59 research outputs found

    Harnessing Artificial Intelligence Capabilities to Improve Cybersecurity

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    Cybersecurity is a fast-evolving discipline that is always in the news over the last decade, as the number of threats rises and cybercriminals constantly endeavor to stay a step ahead of law enforcement. Over the years, although the original motives for carrying out cyberattacks largely remain unchanged, cybercriminals have become increasingly sophisticated with their techniques. Traditional cybersecurity solutions are becoming inadequate at detecting and mitigating emerging cyberattacks. Advances in cryptographic and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques (in particular, machine learning and deep learning) show promise in enabling cybersecurity experts to counter the ever-evolving threat posed by adversaries. Here, we explore AI\u27s potential in improving cybersecurity solutions, by identifying both its strengths and weaknesses. We also discuss future research opportunities associated with the development of AI techniques in the cybersecurity field across a range of application domains

    Ein mehrschichtiges sicheres Framework für Fahrzeugsysteme

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    In recent years, significant developments were introduced within the vehicular domain, evolving the vehicles to become a network of many embedded systems distributed throughout the car, known as Electronic Control Units (ECUs). Each one of these ECUs runs a number of software components that collaborate with each other to perform various vehicle functions. Modern vehicles are also equipped with wireless communication technologies, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, and so on, giving them the capability to interact with other vehicles and roadside infrastructure. While these improvements have increased the safety of the automotive system, they have vastly expanded the attack surface of the vehicle and opened the door for new potential security risks. The situation is made worse by a lack of security mechanisms in the vehicular system which allows the escalation of a compromise in one of the non-critical sub-systems to threaten the safety of the entire vehicle and its passengers. This dissertation focuses on providing a comprehensive framework that ensures the security of the vehicular system during its whole life-cycle. This framework aims to prevent the cyber-attacks against different components by ensuring secure communications among them. Furthermore, it aims to detect attacks which were not prevented successfully, and finally, to respond to these attacks properly to ensure a high degree of safety and stability of the system.In den letzten Jahren wurden bedeutende Entwicklungen im Bereich der Fahrzeuge vorgestellt, die die Fahrzeuge zu einem Netzwerk mit vielen im gesamten Fahrzeug verteile integrierte Systeme weiterentwickelten, den sogenannten Steuergeräten (ECU, englisch = Electronic Control Units). Jedes dieser Steuergeräte betreibt eine Reihe von Softwarekomponenten, die bei der Ausführung verschiedener Fahrzeugfunktionen zusammenarbeiten. Moderne Fahrzeuge sind auch mit drahtlosen Kommunikationstechnologien wie WiFi, Bluetooth usw. ausgestattet, die ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, mit anderen Fahrzeugen und der straßenseitigen Infrastruktur zu interagieren. Während diese Verbesserungen die Sicherheit des Fahrzeugsystems erhöht haben, haben sie die Angriffsfläche des Fahrzeugs erheblich vergrößert und die Tür für neue potenzielle Sicherheitsrisiken geöffnet. Die Situation wird durch einen Mangel an Sicherheitsmechanismen im Fahrzeugsystem verschärft, die es ermöglichen, dass ein Kompromiss in einem der unkritischen Subsysteme die Sicherheit des gesamten Fahrzeugs und seiner Insassen gefährdet kann. Diese Dissertation konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung eines umfassenden Rahmens, der die Sicherheit des Fahrzeugsystems während seines gesamten Lebenszyklus gewährleistet. Dieser Rahmen zielt darauf ab, die Cyber-Angriffe gegen verschiedene Komponenten zu verhindern, indem eine sichere Kommunikation zwischen ihnen gewährleistet wird. Darüber hinaus zielt es darauf ab, Angriffe zu erkennen, die nicht erfolgreich verhindert wurden, und schließlich auf diese Angriffe angemessen zu reagieren, um ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit und Stabilität des Systems zu gewährleisten

    Metamorphic Runtime Checking of Non-Testable Programs

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    Challenges arise in assuring the quality of applications that do not have test oracles, i.e., for which it is impossible to know what the correct output should be for arbitrary input. Metamorphic testing has been shown to be a simple yet effective technique in addressing the quality assurance of these "non-testable programs". In metamorphic testing, if test input x produces output f(x), specified "metamorphic properties" are used to create a transformation function t, which can be applied to the input to produce t(x); this transformation then allows the output f(t(x)) to be predicted based on the already-known value of f(x). If the output is not as expected, then a defect must exist. Previously we investigated the effectiveness of testing based on metamorphic properties of the entire application. Here, we improve upon that work by presenting a new technique called Metamorphic Runtime Checking, a testing approach that automatically conducts metamorphic testing of individual functions during the program's execution. We also describe an implementation framework called Columbus, and discuss the results of empirical studies that demonstrate that checking the metamorphic properties of individual functions increases the effectiveness of the approach in detecting defects, with minimal performance impact

    Robust and secure resource management for automotive cyber-physical systems

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    2022 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Modern vehicles are examples of complex cyber-physical systems with tens to hundreds of interconnected Electronic Control Units (ECUs) that manage various vehicular subsystems. With the shift towards autonomous driving, emerging vehicles are being characterized by an increase in the number of hardware ECUs, greater complexity of applications (software), and more sophisticated in-vehicle networks. These advances have resulted in numerous challenges that impact the reliability, security, and real-time performance of these emerging automotive systems. Some of the challenges include coping with computation and communication uncertainties (e.g., jitter), developing robust control software, detecting cyber-attacks, ensuring data integrity, and enabling confidentiality during communication. However, solutions to overcome these challenges incur additional overhead, which can catastrophically delay the execution of real-time automotive tasks and message transfers. Hence, there is a need for a holistic approach to a system-level solution for resource management in automotive cyber-physical systems that enables robust and secure automotive system design while satisfying a diverse set of system-wide constraints. ECUs in vehicles today run a variety of automotive applications ranging from simple vehicle window control to highly complex Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) applications. The aggressive attempts of automakers to make vehicles fully autonomous have increased the complexity and data rate requirements of applications and further led to the adoption of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) based techniques for improved perception and control. Additionally, modern vehicles are becoming increasingly connected with various external systems to realize more robust vehicle autonomy. These paradigm shifts have resulted in significant overheads in resource constrained ECUs and increased the complexity of the overall automotive system (including heterogeneous ECUs, network architectures, communication protocols, and applications), which has severe performance and safety implications on modern vehicles. The increased complexity of automotive systems introduces several computation and communication uncertainties in automotive subsystems that can cause delays in applications and messages, resulting in missed real-time deadlines. Missing deadlines for safety-critical automotive applications can be catastrophic, and this problem will be further aggravated in the case of future autonomous vehicles. Additionally, due to the harsh operating conditions (such as high temperatures, vibrations, and electromagnetic interference (EMI)) of automotive embedded systems, there is a significant risk to the integrity of the data that is exchanged between ECUs which can lead to faulty vehicle control. These challenges demand a more reliable design of automotive systems that is resilient to uncertainties and supports data integrity goals. Additionally, the increased connectivity of modern vehicles has made them highly vulnerable to various kinds of sophisticated security attacks. Hence, it is also vital to ensure the security of automotive systems, and it will become crucial as connected and autonomous vehicles become more ubiquitous. However, imposing security mechanisms on the resource constrained automotive systems can result in additional computation and communication overhead, potentially leading to further missed deadlines. Therefore, it is crucial to design techniques that incur very minimal overhead (lightweight) when trying to achieve the above-mentioned goals and ensure the real-time performance of the system. We address these issues by designing a holistic resource management framework called ROSETTA that enables robust and secure automotive cyber-physical system design while satisfying a diverse set of constraints related to reliability, security, real-time performance, and energy consumption. To achieve reliability goals, we have developed several techniques for reliability-aware scheduling and multi-level monitoring of signal integrity. To achieve security objectives, we have proposed a lightweight security framework that provides confidentiality and authenticity while meeting both security and real-time constraints. We have also introduced multiple deep learning based intrusion detection systems (IDS) to monitor and detect cyber-attacks in the in-vehicle network. Lastly, we have introduced novel techniques for jitter management and security management and deployed lightweight IDSs on resource constrained automotive ECUs while ensuring the real-time performance of the automotive systems

    Enterprise Adoption Oriented Cloud Computing Performance Optimization

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    Cloud computing in the Enterprise has emerged as a new paradigm that brings both business opportunities and software engineering challenges. In Cloud computing, business participants such as service providers, enterprise solutions, and marketplace applications are required to adopt a Cloud architecture engineered for security and performance. One of the major hurdles of formal adoption of Cloud solutions in the enterprise is performance. Enterprise applications (e.g., SAP, SharePoint, Yammer, Lync Server, and Exchange Server) require a mechanism to predict and manage performance expectations in a secure way. This research addresses two areas of performance challenges: Capacity planning to ensure resources are provisioned in a way that meets requirements while minimizing total cost of ownership; and optimization to authentication protocols that enable enterprise applications to authenticate among each other and meet the performance requirements for enterprise servers, including third party marketplace applications. For the first set of optimizations, the theory was formulated using a stochastic process where multiple experiments were monitored and data collected over time. The results were then validated using a real-life enterprise product called Lync Server. The second set of optimizations was achieved by introducing provisioning steps to pre-establish trust among enterprise applications servers, the associated authorisation server, and the clients interested in access to protected resources. In this architecture, trust is provisioned and synchronized as a pre-requisite step 3 to authentication among all communicating entities in the authentication protocol and referral tokens are used to establish trust federation for marketplace applications across organizations. Various case studies and validation on commercially available products were used throughout the research to illustrate the concepts. Such performance optimizations have proved to help enterprise organizations meet their scalability requirements. Some of the work produced has been adopted by Microsoft and made available as a downloadable tool that was used by customers around the globe assisting them with Cloud adoption

    Discrete Event Simulations

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    Considered by many authors as a technique for modelling stochastic, dynamic and discretely evolving systems, this technique has gained widespread acceptance among the practitioners who want to represent and improve complex systems. Since DES is a technique applied in incredibly different areas, this book reflects many different points of view about DES, thus, all authors describe how it is understood and applied within their context of work, providing an extensive understanding of what DES is. It can be said that the name of the book itself reflects the plurality that these points of view represent. The book embraces a number of topics covering theory, methods and applications to a wide range of sectors and problem areas that have been categorised into five groups. As well as the previously explained variety of points of view concerning DES, there is one additional thing to remark about this book: its richness when talking about actual data or actual data based analysis. When most academic areas are lacking application cases, roughly the half part of the chapters included in this book deal with actual problems or at least are based on actual data. Thus, the editor firmly believes that this book will be interesting for both beginners and practitioners in the area of DES

    Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructures 2nd Volume

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    The second volume of the book contains the manuscripts that were accepted for publication in the MDPI Special Topic "Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure" after a rigorous peer-review process. Authors from academia, government and industry contributed their innovative solutions, consistent with the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity. The book contains 16 articles, including an editorial that explains the current challenges, innovative solutions and real-world experiences that include critical infrastructure and 15 original papers that present state-of-the-art innovative solutions to attacks on critical systems