18 research outputs found

    Understanding the Effect of Animation and its Speed on User Enjoyment

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    abstract: Providing the user with good user experience is complex and involves multiple factors. One of the factors that can impact the user experience is animation. Animation can be tricky to get right and needs to be understood by designers. Animations that are too fast might not accomplish anything and having them too slow could slow the user down causing them to get frustrated. This study explores the subject of animation and its speed by trying to answer the following questions – 1) Do people notice whether an animation is present 2) Does animation affect the enjoyment of a transition? and 3) If animation does affect enjoyment, what is the effect of different animation speeds? The study was conducted using 3 prototypes of an application to order bottled water in which the transitions between different brands of bottled water were animated at 0ms, 300ms and 650ms. A survey was conducted to see if the participants were able to spot any difference between the prototypes and if they did, which one they preferred. It was found that most people did not recognize any difference between the prototypes. Even people who recognized a difference between the prototypes did not have any preference of speed.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Human Systems Engineering 201

    Comprendre et Concevoir les Animations dans le Contexte des Interfaces Graphiques

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    International audienceAnimations are increasingly used in interactive systems in order to enhance the usability and aesthetics of user interfaces. While animations are proven to be useful in many cases, we still find defective animations causing many problems, such as distracting users from their main task or making data exploration slower. The fact that such animations still exist proves that animations are not yet very well understood as a cognitive aid for understanding interfaces, and that we did not definitely decide what makes a well designed animation. This thesis aims at better understanding the different aspects of animations for user interfaces and exploring new methods and guidelines for designing them, with a main focus on the field of information visualization. As a first investigation, we elaborated a taxonomy of the roles of animations in the gra-phical interfaces. In the context of dynamic information visua-lizations, we are currently working on a model of animated transitions. We are also exploring certain aspects of the visual grouping for these transitions. Moreover, we are studying the impact of temporal structuring of animated transitions on the interpretation of data. Our future investigations will aim essentially at the design of a sketch-based tool for prototyping and authoring animated transitions of dynamic data.Les animations sont de plus en plus utilisées dans les systèmes interactifs dans un but d'améliorer l'utilisabilité et l'esthétique de l'interface utilisateur. Si les animations se révèlent très utiles dans de nombreux cas, on trouve également des anima-tions causant de multiples problèmes, tels que la distraction des utilisateurs de leur tâche principale ou encore le ralen-tissement de l'exploration des données. Le fait que de telles animations subsistent encore prouve que les animations ne sont pas encore bien assimilées comme une aide cognitive à la compréhension des interfaces, et que l'on n'a pas décisivement défini ce qui constitue une animation bien conçue. Le but de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre les différents aspects des animations pour les interfaces et d'explorer de nou-velles méthodes pour les concevoir, en focalisant une grande partie de nos travaux autour du domaine de la visualisation d'information. Comme première investigation, nous avons élaboré une taxonomie des rôles des animations dans les interfaces graphiques. Dans le contexte des visualisations dy-namiques d'information, nous travaillons actuellement sur un modèle des transitions animées. Nous explorons également certains aspects du groupement visuel pour ces transitions. En outre, nous étudions l'effet de la structuration temporelle des transitions animées sur l'interprétation des données. Nos futures investigations viseront essentiellement la conception d'un outil de prototypage et de création de transitions animées pour des données dynamiques basé sur le dessin

    Effective visualisation of design versions : visual storytelling for design reuse

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    Improving and supporting the process of design knowledge reuse can increase productivity, improve the quality of designs and lead to corporate competitive advantage. Whereas internal knowledge reuse (reusing knowledge from one’s personal memory or experiences) is very effective, external knowledge reuse (reusing knowledge from an external digital or paper archive) often fails. This paper studies the value of the storytelling paradigm in supporting reuse from an external repository. Based on a formalisation of the internal reuse process from ethnographic studies, a prototype system, CoMem (Corporate Memory) is presented, which supports the reuse process, specifically the steps of finding and understanding reusable items. This paper focuses on the ability of designers to understand designs that are found in corporate repositories. It is argued that in order to understand and reuse a found design, the designer needs to see the evolution of that design during the original design process. An Evolution History Explorer module of the CoMem system is presented that uses a storytelling metaphor and lays out versions visually side-by-side. A formal user evaluation of CoMem supports the hypotheses that (1) exploring the evolution of a design improves the reuse process, and (2) that visual storytelling is an effective paradigm for supporting that exploration

    Improvements To A Digital Music Stand

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    After more than 10 years since the concept of digital music stand was first seriously designed, the research area in the field of digital music stand have somewhat matured. However, there are still improvements that can be done. One of the most useful aspects of a digital music stand is its ability to perform page turns silently to aid musicians in reading music during music performance. We found out, in this investigation, that using animation for page turning is more efficient in aiding musicians than the current page turning techniques: the half-page preview technique. We also present three multi-paged view page turning animations: OneStep, SimultaneousStep and MultiStep animations which further expand the capability of digital music stand to meets musicians’ needs in having multiple page view during performance. We found out that test participants prefer SimultaneousStep the most. Finally, we discuss on how our evaluation needs can be improved and what kind of other improvements that can be done on digital music stands

    The Effect of Interface Animations on the Usability of Accommodation Booking Applications

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    Animatsioonide kasutamine kasutajaliidese disainis kogub aina rohkem populaarsust. Kasutajaliidese animatsioonide mõju veebilehtede kasutajamugavusele on küll palju uuritud, kuid mõju mobiilirakendustele on teadmata. Selle bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on uurida kasutajaliidese animatsioonide mõju majusutasutuste broneerimise mobiilirakenduste kasutajamugavusele. Antud töö käigus uuritakse nii üldist kasutajamugavust kui ka tõhusust ja mõjusust.The usage of animations in interface design is gaining more and more popularity. While the effect of interface animation on the usability of web sites is relatively studied, there is a significant gap in researching the effect of animation on the usability of mobile applications. The purpose of this thesis is to study the effect of animation on usability in accommodation booking applications. It investigates the general usability as well as two usability´s performance metrics effectiveness and efficiency separately

    Interfaccia utente del protocollo Authenticode: analisi dell’efficacia dell’interazione uomo-macchina

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    Scopo del lavoro di tesi è la valutazione dell’influenza dei parametri grafici dell’interfaccia del protocollo Authenticode (ossia la finestra ‘Avviso di protezione’) sull’utente durante la navigazione. Inoltre ci siamo proposti di individuare una metodologia opportuna per costruire esperimenti nell’ambito della human- computer interaction in grado di misurare l’usabilità di interfacce grafiche. Per il nostro esperimento abbiamo analizzato la finestra ‘Avviso di protezione’, elemento grafico del protocollo Authenticode, individuandone i principali componenti: l’immagine sulla finestra, il nome della società che propone il software e il tipo di layout del testo e abbiamo valutato l’influenza del genere delle pagine web e del tempo a disposizione sulla scelta dell’utente. I risultati delle analisi hanno dimostrato che la finestra ‘Avviso di protezione’ presenta un layout inefficace sul piano dell’usablità impedendo all’utente di individuare facilmente le informazioni contenute in essa e necessarie per proseguire nella navigazione. In particolare: l’immagine presente nella finestra non riesce ad aumentare in alcun modo l’attenzione dell’utente mentre il nome del produttore e il tipo di layout del testo hanno una grossa influenza sulle scelte dell’utente. Inoltre l’utente, avendo difficoltà nel reperire le informazioni necessarie per la conduzione della navigazione, si lascia guidare da fattori esterni il più importante dei quali è il genere di pagina web che propone il download

    Interfaccia utente del protocollo Authenticode: analisi dell’efficacia dell’interazione uomo-macchina

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    Scopo del lavoro di tesi è la valutazione dell’influenza dei parametri grafici dell’interfaccia del protocollo Authenticode (ossia la finestra ‘Avviso di protezione’) sull’utente durante la navigazione. Inoltre ci siamo proposti di individuare una metodologia opportuna per costruire esperimenti nell’ambito della human- computer interaction in grado di misurare l’usabilità di interfacce grafiche. Per il nostro esperimento abbiamo analizzato la finestra ‘Avviso di protezione’, elemento grafico del protocollo Authenticode, individuandone i principali componenti: l’immagine sulla finestra, il nome della società che propone il software e il tipo di layout del testo e abbiamo valutato l’influenza del genere delle pagine web e del tempo a disposizione sulla scelta dell’utente. I risultati delle analisi hanno dimostrato che la finestra ‘Avviso di protezione’ presenta un layout inefficace sul piano dell’usablità impedendo all’utente di individuare facilmente le informazioni contenute in essa e necessarie per proseguire nella navigazione. In particolare: l’immagine presente nella finestra non riesce ad aumentare in alcun modo l’attenzione dell’utente mentre il nome del produttore e il tipo di layout del testo hanno una grossa influenza sulle scelte dell’utente. Inoltre l’utente, avendo difficoltà nel reperire le informazioni necessarie per la conduzione della navigazione, si lascia guidare da fattori esterni il più importante dei quali è il genere di pagina web che propone il download

    Animated transitions for empowering interactive information systems

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