7 research outputs found

    Approximate Divisor Multiples -- Factoring with Only a Third of the Secret CRT-Exponents

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    We address Partial Key Exposure attacks on CRT-RSA on secret exponents dp,dqd_p, d_q with small public exponent ee. For constant ee it is known that the knowledge of half of the bits of one of dp,dqd_p, d_q suffices to factor the RSA modulus NN by Coppersmith\u27s famous {\em factoring with a hint} result. We extend this setting to non-constant ee. Somewhat surprisingly, our attack shows that RSA with ee of size N112N^{\frac 1 {12}} is most vulnerable to Partial Key Exposure, since in this case only a third of the bits of both dp,dqd_p, d_q suffices to factor NN in polynomial time, knowing either most significant bits (MSB) or least significant bits (LSB). Let edp=1+k(p−1)ed_p = 1 + k(p-1) and edq=1+ℓ(q−1)ed_q = 1 + \ell(q-1). On the technical side, we find the factorization of NN in a novel two-step approach. In a first step we recover kk and ℓ\ell in polynomial time, in the MSB case completely elementary and in the LSB case using Coppersmith\u27s lattice-based method. We then obtain the prime factorization of NN by computing the root of a univariate polynomial modulo kpkp for our known kk. This can be seen as an extension of Howgrave-Graham\u27s {\em approximate divisor} algorithm to the case of {\em approximate divisor multiples} for some known multiple kk of an unknown divisor pp of NN. The point of {\em approximate divisor multiples} is that the unknown that is recoverable in polynomial time grows linearly with the size of the multiple kk. Our resulting Partial Key Exposure attack with known MSBs is completely rigorous, whereas in the LSB case we rely on a standard Coppersmith-type heuristic. We experimentally verify our heuristic, thereby showing that in practice we reach our asymptotic bounds already using small lattice dimensions. Thus, our attack is highly efficient

    Efficient Scalable Constant-Round MPC via Garbled Circuits

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    In the setting of secure multiparty computation, a set of mutually distrustful parties carry out a joint computation of their inputs, without revealing anything but the output. Over recent years, there has been tremendous progress towards making secure computation practical, with great success in the two-party case. In contrast, in the multiparty case, progress has been much slower, even for the case of semi-honest adversaries. In this paper, we consider the case of constant-round multiparty computation, via the garbled circuit approach of BMR (Beaver et al., STOC 1990). In recent work, it was shown that this protocol can be efficiently instantiated for semi-honest adversaries (Ben-Efraim et al., ACM CCS 2016). However, it scales very poorly with the number of parties, since the cost of garbled circuit evaluation is quadratic in the number of parties, per gate. Thus, for a large number of parties, it becomes expensive. We present a new way of constructing a BMR-type garbled circuit that can be evaluated with only a constant number of operations per gate. Our constructions use key-homomorphic pseudorandom functions (one based on DDH and the other on Ring-LWE) and are concretely efficient. In particular, for a large number of parties (e.g., 100), our new circuit can be evaluated faster than the standard BMR garbled circuit that uses only AES computations. Thus, our protocol is an important step towards achieving concretely efficient large-scale multiparty computation for Internet-like settings (where constant-round protocols are needed due to high latency)

    AUC: Accountable Universal Composability

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    Accountability is a well-established and widely used security concept that allows for obtaining undeniable cryptographic proof of misbehavior, thereby incentivizing honest behavior. There already exist several general purpose accountability frameworks for formal game-based security analyses. Unfortunately, such game-based frameworks do not support modular security analyses, which is an important tool to handle the complexity of modern protocols. Universal composability (UC) models provide native support for modular analyses, including re-use and composition of security results. So far, accountability has mainly been modeled and analyzed in UC models for the special case of MPC protocols, with a general purpose accountability framework for UC still missing. That is, a framework that among others supports arbitrary protocols, a wide range of accountability properties, handling and mixing of accountable and non-accountable security properties, and modular analysis of accountable protocols. To close this gap, we propose AUC, the first general purpose accountability framework for UC models, which supports all of the above, based on several new concepts. We exemplify AUC in three case studies not covered by existing works. In particular, AUC unifies existing UC accountability approaches within a single framework

    Double-block Hash-then-Sum: A Paradigm for Constructing BBB Secure PRF

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    SUM-ECBC (Yasuda, CT-RSA 2010) is the first beyond birthday bound (BBB) secure block cipher based deterministic MAC. After this work, some more BBB secure deterministic MACs have been proposed, namely PMAC_Plus (Yasuda, CRYPTO 2011), 3kf9 (Zhang et al., ASIACRYPT 2012) and LightMAC_Plus (Naito, ASIACRYPT 2017). In this paper, we have abstracted out the inherent design principle of all these BBB secure MACs and present a generic design paradigm to construct a BBB secure pseudo random function, namely Double-block Hash-then- Sum or in short (DbHtS). A DbHtS construction, as the name implies, computes a double block hash on the message and then sum the encrypted output of the two hash blocks. Our result renders that if the underlying hash function meets certain security requirements (namely cover-free and block-wise universal advantage is low), DbHtS construction provides 2n/3-bit security. We demonstrate the applicability of our result by instantiating all the existing beyond birthday secure deterministic MACs (e.g., SUM-ECBC, PMAC_Plus, 3kf9, LightMAC_Plus) as well as a simple two-keyed variant for each of them and some algebraic hash based constructions

    Function-specific schemes for verifiable computation

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    An integral component of modern computing is the ability to outsource data and computation to powerful remote servers, for instance, in the context of cloud computing or remote file storage. While participants can benefit from this interaction, a fundamental security issue that arises is that of integrity of computation: How can the end-user be certain that the result of a computation over the outsourced data has not been tampered with (not even by a compromised or adversarial server)? Cryptographic schemes for verifiable computation address this problem by accompanying each result with a proof that can be used to check the correctness of the performed computation. Recent advances in the field have led to the first implementations of schemes that can verify arbitrary computations. However, in practice the overhead of these general-purpose constructions remains prohibitive for most applications, with proof computation times (at the server) in the order of minutes or even hours for real-world problem instances. A different approach for designing such schemes targets specific types of computation and builds custom-made protocols, sacrificing generality for efficiency. An important representative of this function-specific approach is an authenticated data structure (ADS), where a specialized protocol is designed that supports query types associated with a particular outsourced dataset. This thesis presents three novel ADS constructions for the important query types of set operations, multi-dimensional range search, and pattern matching, and proves their security under cryptographic assumptions over bilinear groups. The scheme for set operations can support nested queries (e.g., two unions followed by an intersection of the results), extending previous works that only accommodate a single operation. The range search ADS provides an exponential (in the number of attributes in the dataset) asymptotic improvement from previous schemes for storage and computation costs. Finally, the pattern matching ADS supports text pattern and XML path queries with minimal cost, e.g., the overhead at the server is less than 4% compared to simply computing the result, for all our tested settings. The experimental evaluation of all three constructions shows significant improvements in proof-computation time over general-purpose schemes

    Design and cryptographic security analysis of e-voting protocols

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    Electronic voting (e-voting) systems are used in numerous countries for political elections, but also for less critical elections within clubs and associations, and hence affect the lives of millions of people. It is therefore important to ensure that single voters' choices remain private, and to be able to verify that an election result coincides with the voters' intention. Unfortunately, for most e-voting systems employed in real elections, these fundamental security and privacy properties cannot be guaranteed, so that in particular the legitimacy of such political elections is challenged. This demonstrates the importance of employing e-voting systems that are rootedly designed to guarantee the required security. However, it turned out to be highly challenging to construct secure yet practical e-voting systems since one always has to find a balance between the (possibly conflicting) requirements of the given kind of election. In the first two chapters of the thesis' main part, we present two practical e-voting systems which are both meant for low-risk and non-political elections, e.g., within clubs or associations. We have implemented both systems to demonstrate their practicability. The first system, called sElect, is designed to be as simple as possible while still guaranteeing a good level of security. The second system, called Ordinos, provides a superior level of privacy as it only reveals the most necessary information about the election outcome, e.g., solely the winner's name but nothing else. We will rigorously analyze the security of sElect and Ordinos. To do this, we formally define the required security properties and then mathematically prove that sElect and Ordinos achieve them. In the third chapter of the thesis' main part, we provide substantial work on the fundamental notion of verifiability of e-voting systems. We analyze and compare all formal verifiability definitions from the literature regarding how meaningful, expressive, or general they are