362 research outputs found

    Approximation Algorithms for Multi-Criteria Traveling Salesman Problems

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    In multi-criteria optimization problems, several objective functions have to be optimized. Since the different objective functions are usually in conflict with each other, one cannot consider only one particular solution as the optimal solution. Instead, the aim is to compute a so-called Pareto curve of solutions. Since Pareto curves cannot be computed efficiently in general, we have to be content with approximations to them. We design a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm for multi-criteria g-metric STSP that computes (min{1 +g, 2g^2/(2g^2 -2g +1)} + eps)-approximate Pareto curves for all 1/2<=g<=1. In particular, we obtain a (2+eps)-approximation for multi-criteria metric STSP. We also present two randomized approximation algorithms for multi-criteria g-metric STSP that achieve approximation ratios of (2g^3 +2g^2)/(3g^2 -2g +1) + eps and (1 +g)/(1 +3g -4g^2) + eps, respectively. Moreover, we present randomized approximation algorithms for multi-criteria g-metric ATSP (ratio 1/2 + g^3/(1 -3g^2) + eps) for g < 1/sqrt(3)), STSP with weights 1 and 2 (ratio 4/3) and ATSP with weights 1 and 2 (ratio 3/2). To do this, we design randomized approximation schemes for multi-criteria cycle cover and graph factor problems.Comment: To appear in Algorithmica. A preliminary version has been presented at the 4th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA 2006

    Approximability of Capacitated Network Design

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    In the capacitated survivable network design problem (Cap- SNDP), we are given an undirected multi-graph where each edge has a capacity and a cost. The goal is to find a minimum cost subset of edges that satisfies a given set of pairwise minimum-cut requirements. Unlike its classical special case of SNDP when all capacities are unit, the approximability of Cap-SNDP is not well understood; even in very restricted settings no known algorithm achieves a o(m) approximation, where m is the number of edges in the graph. In this paper, we obtain several new results and insights into the approximability of Cap-SNDP. We give an O(log n) approximation for a special case of Cap-SNDP where the global minimum cut is required to be at least R, by rounding the natural cut-based LP relaxation strengthened with valid knapsackcover inequalities. We then show that as we move away from global connectivity, the single pair case (that is, when only one pair (s, t) has positive connectivity requirement) captures much of the difficulty of Cap-SNDP: even strengthened with KC inequalities, the LP has an Ω(n) integrality gap. Furthermore, in directed graphs, we show that single pair Cap-SNDP is 2log1−3 n-hard to approximate for any fixed constant δ \u3e 0. We also consider a variant of the Cap-SNDP in which multiple copies of an edge can be bought: we give an O(log k) approximation for this case, where k is the number of vertex pairs with non-zero connectivity requirement. This improves upon the previously known O(min{k, log Rmax})-approximation for this problem when the largest minimumcut requirement, namely Rmax, is large. On the other hand, we observe that the multiple copy version of Cap-SNDP is Ω(log log n)-hard to approximate even for the single-source version of the problem

    Complexity results and exact algorithms for robust knapsack problems.

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    This paper studies the robust knapsack problem, for which solutions are, up to a certain point, immune to data uncertainty. We complement the works found in the literature where uncertainty affects only the profits or only the weights of the items by studying the complexity and approximation of the general setting with uncertainty regarding both the profits and the weights, for three different objective functions. Furthermore, we develop a scenario-relaxation algorithm for solving the general problem and present computational results.Knapsack problem; Robustness; Scenario-relaxation algorithm; NP-hard; Approximation;