5 research outputs found

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    Actas de las Primeras Jornadas Imagen, Cultura y Tecnología celebradas del 1 al 5 de julio de 2002 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    60 років базам даних (заключна частина)

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    Наводиться огляд досліджень і розробок баз даних із моменту їх виникнення в 60-х роках минулого століття і по сьогодні. Виділяються наступні етапи: виникнення і становлення, бурхливий розвиток, епоха реляційних баз даних, розширені реляційні бази даних, постреляційні бази даних і великі дані. На етапі становлення описуються системи IDS, IMS, Total і Adabas. На етапі бурхливого розвитку висвітлені питання архітектури баз даних ANSI/X3/SPARC, пропозицій КОДАСИЛ, концепції і мов концептуального моделювання. На етапі епохи реляційних баз даних розкриваються результати наукової діяльності Е. Кодда, теорія залежностей і нормальних форм, мови запитів, експериментальні дослідження і розробки, оптимізація та стандартизація, управління транзакціями. Етап розширених реляційних баз даних присвячений опису темпоральних, просторових, дедуктивних, активних, об’єктних, розподілених та статистичних баз даних, баз даних масивів, машин баз даних і сховищ даних. На наступному етапі розкрита проблематика постреляційних баз даних, а саме: NOSQL, ключ-значення, стовпчикові, документні, графові, NewSQL, онтологічні. Шостий етап присвячений розкриттю при- чин виникнення, характерних властивостей, класифікації, принципів роботи, методів і технологій великих даних. Нарешті, в останньому із розділів подається короткий огляд досліджень і розробок баз даних у Радянському СоюзіThe article provides an overview of research and development of databases since their appearance in the 60s of the last century to the present time. The following stages are distinguished: the emergence formation and rapid development, the era of relational databases, extended relational databases, post-relational databases and big data. At the stage of formation, the systems IDS, IMS, Total and Adabas are described. At the stage of rapid development, issues of ANSI/X3/ SPARC database architecture, CODASYL proposals, concepts and languages of conceptual modeling are highlighted. At the stage of the era of relational databases, the results of E. Codd’s scientific activities, the theory of dependencies and normal forms, query languages, experimental research and development, optimization and standardization, and transaction management are revealed. The extended relational databases phase is devoted to describing temporal, spatial, deductive, active, object, distributed and statistical databases, array databases, and database machines and data warehouses. At the next stage, the problems of post-relational databases are disclosed, namely, NOSQL-, NewSQL- and ontological databases. The sixth stage is devoted to the disclosure of the causes of occurrence, characteristic properties, classification, principles of work, methods and technologies of big data. Finally, the last section provides a brief overview of database research and development in the Soviet Union

    Contextual Bag-Of-Visual-Words and ECOC-Rank for Retrieval and Multi-class Object Recognition

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    Projecte Final de Màster UPC realitzat en col.laboració amb Dept. Matemàtica Aplicada i Anàlisi, Universitat de BarcelonaMulti-class object categorization is an important line of research in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition fields. An artificial intelligent system is able to interact with its environment if it is able to distinguish among a set of cases, instances, situations, objects, etc. The World is inherently multi-class, and thus, the eficiency of a system can be determined by its accuracy discriminating among a set of cases. A recently applied procedure in the literature is the Bag-Of-Visual-Words (BOVW). This methodology is based on the natural language processing theory, where a set of sentences are defined based on word frequencies. Analogy, in the pattern recognition domain, an object is described based on the frequency of its parts appearance. However, a general drawback of this method is that the dictionary construction does not take into account geometrical information about object parts. In order to include parts relations in the BOVW model, we propose the Contextual BOVW (C-BOVW), where the dictionary construction is guided by a geometricaly-based merging procedure. As a result, objects are described as sentences where geometrical information is implicitly considered. In order to extend the proposed system to the multi-class case, we used the Error-Correcting Output Codes framework (ECOC). State-of-the-art multi-class techniques are frequently defined as an ensemble of binary classifiers. In this sense, the ECOC framework, based on error-correcting principles, showed to be a powerful tool, being able to classify a huge number of classes at the same time that corrects classification errors produced by the individual learners. In our case, the C-BOVW sentences are learnt by means of an ECOC configuration, obtaining high discriminative power. Moreover, we used the ECOC outputs obtained by the new methodology to rank classes. In some situations, more than one label is required to work with multiple hypothesis and find similar cases, such as in the well-known retrieval problems. In this sense, we also included contextual and semantic information to modify the ECOC outputs and defined an ECOC-rank methodology. Altering the ECOC output values by means of the adjacency of classes based on features and classes relations based on ontologies, we also reporteda significant improvement in class-retrieval problems

    <title>Apply semantic template to support content-based image retrieval</title>

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    Accepted for publication in the Proceeding of IS&amp;T and SPIE Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases 2000. San Jose,California,USA. 23-28 January,2000. Apply Semantic Template to Support Content-based Image Retrieval

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    Content-based multimedia information retrieval is the hot point of researchers in many domains. But traditional feature vector based retrieval method can not provide retrieval on the semantic level. Integrated with our image retrieval system, we propose a new approach to generate semantic template automatically in the process of relevance feedback, and construct a network of semantic template with the support of WordNetTM in the retrieval process, which helps the user to do retrieval on the semantic level. By our approach, in the keyword query of the user, relevant images will be returned to the user by the help of semantic template association even those images are not annotated by keyword. This paper introduces this approach in detail and presents an experiment result at the end of this paper