920 research outputs found

    Applications of geographic information systems

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    Applications of Geographic Information Systems for the Analysis of Apartment Rents

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    This study is the first to incorporate comprehensive regional factors into the analysis of the variations of apartment rent in a particular metropolitan area. A Geographic Information Systems (GIS) procedure is developed to generate regional variables for the analysis. Results show that not only the individual apartment's characteristics, but also the regional factors are important in determining apartment rents.

    Applications Of Geographic Information Systems In Construction Management

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    Construction management is one of the fields of Civil Engineering. It includes planning, analyzing, coordinating and controlling of sequential activities in construction site. The primary goals of construction management are to minimize the loss of time and construction costs by appropriate materials, adequate labor and resource selection. These objectives can be achieved by current and updated continuous information flow between participants and departments of construction organization. When information sharing doesn’t happen effectively and timely it results delays and additional costs at the construction projects. Information technology has become prominent position in the development of technology. It supplies some opportunities to construction industry. One of the important parts of information technology is geographic information systems. It provides effective solutions to the locational based problems so they are used in many areas. The possibilities of using GIS in construction management and new models have been developed in various countries in the world in recent years. In this study, using GIS in construction management is investigated and a new method in construction management is tried to develop by use of GIS. Another aim is to supervise all data related with construction on a single platform. A new office block in Erbil is determined as a case study. Project drawings of the building are brought to three-dimensional form in GIS and it is visualized according to the data in the schedule of construction. Database support and visualization feature of GIS is put forward in this paper

    Applications Of Geographic Information Systems In Urban Land Use Planning In Malaysia

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    Over the past forty years Geographic Infonnation Systems (GIS) have been used in many planning applications ranging from daily administrative operations to strategic planning functions such as evaluating socio-economic data in land use allocation tasks


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    The purpose of this special issue is to highlight the myriad of applications of geographic information systems within the social sciences. As access to geospatial technologies continues to increase, we are seeing new forms of research that highlight how different approaches to spatial analysis can answer complex questions on topics ranging from contemporary urban policy to ancient civilizations

    Applications of geographic information systems, remote-sensing, and a landscape ecology approach to biodiversity conservation in the Western Ghats

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    The mountains along the west coast of peninsular India, the Western Ghats, constitute one of the unique biological regions of the world. Rapidly occurring land-cover and land-use change in the Western Ghats has serious implications for the biodiversity of the region. Both landscape changes as well as the distribution of biodiversity are phenomena with strong spatial correlates. Recent developments in remote-sensing technology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allow the use of a landscape ecology and spatial analysis approach to the problem of deforestation and biodiversity conservation in the Western Ghats. Applications of this approach include analyses of land-cover and landuse change; estimation of deforestation rates and rates of forest fragmentation; examination of the spatial correlates of forest loss and the socioeconomic drivers of land-use change; modelling of deforestation; analysis of the consequences of land-cover and land-use change in the form of climate change and change in distribution of biodiversity; biomass estimation;gap analysis of the effectiveness of the protected area network in conserving areas of importance for biodiversity conservation; and conservation planning. We present examples from our work in the Western Ghats, in general, and in the Agastyamalai region and Biligiri Rangan Hills, in particular, as well as that of other researchers in India on various aspects of applications of GIS, remote sensing, and 'a landscape ecology approach to biodiversity conservation

    Applications of Geographic Information Systems in Planning for Pedestrian Trail Bridges in Nepal

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    Rural accessibility is a pressing issue in many parts of the world. Improved geographical accessibility to basic social service facilities for rural populations is a goal of most governments in developing countries. Development of a trail-based transport system is a key way to improve rural accessibility in mountainous and rugged terrain where trails criss-cross with numerous rivers. The present study focuses on Nepal, a developing country with rural accessibility challenges and a very challenging physical environment. This thesis reviews the existing accessibility patterns in rural areas of Nepal and proposes various approaches for identifying poorly served geographical areas and optimizing of location of additional new trail bridges to provide “best” links to social services. The methodology in this study is based on the concept of the gravity-based spatial interaction and accessibility models. GIS applications are used in different ways, such as in creating, acquiring, integrating spatial and attribute datasets, and spatial analysis and visualization of the output results. Amongst the different types of social services, health care and education centers are considered the most pressing services and hence are the objects of analysis. The main difference between health care service centers and educational facilities is that schools are usually very widespread across the district and serve for the school age population. Health service centers are sparsely and inequitably distributed, however, they serve the whole population at large. The results of the analysis show a fairly clear indication of problems relating to rural transport and access to social service centers in rural Nepal. This is attributed, in part, due to insufficient provision of social service centers and the lack of trail bridges over river crossing locations. The estimated numbers of trips over potential new bridges based on spatial integration modeling provides a basis for prioritization of river crossing locations for allocation of new trail bridges. The poorly served areas across the study district are identified on the basis of the results of the potential accessibility modeling. The trail network nodes with relatively low accessibility values are of prime concern and the subject of contemplation in the trail bridge planning decision-making process

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Berbasis Web Untuk Menentukan Letak Sekolah Xaverius Di Kota Palembang Menggunakan Arcview GIS

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    Palembang is a region which is and will continue to experience rapid development in various fields, especially in education. As education is important, it has many are school - new school stands. For most people, it is increasingly making confused to choose the best school for their sons and daughters. So one of the ways that will be applied by researchers in providing solutions for the citizens of Palembang is to implement "Applications of Geographic Information Systems Web-Based To Determine Location of Xavier School in Palembang Using ArcView GIS". This application can display information about the school - Xavier existing schools in the city of Palembang. This application is expected to help citizens , especially citizens of Palembang in School location search and information easily , accurately, and quickly

    Applications of Geographic Information Systems as an analytical and visualization tool for mass real estate valuation : a case study of Fontibón district, Bogotá, Colombia

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    Los avalúos masivos de propiedades están basados en su mayoría en modelos estadísticos globales que tienen en cuenta las características de las propiedades; sin embargo, los modelos utilizados en Bogotá, no tienen en cuenta variables de localización explícitamente. En este estudio se utilizaron Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) como herramienta analítica para desarrollar una serie de variables de localización y analizar su impacto en el valor de las propiedades; se crearon variables como la proximidad a un aeropuerto, proximidad a centros comerciales y el acceso a vías principales, se generaron mapas de superficie con los valores de las propiedades y se analizó el efecto de las diferentes variables de localización en el precio de las propiedades. Cuatro diferentes enfoques se utilizaron con el fin de analizar el efecto de las variables de localización: coeficiente de Pearson, regresión lineal múltiple, step-wise y se utilizaron modelos locales de estadística (Regresión Geográfica Ponderada o Geographically Weighted Regression GWR) para analizar los comportamientos no estacionarios de las variables. El SIG como herramienta de visualización demostró ser útil en la construcción de mapas de valor, siendo además fundamental para mostrar e interpretar los resultados de los modelos estadísticos locales. Se encontró que en el área de estudio existe una considerable variación de los parámetros, identificando grupos de tendencias, esto hace que el uso de modelos locales de estadística sea ideal. Los modelos locales mostraron que los valores estadísticos en los grupos de predios más costosos parecen estar bien explicadas por las variables de localización, pero en contraste, para los grupos de predios menos costosos, las variables de localización tienen menos capacidad para explicar la varianza en los valores de los predios.The majority of approaches for mass appraisal are based on global statistical models that take into account property characteristics, and, in developing countries, location variables are not often explicitly considered. The present study uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as an analytical tool to develop a number of location variables and to analyze their impact in the value of properties. Variables like proximity to an airport, proximity to leisure facilities, proximity to shopping centres, and access to main roads, among others, are created, and property values estimated. Surface value maps are created and the effect of the different location variables in the price is hypothesized. Four different statistical approaches are used in order to analyze the effect of proximity attributes: bivariate Pearson coefficient, multiple linear regression, step-wise procedure, and local spatial statistics (Geographically Weighted Regression-GWR) are used to analyze spatially non-stationary behaviours. The visualization capabilities of GIS prove helpful in constructing value maps, and GIS also proves to be fundamental to report and interpret the results of local spatial statistical models. The results reveal that the spatial variation of some of the parameters is significant and that there are clusters of tendencies. Given this strong clustered distribution, the use of local spatial statistics, to analyze variations of the different statistical parameters across the study area, is ideal. The local statistical results show that prices in expensive clusters seem to be well explained by location factors, unlike prices in less expensive clusters that are poorly explained. The main conclusion from this thesis is that, for the study area, low-priced properties are more difficult to replicate with proximity attributes than high-priced properties