122 research outputs found

    Security and management policy specification

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    Flow analysis based on role and pattern matching

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    Flow analysis has always been a great concern for a network system. An attacker can gain important information through several ways by monitoring the frequency and timing of network packets or by impersonating another user through remote access. Access to a network system based on single-factor authentication is nothing but monitoring the perimeter around the network leaving a company\u27s a network wide open for the inside threat. There is a necessity to develop a classic network to reduce or eliminate threats within the organization. This thesis will analyze the flows to inspect every activity performed within the network in order for the untrusted flows to earn their way in becoming trusted flows based on notion of flow activity matching a specified pattern affiliated with the role

    Context-Based Access for Infrequent Requests in Tanzania\u27s Health Care System

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    Access control is an important aspect of any information system. It is a way of ensuring that users can only access what they are authorised to and no more. This can be achieved by granting users access to resources based on pre-defined organisational and legislative rules. Although access control has been extensively studied, and as a result, a wide range of access control models, mechanisms and systems have been proposed, specific access control requirements for healthcare systems that needs to support the continuity of care in an accountable manner have not been addressed. This results in a gap between what is required by the application domain and what is actually practised, and thus access control solutions implemented for the domain become too restrictive. The continuity of care is defined as the delivery of seamless health care services to patients through integration, coordination and sharing of information between providers. This thesis, therefore, designs a context-based access control model that allows healthcare professionals to bypass access rules in an accountable manner in case of an infrequent access request involving an emergency situation. This research uses the Tanzania\u27s healthcare system as a case study domain

    Access Control Administration with Adjustable Decentralization

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    Access control is a key function of enterprises that preserve and propagate massive data. Access control enforcement and administration are two major components of the system. On one hand, enterprises are responsible for data security; thus, consistent and reliable access control enforcement is necessary although the data may be distributed. On the other hand, data often belongs to several organizational units with various access control policies and many users; therefore, decentralized administration is needed to accommodate diverse access control needs and to avoid the central bottleneck. Yet, the required degree of decentralization varies within different organizations: some organizations may require a powerful administrator in the system; whereas, some others may prefer a self-governing setting in which no central administrator exists, but users fully manage their own data. Hence, a single system with adjustable decentralization will be useful for supporting various (de)centralized models within the spectrum of access control administration. Giving individual users the ability to delegate or grant privileges is a means of decentralizing access control administration. Revocation of arbitrary privileges is a means of retaining control over data. To provide flexible administration, the ability to delegate a specific privilege and the ability to revoke it should be held independently of each other and independently of the privilege itself. Moreover, supporting arbitrary user and data hierarchies, fine-grained access control, and protection of both data (end objects) and metadata (access control data) with a single uniform model will provide the most widely deployable access control system. Conflict resolution is a major aspect of access control administration in systems. Resolving access conflicts when deriving effective privileges from explicit ones is a challenging problem in the presence of both positive and negative privileges, sophisticated data hierarchies, and diversity of conflict resolution strategies. This thesis presents a uniform access control administration model with adjustable decentralization, to protect both data and metadata. There are several contributions in this work. First, we present a novel mechanism to constrain access control administration for each object type at object creation time, as a means of adjusting the degree of decentralization for the object when the system is configured. Second, by controlling the access control metadata with the same mechanism that controls the users’ data, privileges can be granted and revoked to the extent that these actions conform to the corporation’s access control policy. Thus, this model supports a whole spectrum of access control administration, in which each model is characterized as a network of access control states, similar to a finite state automaton. The model depends on a hierarchy of access banks of authorizations which is supported by a formal semantics. Within this framework, we also introduce the self-governance property in the context of access control, and show how the model facilitates it. In particular, using this model, we introduce a conflict-free and decentralized access control administration model in which all users are able to retain complete control over their own data while they are also able to delegate any subset of their privileges to other users or user groups. We also introduce two measures to compare any two access control models in terms of the degrees of decentralization and interpretation. Finally, as the conflict resolution component of access control models, we incorporate a unified algorithm to resolve access conflicts by simultaneously supporting several combined strategies

    Extended role-based access control model for enterprise systems and web services

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    This thesis intends to develop application-level access control models to address several major security issues in enterprise environments. The first goal is to provide simple and efficient authorization specifications to reduce the complexity of security management. The second goal is to provide dynamic access control for Web service applications. The third goal is to provide an access control framework for Semantic Web services. In this thesis, an Authorization-Function-Based Role-based Access Control (FB-RBAC) model is proposed for controlling enterprise systems at the application level. The unique features of the proposed model are authorization-function-based access control and constraint-based finegrained access control. This model significantly simplifies the management of an access control system by adopting roles and authorization-functions in authorization specifications. An extension of FB-RBAC, Extended FB-RBAC (ERBAC), is applied to Web service applications. New features such as credential-based access control and dynamic role assignment are added to FB-RBAC in order to address user heterogeneity and dynamicity in the Web environment. The proposed ERBAC model is then extended to support Semantic Web services. Each component of the ERBAC model is described by security ontologies. These correlated security ontologies are integrated with Semantic Web services to form a complete ontology network. Ontology-based role assignment is facilitated so that security information can be queries and discovered through a network of ontologies

    An Approach for Managing Access to Personal Information Using Ontology-Based Chains

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    The importance of electronic healthcare has caused numerous changes in both substantive and procedural aspects of healthcare processes. These changes have produced new challenges to patient privacy and information secrecy. Traditional privacy policies cannot respond to rapidly increased privacy needs of patients in electronic healthcare. Technically enforceable privacy policies are needed in order to protect patient privacy in modern healthcare with its cross organisational information sharing and decision making. This thesis proposes a personal information flow model that specifies a limited number of acts on this type of information. Ontology classified Chains of these acts can be used instead of the "intended/business purposes" used in privacy access control to seamlessly imbuing current healthcare applications and their supporting infrastructure with security and privacy functionality. In this thesis, we first introduce an integrated basic architecture, design principles, and implementation techniques for privacy-preserving data mining systems. We then discuss the key methods of privacypreserving data mining systems which include four main methods: Role based access control (RBAC), Hippocratic database, Chain method and eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML). We found out that the traditional methods suffer from two main problems: complexity of privacy policy design and the lack of context flexibility that is needed while working in critical situations such as the one we find in hospitals. We present and compare strategies for realising these methods. Theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation show that our new method can generate accurate data mining models and safe data access management while protecting the privacy of the data being mined. The experiments followed comparative kind of experiments, to show the ease of the design first and then follow real scenarios to show the context flexibility in saving personal information privacy of our investigated method

    Method-Specific Access Control in Java via Proxy Objects using Annotations

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    Partially restricting access to objects enables system designers to finely control the security of their systems. We propose a novel approach that allows granting partial access at method granularity on arbitrary objects to remote clients, using proxy objects. Our initial approach considers methods to be either safe (may be invoked by anyone) or unsafe (may be invoked only by trusted users). We next generalize this approach by supporting Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for methods in objects. In our approach, a policy implementer annotates methods, interfaces, and classes with roles. Our system automatically creates proxy objects for each role, which contain only methods to which that role is authorized. This thesis explains the method annotation process, the semantics of annotations, how we derive proxy objects based on annotations, and how clients invoke methods via proxy objects. We present the advantages to our approach, and distinguish it from existing approaches to method-granularity access control. We provide detailed semantics of our system, in First Order Logic, to describe its operation. We have implemented our system in the Java programming language and evaluated its performance and usability. Proxy objects have minimal overhead: creation of a proxy object takes an order of magnitude less time than retrieving a reference to a remote object. Deriving the interface---a one-time cost---is on the same order as retrieval. We present empirical evidence of the effectiveness of our approach by discussing its application to software projects that range from thousands to hundreds of thousands of lines of code; even large software projects can be annotated in less than a day

    Functionality-based application confinement: A parameterised and hierarchical approach to policy abstraction for rule-based application-oriented access controls

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    Access controls are traditionally designed to protect resources from users, and consequently make access decisions based on the identity of the user, treating all processes as if they are acting on behalf of the user that runs them. However, this user-oriented approach is insufficient at protecting against contemporary threats, where security compromises are often due to applications running malicious code, either due to software vulnerabilities or malware. Application-oriented access controls can mitigate this threat by managing the authority of individual applications. Rule-based application-oriented access controls can restrict applications to only allow access to the specific finely-grained resources required for them to carry out their tasks, and thus can significantly limit the damage that can be caused by malicious code. Unfortunately existing application-oriented access controls have policy complexity and usability problems that have limited their use. This thesis proposes a new access control model, known as functionality-based application confinement (FBAC). The FBAC model has a number of unique features designed to overcome problems with previous approaches. Policy abstractions, known as functionalities, are used to assign authority to applications based on the features they provide. Functionalities authorise elaborate sets of finely grained privileges based on high-level security goals, and adapt to the needs of specific applications through parameterisation. FBAC is hierarchical, which enables it to provide layers of abstraction and encapsulation in policy. It also simultaneously enforces the security goals of both users and administrators by providing discretionary and mandatory controls. An LSM-based (Linux security module) prototype implementation, known as FBAC-LSM, was developed as a proof-of-concept and was used to evaluate the new model and associated techniques. The policy requirements of over one hundred applications were analysed, and policy abstractions and application policies were developed. Analysis showed that the FBAC model is capable of representing the privilege needs of applications. The model is also well suited to automaiii tion techniques that can in many cases create complete application policies a priori, that is, without first running the applications. This is an improvement over previous approaches that typically rely on learning modes to generate policies. A usability study was conducted, which showed that compared to two widely-deployed alternatives (SELinux and AppArmor), FBAC-LSM had significantly higher perceived usability and resulted in significantly more protective policies. Qualitative analysis was performed and gave further insight into the issues surrounding the usability of application-oriented access controls, and confirmed the success of the FBAC model

    Semantic role-based access control

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    In this thesis we propose two semantic ontological role-based access control (RBAC) reasoning processes. These processes infer user authorisations according to a set of role permission and denial assignments, together with user role assignments. The first process, SO-RBAC (Semantic Ontological Role-Based Access Control) uses OWL-DL to store the ontology, and SWRL to perform reasoning. It is based mainly on RBAC models previously described using Prolog. This demonstrates the feasibility of writing an RBAC model in OWL and performing reasoning inside it, but is still tied closely to descriptive logic concepts, and does not effectively exploit OWL features such as the class hierarchy. To fully exploit the capabilities of OWL, it was necessary to enhance the SO-RBAC model by programming it in OWL-Full. The resulting OWL-Full model, ESO-RBAC (Enhanced Semantic Ontological Role-Based Access Control), uses Jena for performing reasoning, and allows an object-oriented definition of roles and of data items. The definitions of roles as classes, and users as members of classes representing roles, allows user-role assignments to be defined in a way that is natural to OWL. All information relevant to determining authorisations is stored in the ontology. The resulting RBAC model is more flexible than models based on predicate logic and relational database systems. There are three motivations for this research. First, we found that relational database systems do not implement all of the features of RBAC that we modelled in Prolog. Furthermore, implementations of RBAC in database management systems is always vendor-specific, so the user is dependent on a particular vendor's procedures when granting permissions and denials. Second, Prolog and relational database systems cannot naturally represent hierarchical data, which is the backbone of any semantic representation of RBAC models. An RBAC model should be able to infer user authorisations from a hierarchy of both roles and data types, that is, determine permission or denial from not just the type of role (which may include sub-roles), but also the type of data (which may include sub-types). Third, OWL reasoner-enabled ontologies allow us to describe and manipulate the semantics of RBAC differently, and consequently to address the previous two problems efficiently. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. First, we propose semantic ontological reasoning processes, which are domain and implementation independent, and can be run from any distributed computing environment. This can be developed through integrated development environments such as NetBeans and using OWL APIs. Second, we have pioneered a way of exploiting OWL and its reasoners for the purpose of defining and manipulating the semantics of RBAC. Therefore, we automatically infer OWL concepts according to a specific stage that we define in our proposed reasoning processes. OWL ontologies are not static vocabularies of terms and constraints that define the semantics of RBAC. They are repositories of concepts that allow ad-hoc inference, with the ultimate goal in RBAC of granting permissions and denials