3 research outputs found

    A model for skyline query processing in a partially complete database

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    In the recent years, skyline queries become one of the predominant and most frequently used queries among preference queries in the database system. Its main theme is to identify and return those data items that are not dominated by any other data item in the database. In the past decade, a tremendous number of research have been conducted emphasized on skyline queries by proposing many variations of skyline techniques for a different type of database. Most of these techniques claimed that a database has complete data and values are always present when process skyline queries. However, this is not necessary to be always the case, particularly for large databases with a high number of dimensions as some values may be missing. Thus, existing techniques cannot be easily tailored to derive skylines in a database with missing values. Two significant issues might be raised, the issue of losing transitivity property which thus leads to the issue of cyclic dominance. Finding skylines in a database with partially complete data has not received enough attention. This paper proposes an efficient model to identify skylines over a database with partial complete data. Experimental results on various types of datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the previous approach in terms of the number of pairwise comparisons

    Effect of fuzzy partitioning in Crohn's disease classification: a neuro-fuzzy-based approach

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    Crohn's disease (CD) diagnosis is a tremendouslyserious health problem due to its ultimately effecton the gastrointestinal tract that leads to the need of complexmedical assistance. In this study, the backpropagationneural network fuzzy classifier and a neuro-fuzzy modelare combined for diagnosing the CD. Factor analysis isused for data dimension reduction. The effect on the systemperformance has been investigated when using fuzzypartitioning and dimension reduction. Additionally, furthercomparison is done between the different levels of thefuzzy partition to reach the optimal performance accuracylevel. The performance evaluation of the proposed systemis estimated using the classification accuracy and othermetrics. The experimental results revealed that the classificationwith level-8 partitioning provides a classificationaccuracy of 97.67 %, with a sensitivity and specificity of96.07 and 100 %, respectively

    Applications of intelligent optimization in biology and medicine: current trends and open problems

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    This volume provides updated, in-depth material on the application of intelligent optimization in biology and medicine. The aim of the book is to present solutions to the challenges and problems facing biology and medicine applications. This Volume comprises of 13 chapters, including an overview chapter, providing an up-to-date and state-of-the research on the application of intelligent optimization for bioinformatics applications, DNA based Steganography, a modified Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Solving Capacitated Maximal Covering Location Problem in Healthcare Systems, Optimization Methods for Medical Image Super Resolution Reconstruction and breast cancer classification. Moreover, some chapters that describe several bio-inspired approaches in MEDLINE Text Mining, DNA-Binding Proteins and Classes, Optimized Tumor Breast Cancer Classification using Combining Random Subspace and Static Classifiers Selection Paradigms, and Dental Image Registration. The book will be a useful compendium for a broad range of readers—from students of undergraduate to postgraduate levels and also for researchers, professionals, etc.—who wish to enrich their knowledge on Intelligent Optimization in Biology and Medicine and applications with one single book.  