12,279 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with the MAXQ Value Function Decomposition

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    This paper presents the MAXQ approach to hierarchical reinforcement learning based on decomposing the target Markov decision process (MDP) into a hierarchy of smaller MDPs and decomposing the value function of the target MDP into an additive combination of the value functions of the smaller MDPs. The paper defines the MAXQ hierarchy, proves formal results on its representational power, and establishes five conditions for the safe use of state abstractions. The paper presents an online model-free learning algorithm, MAXQ-Q, and proves that it converges wih probability 1 to a kind of locally-optimal policy known as a recursively optimal policy, even in the presence of the five kinds of state abstraction. The paper evaluates the MAXQ representation and MAXQ-Q through a series of experiments in three domains and shows experimentally that MAXQ-Q (with state abstractions) converges to a recursively optimal policy much faster than flat Q learning. The fact that MAXQ learns a representation of the value function has an important benefit: it makes it possible to compute and execute an improved, non-hierarchical policy via a procedure similar to the policy improvement step of policy iteration. The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of this non-hierarchical execution experimentally. Finally, the paper concludes with a comparison to related work and a discussion of the design tradeoffs in hierarchical reinforcement learning.Comment: 63 pages, 15 figure

    From Event-B models to Dafny code contracts

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    International audienceThe constructive approach to software correctness aims at formal modelling and verification of the structure and behaviour of a system in different levels of abstraction. In contrast, the analytical approach to software verification focuses on code level correctness and its verification. Therefore it would seem that the constructive and analytical approaches should complement each other well. To demonstrate this idea we present a case for linking two existing verification methods, Event-B (constructive) and Dafny (analytical). This approach combines the power of Event-B abstraction and its stepwise refinement with the verification capabilities of Dafny. We presented a small case study to demonstrate this approach and outline of the rules for transforming Event-B events to Dafny contracts. Finally, a tool for automatic generation of Dafny contracts from Event-B formal models is presented

    Lost in Abstraction: Monotonicity in Multi-Threaded Programs (Extended Technical Report)

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    Monotonicity in concurrent systems stipulates that, in any global state, extant system actions remain executable when new processes are added to the state. This concept is not only natural and common in multi-threaded software, but also useful: if every thread's memory is finite, monotonicity often guarantees the decidability of safety property verification even when the number of running threads is unknown. In this paper, we show that the act of obtaining finite-data thread abstractions for model checking can be at odds with monotonicity: Predicate-abstracting certain widely used monotone software results in non-monotone multi-threaded Boolean programs - the monotonicity is lost in the abstraction. As a result, well-established sound and complete safety checking algorithms become inapplicable; in fact, safety checking turns out to be undecidable for the obtained class of unbounded-thread Boolean programs. We demonstrate how the abstract programs can be modified into monotone ones, without affecting safety properties of the non-monotone abstraction. This significantly improves earlier approaches of enforcing monotonicity via overapproximations

    Applying XP Ideas Formally: The Story Card and Extreme X-Machines

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    By gathering requirements on story cards extreme programming (XP) makes requirements collection easy. However it is less clear how the story cards are translated into a �finished product. We propose that a formal specification method based on X-Machines can be used to direct this transition. Extreme X-Machines �t in to the XP method well, without large overheads in design and maintenance. We also investigate how such machines adapt to change in the story cards and propose how this could be further enhanced

    Estimating the feasibility of transition paths in extended finite state machines

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    There has been significant interest in automating testing on the basis of an extended finite state machine (EFSM) model of the required behaviour of the implementation under test (IUT). Many test criteria require that certain parts of the EFSM are executed. For example, we may want to execute every transition of the EFSM. In order to find a test suite (set of input sequences) that achieves this we might first derive a set of paths through the EFSM that satisfy the criterion using, for example, algorithms from graph theory. We then attempt to produce input sequences that trigger these paths. Unfortunately, however, the EFSM might have infeasible paths and the problem of determining whether a path is feasible is generally undecidable. This paper describes an approach in which a fitness function is used to estimate how easy it is to find an input sequence to trigger a given path through an EFSM. Such a fitness function could be used in a search-based approach in which we search for a path with good fitness that achieves a test objective, such as executing a particular transition, and then search for an input sequence that triggers the path. If this second search fails then we search for another path with good fitness and repeat the process. We give a computationally inexpensive approach (fitness function) that estimates the feasibility of a path. In order to evaluate this fitness function we compared the fitness of a path with the ease with which an input sequence can be produced using search to trigger the path and we used random sampling in order to estimate this. The empirical evidence suggests that a reasonably good correlation (0.72 and 0.62) exists between the fitness of a path, produced using the proposed fitness function, and an estimate of the ease with which we can randomly generate an input sequence to trigger the path

    A Logic for Non-Deterministic Parallel Abstract State Machines

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    We develop a logic which enables reasoning about single steps of non-deterministic parallel Abstract State Machines (ASMs). Our logic builds upon the unifying logic introduced by Nanchen and St\"ark for reasoning about hierarchical (parallel) ASMs. Our main contribution to this regard is the handling of non-determinism (both bounded and unbounded) within the logical formalism. Moreover, we do this without sacrificing the completeness of the logic for statements about single steps of non-deterministic parallel ASMs, such as invariants of rules, consistency conditions for rules, or step-by-step equivalence of rules.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1602.0748

    Abstraction and Learning for Infinite-State Compositional Verification

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    Despite many advances that enable the application of model checking techniques to the verification of large systems, the state-explosion problem remains the main challenge for scalability. Compositional verification addresses this challenge by decomposing the verification of a large system into the verification of its components. Recent techniques use learning-based approaches to automate compositional verification based on the assume-guarantee style reasoning. However, these techniques are only applicable to finite-state systems. In this work, we propose a new framework that interleaves abstraction and learning to perform automated compositional verification of infinite-state systems. We also discuss the role of learning and abstraction in the related context of interface generation for infinite-state components.Comment: In Proceedings Festschrift for Dave Schmidt, arXiv:1309.455

    Description and Optimization of Abstract Machines in a Dialect of Prolog

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    In order to achieve competitive performance, abstract machines for Prolog and related languages end up being large and intricate, and incorporate sophisticated optimizations, both at the design and at the implementation levels. At the same time, efficiency considerations make it necessary to use low-level languages in their implementation. This makes them laborious to code, optimize, and, especially, maintain and extend. Writing the abstract machine (and ancillary code) in a higher-level language can help tame this inherent complexity. We show how the semantics of most basic components of an efficient virtual machine for Prolog can be described using (a variant of) Prolog. These descriptions are then compiled to C and assembled to build a complete bytecode emulator. Thanks to the high level of the language used and its closeness to Prolog, the abstract machine description can be manipulated using standard Prolog compilation and optimization techniques with relative ease. We also show how, by applying program transformations selectively, we obtain abstract machine implementations whose performance can match and even exceed that of state-of-the-art, highly-tuned, hand-crafted emulators.Comment: 56 pages, 46 figures, 5 tables, To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    GraphX: Unifying Data-Parallel and Graph-Parallel Analytics

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    From social networks to language modeling, the growing scale and importance of graph data has driven the development of numerous new graph-parallel systems (e.g., Pregel, GraphLab). By restricting the computation that can be expressed and introducing new techniques to partition and distribute the graph, these systems can efficiently execute iterative graph algorithms orders of magnitude faster than more general data-parallel systems. However, the same restrictions that enable the performance gains also make it difficult to express many of the important stages in a typical graph-analytics pipeline: constructing the graph, modifying its structure, or expressing computation that spans multiple graphs. As a consequence, existing graph analytics pipelines compose graph-parallel and data-parallel systems using external storage systems, leading to extensive data movement and complicated programming model. To address these challenges we introduce GraphX, a distributed graph computation framework that unifies graph-parallel and data-parallel computation. GraphX provides a small, core set of graph-parallel operators expressive enough to implement the Pregel and PowerGraph abstractions, yet simple enough to be cast in relational algebra. GraphX uses a collection of query optimization techniques such as automatic join rewrites to efficiently implement these graph-parallel operators. We evaluate GraphX on real-world graphs and workloads and demonstrate that GraphX achieves comparable performance as specialized graph computation systems, while outperforming them in end-to-end graph pipelines. Moreover, GraphX achieves a balance between expressiveness, performance, and ease of use
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