156,110 research outputs found

    Enabling Explainable Fusion in Deep Learning with Fuzzy Integral Neural Networks

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    Information fusion is an essential part of numerous engineering systems and biological functions, e.g., human cognition. Fusion occurs at many levels, ranging from the low-level combination of signals to the high-level aggregation of heterogeneous decision-making processes. While the last decade has witnessed an explosion of research in deep learning, fusion in neural networks has not observed the same revolution. Specifically, most neural fusion approaches are ad hoc, are not understood, are distributed versus localized, and/or explainability is low (if present at all). Herein, we prove that the fuzzy Choquet integral (ChI), a powerful nonlinear aggregation function, can be represented as a multi-layer network, referred to hereafter as ChIMP. We also put forth an improved ChIMP (iChIMP) that leads to a stochastic gradient descent-based optimization in light of the exponential number of ChI inequality constraints. An additional benefit of ChIMP/iChIMP is that it enables eXplainable AI (XAI). Synthetic validation experiments are provided and iChIMP is applied to the fusion of a set of heterogeneous architecture deep models in remote sensing. We show an improvement in model accuracy and our previously established XAI indices shed light on the quality of our data, model, and its decisions.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System

    MSMDFusion: Fusing LiDAR and Camera at Multiple Scales with Multi-Depth Seeds for 3D Object Detection

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    Fusing LiDAR and camera information is essential for achieving accurate and reliable 3D object detection in autonomous driving systems. However, this is challenging due to the difficulty of combining multi-granularity geometric and semantic features from two drastically different modalities. Recent approaches aim at exploring the semantic densities of camera features through lifting points in 2D camera images (referred to as seeds) into 3D space for fusion, and they can be roughly divided into 1) early fusion of raw points that aims at augmenting the 3D point cloud at the early input stage, and 2) late fusion of BEV (bird-eye view) maps that merges LiDAR and camera BEV features before the detection head. While both have their merits in enhancing the representation power of the combined features, this single-level fusion strategy is a suboptimal solution to the aforementioned challenge. Their major drawbacks are the inability to interact the multi-granularity semantic features from two distinct modalities sufficiently. To this end, we propose a novel framework that focuses on the multi-scale progressive interaction of the multi-granularity LiDAR and camera features. Our proposed method, abbreviated as MDMSFusion, achieves state-of-the-art results in 3D object detection, with 69.1 mAP and 71.8 NDS on nuScenes validation set, and 70.8 mAP and 73.2 NDS on nuScenes test set, which rank 1st and 2nd respectively among single-model non-ensemble approaches by the time of submission

    Multi-Modal Trip Hazard Affordance Detection On Construction Sites

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    Trip hazards are a significant contributor to accidents on construction and manufacturing sites, where over a third of Australian workplace injuries occur [1]. Current safety inspections are labour intensive and limited by human fallibility,making automation of trip hazard detection appealing from both a safety and economic perspective. Trip hazards present an interesting challenge to modern learning techniques because they are defined as much by affordance as by object type; for example wires on a table are not a trip hazard, but can be if lying on the ground. To address these challenges, we conduct a comprehensive investigation into the performance characteristics of 11 different colour and depth fusion approaches, including 4 fusion and one non fusion approach; using colour and two types of depth images. Trained and tested on over 600 labelled trip hazards over 4 floors and 2000m2\mathrm{^{2}} in an active construction site,this approach was able to differentiate between identical objects in different physical configurations (see Figure 1). Outperforming a colour-only detector, our multi-modal trip detector fuses colour and depth information to achieve a 4% absolute improvement in F1-score. These investigative results and the extensive publicly available dataset moves us one step closer to assistive or fully automated safety inspection systems on construction sites.Comment: 9 Pages, 12 Figures, 2 Tables, Accepted to Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    Learning to Rank Academic Experts in the DBLP Dataset

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    Expert finding is an information retrieval task that is concerned with the search for the most knowledgeable people with respect to a specific topic, and the search is based on documents that describe people's activities. The task involves taking a user query as input and returning a list of people who are sorted by their level of expertise with respect to the user query. Despite recent interest in the area, the current state-of-the-art techniques lack in principled approaches for optimally combining different sources of evidence. This article proposes two frameworks for combining multiple estimators of expertise. These estimators are derived from textual contents, from graph-structure of the citation patterns for the community of experts, and from profile information about the experts. More specifically, this article explores the use of supervised learning to rank methods, as well as rank aggregation approaches, for combing all of the estimators of expertise. Several supervised learning algorithms, which are representative of the pointwise, pairwise and listwise approaches, were tested, and various state-of-the-art data fusion techniques were also explored for the rank aggregation framework. Experiments that were performed on a dataset of academic publications from the Computer Science domain attest the adequacy of the proposed approaches.Comment: Expert Systems, 2013. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1302.041

    Biometric presentation attack detection: beyond the visible spectrum

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    The increased need for unattended authentication in multiple scenarios has motivated a wide deployment of biometric systems in the last few years. This has in turn led to the disclosure of security concerns specifically related to biometric systems. Among them, presentation attacks (PAs, i.e., attempts to log into the system with a fake biometric characteristic or presentation attack instrument) pose a severe threat to the security of the system: any person could eventually fabricate or order a gummy finger or face mask to impersonate someone else. In this context, we present a novel fingerprint presentation attack detection (PAD) scheme based on i) a new capture device able to acquire images within the short wave infrared (SWIR) spectrum, and i i) an in-depth analysis of several state-of-theart techniques based on both handcrafted and deep learning features. The approach is evaluated on a database comprising over 4700 samples, stemming from 562 different subjects and 35 different presentation attack instrument (PAI) species. The results show the soundness of the proposed approach with a detection equal error rate (D-EER) as low as 1.35% even in a realistic scenario where five different PAI species are considered only for testing purposes (i.e., unknown attacks

    LIDAR-Camera Fusion for Road Detection Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks

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    In this work, a deep learning approach has been developed to carry out road detection by fusing LIDAR point clouds and camera images. An unstructured and sparse point cloud is first projected onto the camera image plane and then upsampled to obtain a set of dense 2D images encoding spatial information. Several fully convolutional neural networks (FCNs) are then trained to carry out road detection, either by using data from a single sensor, or by using three fusion strategies: early, late, and the newly proposed cross fusion. Whereas in the former two fusion approaches, the integration of multimodal information is carried out at a predefined depth level, the cross fusion FCN is designed to directly learn from data where to integrate information; this is accomplished by using trainable cross connections between the LIDAR and the camera processing branches. To further highlight the benefits of using a multimodal system for road detection, a data set consisting of visually challenging scenes was extracted from driving sequences of the KITTI raw data set. It was then demonstrated that, as expected, a purely camera-based FCN severely underperforms on this data set. A multimodal system, on the other hand, is still able to provide high accuracy. Finally, the proposed cross fusion FCN was evaluated on the KITTI road benchmark where it achieved excellent performance, with a MaxF score of 96.03%, ranking it among the top-performing approaches
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