7 research outputs found

    Semantics of UML 2.2 State Machines in Rewriting Logic

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    While the semantics of (labeled) transition systems and the relations between these are well understood. However, the same has not yet been achieved for UML 2.2 state machines. Their many semantics often is defined in terms of labeled transition systems, because the standard document is ambiguous. A formal, modular core semantics for UML 2.2 state machines is given in rewriting logic

    Methodology for Integrating Computational Tree Logic Model Checking in Unified Modelling Language Artefacts A Case Study of an Embedded Controller

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    A unified modelling language (UML) based formal verification methodology that can be easily integrated into an embedded system software development life cycle is suggested. The approach augments UML diagrams with formal models through an interfacing domain and adds semantics to these diagrams. The suggested methodology; commences from functional specification and use case modelling, selects the most critical behaviour where formal verification can add value to the development cycle, analyses the selected behaviour using UML state transition diagram, derives a state chart matrix from the same, and a high level language software translates the state chart matrix to a labelled transition system. Safety properties are derived from system specifications and are expressed as computation tree logic (CTL) formulae. CTL model-checking algorithm from the literature is used for model- checking. The applicability of the suggested approach is established using a safety critical embedded controller used for deployment and recovery of sensor structures from an airborne platform

    On Detecting Concurrency Defects Automatically at the Design Level

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    We describe an automated approach for detecting concurrency defects from design diagrams of a software, in particular, sequence diagrams. From a given sequence diagram, we automatically infer a formal, parallel specification that generalizes the communication behavior that is designed informally and incompletely in the diagram. We model-check the parallel specification against generic concurrency defect patterns. No additional specification of the software is needed. We present several case-studies to evaluate our approach. The results show that our approach is technically feasible, and effective in detecting nasty concurrency defects at the design level

    Vérification formelle de diagrammes UML : une approche basée sur la logique de réécriture

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    Des spécifications en langage naturel aux spécifications formelles via une ontologie comme modèle pivot

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    Le développement d'un système a pour objectif de répondre à des exigences. Aussi, le succès de sa réalisation repose en grande partie sur la phase de spécification des exigences qui a pour vocation de décrire de manière précise et non ambiguë toutes les caractéristiques du système à développer.Les spécifications d'exigences sont le résultat d'une analyse des besoins faisant intervenir différentes parties. Elles sont généralement rédigées en langage naturel (LN) pour une plus large compréhension, ce qui peut mener à diverses interprétations, car les textes en LN peuvent contenir des ambiguïtés sémantiques ou des informations implicites. Il n'est donc pas aisé de spécifier un ensemble complet et cohérent d'exigences. D'où la nécessité d'une vérification formelle des spécifications résultats.Les spécifications LN ne sont pas considérées comme formelles et ne permettent pas l'application directe de méthodes vérification formelles.Ce constat mène à la nécessité de transformer les spécifications LN en spécifications formelles.C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrit cette thèse.La difficulté principale d'une telle transformation réside dans l'ampleur du fossé entre spécifications LN et spécifications formelles.L'objectif de mon travail de thèse est de proposer une approche permettant de vérifier automatiquement des spécifications d'exigences utilisateur, écrites en langage naturel et décrivant le comportement d'un système.Pour cela, nous avons exploré les possibilités offertes par un modèle de représentation fondé sur un formalisme logique.Nos contributions portent essentiellement sur trois propositions :1) une ontologie en OWL-DL fondée sur les logiques de description, comme modèle de représentation pivot permettant de faire le lien entre spécifications en langage naturel et spécifications formelles; 2) une approche d'instanciation du modèle de représentation pivot, fondée sur une analyse dirigée par la sémantique de l'ontologie, permettant de passer automatiquement des spécifications en langage naturel à leur représentation conceptuelle; et 3) une approche exploitant le formalisme logique de l'ontologie, pour permettre un passage automatique du modèle de représentation pivot vers un langage de spécifications formelles nommé Maude.The main objective of system development is to address requirements. As such, success in its realisation is highly dependent on a requirement specification phase which aims to describe precisely and unambiguously all the characteristics of the system that should be developed. In order to arrive at a set of requirements, a user needs analysis is carried out which involves different parties (stakeholders). The system requirements are generally written in natural language to garantuee a wider understanding. However, since NL texts can contain semantic ambiguities, implicit information, or other inconsistenties, this can lead to diverse interpretations. Hence, it is not easy to specify a set of complete and consistent requirements, and therefore, the specified requirements must be formally checked. Specifications written in NL are not considered to be formal and do not allow for a direct application of formal methods. We must therefore transform NL requirements into formal specifications. The work presented in this thesis was carried out in this framework. The main difficulty of such transformation is the gap between NL requirements and formal specifications. The objective of this work is to propose an approach for an automatic verification of user requirements which are written in natural language and describe a system's expected behaviour. Our approach uses the potential offered by a representation model based on a logical formalism. Our contribution has three main aspects: 1) an OWL-DL ontology based on description logic, used as a pivot representation model that serves as a link between NL requirements to formal specifications; 2) an approach for the instantiation of the pivot ontology, which allows an automatic transformation of NL requirements to their conceptual representations; and 3) an approach exploiting the logical formalism of the ontology in order to automatically translate the ontology into a formal specification language called Maude.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Quality assurance with dynamic meta modeling

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    Dynamic Meta Modeling (DMM) ist eine Semantikbeschreibungstechnik, die sich auf MOF-basierte Sprachen fokussiert und deren Verhalten durch graphische, operationale Regeln beschreibt. Der DMM-Ansatz wurde im Jahr 2000 von Engels et al. erstmals beschrieben und von Hausmann in 2006 in seiner Dissertation ausgearbeitet. Der nächste Schritt war nun, an verschiedenen Modellierungssprachen zu erproben, um die gemachten Erfahrungen in die Verbesserung von DMM und seinen Werkzeugen einfließen zu lassen. Das Ergebnis ist die DMM++-Methode, die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt wird. Wir haben vorwiegend an drei Stellen Verbesserungen vorgenommen: Erstens haben wir basierend auf unseren Erfahrungen mit DMM neue Sprachkonzepte wie die Verfeinerung von Regeln entwickelt, und wir haben bestehende Konzepte wie die Behandlung von universell quantifizierten Strukturen oder Attributen verbessert. Zweitens haben wir einen testgetriebenen Semantikspezifizierungsprozess entwickelt: Zunächst wird eine Menge von Beispielmodellen erzeugt und deren erwartetes Verhalten formalisiert. Die DMM-Regeln werden dann inkrementell entwickelt, wobei geprüft wird, ob die Beispielmodelle tatsächlich das erwartete Verhalten erzeugen. Zudem haben wir Abdeckungskriterien für Tests von DMM-Spezifikationen entwickelt, die die Beurteilung der Qualität der Tests erlauben. Drittens haben wir gezeigt, wie funktionale und nichtfunktionale Anforderungen an Modelle und ihre DMM-Spezifikation formuliert und geprüft werden können. Für ersteres haben wir eine graphische Sprache zur Formulierung temporallogischer Eigenschaften zur Verfügung gestellt, die dann mit Model Checking geprüft werden. Für zweiteres ermöglichen wir dem Modellierer das Hinzufügen von Performanceinformationen zu den Modellen, aufgrund dessen dann z.B. der average throughput eines Modells berechnet werden kann.Dynamic Meta Modeling (DMM) is a semantics specification technique targeted at MOF-based modeling languages, where a language's behavior is defined by means of graphical operational rules which change runtime models. The DMM approach has first been suggested by Engels et al. in 2000; Hausmann has then defined the DMM language on a conceptual level within his PhD thesis in 2006. Consequently, the next step was to bring the existing DMM concepts alive, and then to apply them to different modeling languages, making use of the lessons learned to improve the DMM concepts as well as the DMM tooling. The result of this process is the DMM++ method, which is presented within this thesis. Our contributions are three-fold: First, and according to our experiences with the DMM language, we have introduced new concepts such as refinement by means of rule overriding, and we have strengthened existing concepts such as the dealing with universal quantified structures or attributes. Second, we have developed a test-driven process for semantics specification: A set of test models is created, and their expected behavior is fixed. Then, the DMM rules are created incrementally, finally resulting in a DMM ruleset realizing at least the expected behavior of the test models. Additionally, we have defined a set of coverage criteria for DMM rulesets which allow to measure the quality of a set of test models. Third, we have shown how functional as well as non-functional requirements can be formulated against models and their DMM specifications. The former is achieved by providing a visual language for formulating temporal logic properties, which are then verified with model checking techniques, and by allowing for visual debugging of models failing a requirement. For the latter, the modeler can add performance information to models and analyze their performance properties, e.g. average throughput.Tag der Verteidigung: 04.07.2013Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 201