7 research outputs found

    Simulation on Network Security Design Architecture for Server Room in Rwanda Information Technology Agency

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    Today, computer networks attacks have continued to increase in severity and sophistication. Data lost and unavailability of network resources due to attacks from internet have negative financial impact on many companies. Unprotected organisation’s networks from internet attacks face high risk of data loss and espionage. Network devices that make up network are the most targeted in order to penetrate in companies system as some come with vulnerability from the manufacturer. In this study, network security architecture for server room had been developed for enhancing the security. Further, two simulation models had been developed to compare the throughput for both existing and developed security architecture

    Impact of Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack on Advanced Metering Infrastructure

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    The age of Internet of Things has brought in new challenges specifically in areas such as security. The evolution of classic power grids to smart grids is a prime example of how everything is now being connected to the Internet. With the power grid becoming smart, the information and communication systems supporting it is subject to both classical and emerging cyber-attacks. The article investigates the vulnerabilities caused by a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on the smart grid advanced metering infrastructure. Attack simulations have been conducted on a realistic electrical grid topology. The simulated network consisted of smart meters, power plant and utility server. Finally, the impact of large scale DDoS attacks on the distribution system’s reliability is discussed

    Tools for modelling and simulating the Smart Grid

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    The Smart Grid (SG) is a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) considered a critical infrastructure divided into cyber (software) and physical (hardware) counterparts that complement each other. It is responsible for timely power provision wrapped by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for handling bi-directional energy flows in electric power grids. Enacting control and performance over the massive infrastructure of the SG requires convenient analysis methods. Modelling and simulation (M&S) is a performance evaluation technique used to study virtually any system by testing designs and artificially creating 'what-if' scenarios for system reasoning and advanced analysis. M&S avoids stressing the actual physical infrastructure and systems in production by addressing the problem in a purely computational perspective. Present work compiles a non-exhaustive list of tools for M&S of interest when tackling SG capabilities. Our contribution is to delineate available options for modellers when considering power systems in combination with ICT. We also show the auxiliary tools and details of most relevant solutions pointing out major features and combinations over the years

    Systematic review of features for co‐simulating security incidents in Cyber‐Physical Systems

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) plus energy are the enabling technology of modern power systems also known as the Smart Grid (SG). A SG may consist of thousands of interconnected components communicating and exchanging data across layers that stretch beyond technical capabilities, for instance, markets and customer interactions. Cyber-physical security is a major source of concern due to the high reliance of the SG on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and their widespread use. Addressing security requires developing modeling and simulation tools that approximate and replicate adversarial behavior in the SG. These tools have in fact two simulators, one handling continuous power flows and another for capturing the discrete behavior when communicating across CPS or IoT components. The technique of composing two models of computation in a global simulation of these coupled systems is called co-simulation. Although there are many frameworks and tools for co-simulation, the set of features for modeling cyber-physical security incidents in the SG lacks thorough understanding. We present a systematic review of features and tools for co-simulating these concerns in CPS. We also highlight and discuss research gaps with respect to the most used tools in industry and academia and comment on their relevant features

    Application-level simulation for network security

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.NeSSi (network security simulator) is a novel network simulation tool which incorporates a variety of features relevant to network security distinguishing it from general-purpose network simulators. Its capabilities such as profile-based automated attack generation, traffic analysis and support for detection algorithm plug-ins allow it to be used for security research and evaluation purposes. NeSSi has been successfully used for testing intrusion detection algorithms, conducting network security analysis and developing overlay security frameworks. NeSSi is built upon the agent framework JIAC, resulting in a distributed and extensible architecture. In this paper, we provide an overview of the NeSSi architecture as well as its distinguishing features and briefly demonstrate its application to current security research projects