4 research outputs found

    Applying ISO/IEC 25010 standard to prioritize and solve quality issues of automatic ETL processes

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    The goal of any automatic process is to run without human intervention. However, it is not uncommon that unexpected issues recur, requiring repetitive human intervention in order to processes execute successfully. Such situations indicate that those processes were not designed with the necessary quality requirements to achieve the automation goal, and quality needs to be improved. This paper describes a case study of the quality improvements of several automatic ETL processes that required a growing amount of effort to ensure its successful execution. Key to the improvement process was the use of the ISO/IEC 25010 Standard for Systems and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation to categorize all issues found. This approach proved beneficial in two important ways: first, it created a clear understanding of the overall ETL processes quality problems, second, it made obvious which issues deserved uttermost attention.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Pengukuran Kualitas Perangkat Lunak berdasarkan ISO/IEC 25000: Systematic Mapping

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    Kualitas perangkat lunak adalah tema kajian dan penelitian  turun temurun dalam sejarah ilmu rekayasa perangkat lunak. Kajian dimulai dari apa yang akan diukur (apakah proses atau produk), sudut pandang pengukur dan bagaimana menentukan parameter pengukuran kualitas perangkat lunak. Dari sudut pandang produk, pengukuran kualitas perangkat lunak dapat menggunakan standard dari ISO/IEC 25000 yang juga dikenal sebagai Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Seri ISO/IEC 25000 terdiri dari 8 karakteristik yaitu Functional Suitability, Performance Efficiency, Compatibilty, Usability, Reliability, Security, Maintainability dan Portability. Standar pengukuran kualitas berdasarkan ISO/IEC 25000 telah dirilis sejak tahun 2005 dan telah dilakukan beberapa kali revisi atau pembaharuan, namun penelitian yang menggunakan seri ISO/IEC 25000 masih relatif sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan ISO/IEC 9126. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan mapping study untuk mengetahui perkembangan sebaran penelitian yang menggunakan standar SQuaRE. Diharapkan dengan systematic mapping akan dapat memunculkan permasalahan - permasalahan pada pengukuran sebuah kualitas perangkat lunak beradsarkan ISO/IEC 25000 yang dapat digunakan sebagai penelitian untuk peneliti yang lain. Kata Kunci: Systematic mapping, kualitas perangkat lunak, ISO/IEC 25000, SQuaR

    Applying ISO/IEC 25010 Standard to Prioritize and Solve Quality Issues of Automatic ETL Processes

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    The adoption intention of travel-related app: a framework integrating perceived characteristics of innovation and software quality

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    This thesis aims to analyze the views of customers who have great appetite for tourism on the tourism application. According to the perception characteristics of technology acceptance model, innovation diffusion theory and software quality model, the thesis sets up the research model and puts forward the corresponding research hypothesis on the combination of current research results. In the manner of questionnaire design and collection and data processing, data analysis and hypothesis verification will be conducted by the use of structural equation model. The research result implies that application design attributes and application performance features are key to promote the adoption of mobile travel application. In addition, this research broadens our horizons on the accidental impact of application attributes on adoption behavior through adding user gender as a variable to the model, and increases an awesome theoretical basis for future research in this field.Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar as visões de potenciais turistas com grande interesse por aplicações turísticas. De acordo com as características de percepção do modelo de aceitação de tecnologia, teoria da difusão da inovação e modelo de qualidade de software, a tese estabelece o modelo de investigação e propõe hipóteses de investigação correspondentes, sobre a combinação de resultados da pesquisa atual. Uma vez realizado o desenho do questionário e feita a recolha e processamento de dados, a análise de dados e a verificação de hipóteses foram conduzidas pelo uso do modelo de equações estruturais. O resultado da pesquisa implica que os atributos de design do aplicativo e os recursos de desempenho do aplicativo são fundamentais para promover a adoção do aplicativo móvel de viagem. Além disso, esta pesquisa amplia os horizontes sobre o impacto acidental de atributos de aplicação no comportamento de adoção, adicionando o gênero do usuário como uma variável ao modelo, e aumenta uma importante base teórica para pesquisas futuras neste campo