668 research outputs found

    Adolf Reinach, Negative States of Affairs and the Concept of Omission

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    This paper examines Adolf Reinach’s views about negative states of affairs. The author briefly presents the history of the issue from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. The views of Reinach and Roman Ingarden are compared. A special focus is ascribed to the problem of omissions in the legal sense. According to the author, a proper solution to the problem of negative states of affairs locates negation at the level of language, not in reality

    Structures in Real Theory Application: A Study in Feasible Epistemology

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    This thesis considers the following problem: What methods should the epistemology of science use to gain insight into the structure and behaviour of scientific knowledge and method in actual scientific practice? After arguing that the elucidation of epistemological and methodological phenomena in science requires a method that is rooted in formal methods, I consider two alternative methods for epistemology of science. One approach is the classical approaches of the syntactic and semantic views of theories. I show that typical approaches of this sort are inadequate and inaccurate in their representation of scientific knowledge by showing how they fail to account for and misrepresent important epistemological structure and behaviour in science. The other method for epistemology of science I consider is modeled on the methods used to construct valid models of natural phenomena in applied mathematics. This new epistemological method is itself a modeling method that is developed through the detailed consideration of two main examples of theory application in science: double pendulum systems and the modeling of near-Earth objects to compute probability of future Earth impact. I show that not only does this new method accurately represent actual methods used to apply theories in applied mathematics, it also reveals interesting structural and behavioural patterns in the application process and gives insight into what underlies the stability of methods of application. I therefore conclude that for epistemology of science to develop fully as a scientific discipline it must use methods from applied mathematics, not only methods from pure mathematics and metamathematics as traditional formal epistemology of science has done

    Constraint-based phonology

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    Phonology is the systematic study of the sounds used in language, their internal structure, and their composition into syllables, words and phrases. Computational phonology is the application of formal and computational techniques to the representation and processing of phonological information. This chapter will present the fundamentals of descriptive phonology along with a brief overview of computational phonology. 1 Phonological contrast, the phoneme, and distinctive features There is no limit to the number of distinct sounds that can be produced by the human vocal apparatus. However, this infinite variety is harnessed by human languages into sound systems consisting of a few dozen language-specific categories, or phonemes. An example of an English phoneme is t. English has a variety of t-like sounds, such as the aspirated th of ten the unreleased tïżœof net, and the flapped of water (in some dialects). In English, these distinctions are not used to differentiate words, and so we do not find pairs of English words which are identical but for their use of th versus tïżœ. (By comparison, in some other languages, such as Icelandic and Bengali, aspiration is contrastive.) Nevertheless, since these sounds (or phones, or segments) are phonetically similar, and since they occur in complementary distributio

    Detotaliseerimine ja tagasiulatuv jĂ”ud: musta pĂŒramiidi semiootika

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    VĂ€itekirja ĂŒldiseks probleemiks on semiootika integreeritavus. Detotalisatsioon kirjeldab semiootikatraditsiooni, mille kohaselt suletud terviklikkus pole vĂ”imalik, ning mis oma pĂ”hiliste teoreetiliste koordinaatidena nĂ€eb psĂŒhhoanalĂŒĂŒsi, ideoloogia kriitikat ja strukturaalset semioloogiat. Oluliseks analĂŒĂŒsivahendiks on autori poolt vĂ€lja töötatud nn “musta pĂŒramiidi” skeem-mudel, mille abil otsitakse vastust kĂŒsimusele: kuidas saab puhtdiferentsiaalne, erinevustel pĂ”hinev (internaalne) sĂŒsteem suhestuda vĂ€lisega (eksternaalsega)? JĂ€rgnevalt jĂ”utakse semiootikas esineva subjektiivse relativismi kriitikani ja vĂ”etakse kasutusele retroaktiivsuse mĂ”iste, mille kaudu kirjeldatakse vĂ€liseid mĂ”jusid. Semiootika osavaldu vaadeldakse retroaktiivsuse toimimise aspektist. “Musta pĂŒramiidi” skeem-mudel ĂŒhendab hĂŒbriidselt Peirce’i ja Hjelmslev’ semiootikat, integreerides Peirce’i detotalisatsiooniga. Skeem eristab mĂ€rgifunktsiooni ja mĂ€rgiproduktsiooni ala ning selle jaotuse kaudu sulandab Peirce’i trihhotoomia kokku Saussure’i dihhotoomiaga. Taolisel sĂŒnteesil on kaks eelist. Esmalt on detotalisatsiooni subjektivistlik relativism ankurdatud kognitiivsemiootika ja biosemiootika empiiriliste ja loogiliste rakenduste poolt. Teisalt on kognitiivsemiootika ja biosemiootika rikastatud retroaktiivsuse tekstiliste protseduuridega, mis vĂ”imaldab ligipÀÀsu vĂ€lisele ilma mĂ€rgi mÀÀratlust kahjustamata. SeelĂ€bi on olemas artikulatoorse alusmaatriksi teaduslik seletus, kuid samuti vajadus teaduslikus semiootikas detotalisatsioonile iseloomuliku tekstuaalse eksperimenteerimise jĂ€rele. Just retroaktiivsus on see ĂŒhendav mĂ”iste, mis seob kaks semiootika lahusolevat valda. Integreerides ka kognitiivsemiootika ja biosemiootika detotaliseeritud semiootika pildile, pakub vĂ€itekiri kokkuvĂ”ttes mittereduktiivse ja empiirilise vastuse relativismi probleemile semiootikas, sĂ€ilitades seejuures semiootika teoreetilise terviklikkuse ja pakkudes vĂ€lja ĂŒhtse metakeele killustatud sotsiaalteaduste tarbeks.  Detotalization describes the tradition of semiotics which takes psychoanalysis, ideology critique, and structural semiology as its major theoretic coordinates. Interest in these coordinates has declined against the ascent of the semiotics of Charles Peirce, the two approaches are sometimes construed as irreconcilable, but the dissertation seeks to integrate Peirce to the coordinates of detotalization. This integration requires that Peirce be read in the way that Jacques Derrida and Umberto Eco propose to read him, by moderating his realism. This is achieved through theorization of the notion of retroactivity. Chapters one through four restate the coordinates of detotalization in terms of retroactivity, and chapter five searches the domains of cognitive and biosemiotics for the Peircean equivalent of retroactivity. The black pyramid schema is a picture of the Peirce-Hjelmslev hybrid, where Peirce is integrated to detotalization. In the schema, semiotics is organized by the domains of sign function and sign production, and the Peircean trichotomy is reconciled to the Saussurean dichotomy by means of this division. The synthesis has two advantages. In one direction, the subjectivist relativism of detotalization is anchored by the empirical and logical applications of cognitive and biosemiotics. In the other direction, cognitive and biosemiotics are enhanced by the textual procedures of retroactivity, which account for the external without compromising the definition of the sign by importing a naĂŻve referent. There is a scientific explanation for the profound articulatory matrix, but there is also a need within scientific semiotics for the textual experimentation characteristic of detotalization. Retroactivity as the bridge concept between the two divided camps of semiotics also restores its original ambition, to provide a unifying vocabulary for the fractured social sciences.https://www.ester.ee/record=b540146

    Related trends in music and painting of the twentieth century

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University N.B.: Page misnumbered no I
