48,180 research outputs found

    Symmetry groups, semidefinite programs, and sums of squares

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    We investigate the representation of symmetric polynomials as a sum of squares. Since this task is solved using semidefinite programming tools we explore the geometric, algebraic, and computational implications of the presence of discrete symmetries in semidefinite programs. It is shown that symmetry exploitation allows a significant reduction in both matrix size and number of decision variables. This result is applied to semidefinite programs arising from the computation of sum of squares decompositions for multivariate polynomials. The results, reinterpreted from an invariant-theoretic viewpoint, provide a novel representation of a class of nonnegative symmetric polynomials. The main theorem states that an invariant sum of squares polynomial is a sum of inner products of pairs of matrices, whose entries are invariant polynomials. In these pairs, one of the matrices is computed based on the real irreducible representations of the group, and the other is a sum of squares matrix. The reduction techniques enable the numerical solution of large-scale instances, otherwise computationally infeasible to solve.Comment: 38 pages, submitte

    A micro/macro parallel-in-time (parareal) algorithm applied to a climate model with discontinuous non-monotone coefficients and oscillatory forcing

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    We present the application of a micro/macro parareal algorithm for a 1-D energy balance climate model with discontinuous and non-monotone coefficients and forcing terms. The micro/macro parareal method uses a coarse propagator, based on a (macroscopic) 0-D approximation of the underlying (microscopic) 1-D model. We compare the performance of the method using different versions of the macro model, as well as different numerical schemes for the micro propagator, namely an explicit Euler method with constant stepsize and an adaptive library routine. We study convergence of the method and the theoretical gain in computational time in a realization on parallel processors. We show that, in this example and for all settings, the micro/macro parareal method converges in fewer iterations than the number of used parareal subintervals, and that a theoretical gain in performance of up to 10 is possible
