586 research outputs found

    Stability and synchronization of discrete-time Markovian jumping neural networks with mixed mode-dependent time delays

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    Copyright [2009] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.In this paper, we introduce a new class of discrete-time neural networks (DNNs) with Markovian jumping parameters as well as mode-dependent mixed time delays (both discrete and distributed time delays). Specifically, the parameters of the DNNs are subject to the switching from one to another at different times according to a Markov chain, and the mixed time delays consist of both discrete and distributed delays that are dependent on the Markovian jumping mode. We first deal with the stability analysis problem of the addressed neural networks. A special inequality is developed to account for the mixed time delays in the discrete-time setting, and a novel Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional is put forward to reflect the mode-dependent time delays. Sufficient conditions are established in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) that guarantee the stochastic stability. We then turn to the synchronization problem among an array of identical coupled Markovian jumping neural networks with mixed mode-dependent time delays. By utilizing the Lyapunov stability theory and the Kronecker product, it is shown that the addressed synchronization problem is solvable if several LMIs are feasible. Hence, different from the commonly used matrix norm theories (such as the M-matrix method), a unified LMI approach is developed to solve the stability analysis and synchronization problems of the class of neural networks under investigation, where the LMIs can be easily solved by using the available Matlab LMI toolbox. Two numerical examples are presented to illustrate the usefulness and effectiveness of the main results obtained

    Tree Echo State Networks

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    In this paper we present the Tree Echo State Network (TreeESN) model, generalizing the paradigm of Reservoir Computing to tree structured data. TreeESNs exploit an untrained generalized recursive reservoir, exhibiting extreme efficiency for learning in structured domains. In addition, we highlight through the paper other characteristics of the approach: First, we discuss the Markovian characterization of reservoir dynamics, extended to the case of tree domains, that is implied by the contractive setting of the TreeESN state transition function. Second, we study two types of state mapping functions to map the tree structured state of TreeESN into a fixed-size feature representation for classification or regression tasks. The critical role of the relation between the choice of the state mapping function and the Markovian characterization of the task is analyzed and experimentally investigated on both artificial and real-world tasks. Finally, experimental results on benchmark and real-world tasks show that the TreeESN approach, in spite of its efficiency, can achieve comparable results with state-of-the-art, although more complex, neural and kernel based models for tree structured data

    State estimation for discrete-time neural networks with Markov-mode-dependent lower and upper bounds on the distributed delays

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    Copyright @ 2012 Springer VerlagThis paper is concerned with the state estimation problem for a new class of discrete-time neural networks with Markovian jumping parameters and mixed time-delays. The parameters of the neural networks under consideration switch over time subject to a Markov chain. The networks involve both the discrete-time-varying delay and the mode-dependent distributed time-delay characterized by the upper and lower boundaries dependent on the Markov chain. By constructing novel Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, sufficient conditions are firstly established to guarantee the exponential stability in mean square for the addressed discrete-time neural networks with Markovian jumping parameters and mixed time-delays. Then, the state estimation problem is coped with for the same neural network where the goal is to design a desired state estimator such that the estimation error approaches zero exponentially in mean square. The derived conditions for both the stability and the existence of desired estimators are expressed in the form of matrix inequalities that can be solved by the semi-definite programme method. A numerical simulation example is exploited to demonstrate the usefulness of the main results obtained.This work was supported in part by the Royal Society of the U.K., the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 60774073 and 61074129, and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant BK2010313

    Deep Randomized Neural Networks

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    Randomized Neural Networks explore the behavior of neural systems where the majority of connections are fixed, either in a stochastic or a deterministic fashion. Typical examples of such systems consist of multi-layered neural network architectures where the connections to the hidden layer(s) are left untrained after initialization. Limiting the training algorithms to operate on a reduced set of weights inherently characterizes the class of Randomized Neural Networks with a number of intriguing features. Among them, the extreme efficiency of the resulting learning processes is undoubtedly a striking advantage with respect to fully trained architectures. Besides, despite the involved simplifications, randomized neural systems possess remarkable properties both in practice, achieving state-of-the-art results in multiple domains, and theoretically, allowing to analyze intrinsic properties of neural architectures (e.g. before training of the hidden layers' connections). In recent years, the study of Randomized Neural Networks has been extended towards deep architectures, opening new research directions to the design of effective yet extremely efficient deep learning models in vectorial as well as in more complex data domains. This chapter surveys all the major aspects regarding the design and analysis of Randomized Neural Networks, and some of the key results with respect to their approximation capabilities. In particular, we first introduce the fundamentals of randomized neural models in the context of feed-forward networks (i.e., Random Vector Functional Link and equivalent models) and convolutional filters, before moving to the case of recurrent systems (i.e., Reservoir Computing networks). For both, we focus specifically on recent results in the domain of deep randomized systems, and (for recurrent models) their application to structured domains

    Deep Randomized Neural Networks

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    Randomized Neural Networks explore the behavior of neural systems where the majority of connections are fixed, either in a stochastic or a deterministic fashion. Typical examples of such systems consist of multi-layered neural network architectures where the connections to the hidden layer(s) are left untrained after initialization. Limiting the training algorithms to operate on a reduced set of weights inherently characterizes the class of Randomized Neural Networks with a number of intriguing features. Among them, the extreme efficiency of the resulting learning processes is undoubtedly a striking advantage with respect to fully trained architectures. Besides, despite the involved simplifications, randomized neural systems possess remarkable properties both in practice, achieving state-of-the-art results in multiple domains, and theoretically, allowing to analyze intrinsic properties of neural architectures (e.g. before training of the hidden layers’ connections). In recent years, the study of Randomized Neural Networks has been extended towards deep architectures, opening new research directions to the design of effective yet extremely efficient deep learning models in vectorial as well as in more complex data domains. This chapter surveys all the major aspects regarding the design and analysis of Randomized Neural Networks, and some of the key results with respect to their approximation capabilities. In particular, we first introduce the fundamentals of randomized neural models in the context of feed-forward networks (i.e., Random Vector Functional Link and equivalent models) and convolutional filters, before moving to the case of recurrent systems (i.e., Reservoir Computing networks). For both, we focus specifically on recent results in the domain of deep randomized systems, and (for recurrent models) their application to structured domains

    Synchronization of coupled neutral-type neural networks with jumping-mode-dependent discrete and unbounded distributed delays

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the links below - Copyright @ 2013 IEEE.In this paper, the synchronization problem is studied for an array of N identical delayed neutral-type neural networks with Markovian jumping parameters. The coupled networks involve both the mode-dependent discrete-time delays and the mode-dependent unbounded distributed time delays. All the network parameters including the coupling matrix are also dependent on the Markovian jumping mode. By introducing novel Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals and using some analytical techniques, sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee that the coupled networks are asymptotically synchronized in mean square. The derived sufficient conditions are closely related with the discrete-time delays, the distributed time delays, the mode transition probability, and the coupling structure of the networks. The obtained criteria are given in terms of matrix inequalities that can be efficiently solved by employing the semidefinite program method. Numerical simulations are presented to further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.This work was supported in part by the Royal Society of the U.K., the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61074129, 61174136 and 61134009, and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grants BK2010313 and BK2011598

    Reservoir Computing for Learning in Structured Domains

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    The study of learning models for direct processing complex data structures has gained an increasing interest within the Machine Learning (ML) community during the last decades. In this concern, efficiency, effectiveness and adaptivity of the ML models on large classes of data structures represent challenging and open research issues. The paradigm under consideration is Reservoir Computing (RC), a novel and extremely efficient methodology for modeling Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for adaptive sequence processing. RC comprises a number of different neural models, among which the Echo State Network (ESN) probably represents the most popular, used and studied one. Another research area of interest is represented by Recursive Neural Networks (RecNNs), constituting a class of neural network models recently proposed for dealing with hierarchical data structures directly. In this thesis the RC paradigm is investigated and suitably generalized in order to approach the problems arising from learning in structured domains. The research studies described in this thesis cover classes of data structures characterized by increasing complexity, from sequences, to trees and graphs structures. Accordingly, the research focus goes progressively from the analysis of standard ESNs for sequence processing, to the development of new models for trees and graphs structured domains. The analysis of ESNs for sequence processing addresses the interesting problem of identifying and characterizing the relevant factors which influence the reservoir dynamics and the ESN performance. Promising applications of ESNs in the emerging field of Ambient Assisted Living are also presented and discussed. Moving towards highly structured data representations, the ESN model is extended to deal with complex structures directly, resulting in the proposed TreeESN, which is suitable for domains comprising hierarchical structures, and Graph-ESN, which generalizes the approach to a large class of cyclic/acyclic directed/undirected labeled graphs. TreeESNs and GraphESNs represent both novel RC models for structured data and extremely efficient approaches for modeling RecNNs, eventually contributing to the definition of an RC framework for learning in structured domains. The problem of adaptively exploiting the state space in GraphESNs is also investigated, with specific regard to tasks in which input graphs are required to be mapped into flat vectorial outputs, resulting in the GraphESN-wnn and GraphESN-NG models. As a further point, the generalization performance of the proposed models is evaluated considering both artificial and complex real-world tasks from different application domains, including Chemistry, Toxicology and Document Processing