004. The results of this thesis provide a novel approach to the reliability analysis of units operating in randomly evolving environments for which degradation or failure time observations are difficult or impossible to obtain

    Hybrid Stochastic Models for Remaining Lifetime Prognosis

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    The United States Air Force is developing its next generation aircraft and is seeking to reduce the risk of catastrophic failures, maintenance activities, and the logistics footprint while improving its sortie generation rate through a process called autonomic logistics. Vital to the successful implementation of this process is remaining lifetime prognosis of critical aircraft components. Complicating this problem is the absence of failure time information; however, sensors located on the aircraft are providing degradation measures. This research has provided a method to address at least a portion of this problem by uniting analytical lifetime distribution models with environment and/or degradation measures to obtain the remaining lifetime distribution

    Approximate analysis of queueing network models

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