798 research outputs found

    A comprehensive meta-analysis of cryptographic security mechanisms for cloud computing

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The concept of cloud computing offers measurable computational or information resources as a service over the Internet. The major motivation behind the cloud setup is economic benefits, because it assures the reduction in expenditure for operational and infrastructural purposes. To transform it into a reality there are some impediments and hurdles which are required to be tackled, most profound of which are security, privacy and reliability issues. As the user data is revealed to the cloud, it departs the protection-sphere of the data owner. However, this brings partly new security and privacy concerns. This work focuses on these issues related to various cloud services and deployment models by spotlighting their major challenges. While the classical cryptography is an ancient discipline, modern cryptography, which has been mostly developed in the last few decades, is the subject of study which needs to be implemented so as to ensure strong security and privacy mechanisms in today’s real-world scenarios. The technological solutions, short and long term research goals of the cloud security will be described and addressed using various classical cryptographic mechanisms as well as modern ones. This work explores the new directions in cloud computing security, while highlighting the correct selection of these fundamental technologies from cryptographic point of view

    Data Deduplication Technology for Cloud Storage

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    With the explosive growth of information data, the data storage system has stepped into the cloud storage era. Although the core of the cloud storage system is distributed file system in solving the problem of mass data storage, a large number of duplicate data exist in all storage system. File systems are designed to control how files are stored and retrieved. Fewer studies focus on the cloud file system deduplication technologies at the application level, especially for the Hadoop distributed file system. In this paper, we design a file deduplication framework on Hadoop distributed file system for cloud application developer. Proposed RFD-HDFS and FD-HDFS two data deduplication solutions process data deduplication online, which improves storage space utilisation and reduces the redundancy. In the end of the paper, we test the disk utilisation and the file upload performance on RFD-HDFS and FD-HDFS, and compare HDFS with the disk utilisation of two system frameworks. The results show that the two-system framework not only implements data deduplication function but also effectively reduces the disk utilisation of duplicate files. So, the proposed framework can indeed reduce the storage space by eliminating redundant HDFS file

    Resumption of virtual machines after adaptive deduplication of virtual machine images in live migration

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    In cloud computing, load balancing, energy utilization are the critical problems solved by virtual machine (VM) migration. Live migration is the live movement of VMs from an overloaded/underloaded physical machine to a suitable one. During this process, transferring large disk image files take more time, hence more migration and down time. In the proposed adaptive deduplication, based on the image file size, the file undergoes both fixed, variable length deduplication processes. The significance of this paper is resumption of VMs with reunited deduplicated disk image files. The performance measured by calculating the percentage reduction of VM image size after deduplication, the time taken to migrate the deduplicated file and the time taken for each VM to resume after the migration. The results show that 83%, 89.76% reduction overall image size and migration time respectively. For a deduplication ratio of 92%, it takes an overall time of 3.52 minutes, 7% reduction in resumption time, compared with the time taken for the total QCOW2 files with original size. For VMDK files the resumption time reduced by a maximum 17% (7.63 mins) compared with that of for original files

    Implementation of Deduplication on Encrypted Big-data using Signcryption for cloud storage applications

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    As Big Data Cloud storage servers are getting widespread the shortage of disc space within the cloud becomes a major concern. The elimination of duplicate or redundant data, particularly in computer data is named deduplication. Data deduplication is a method to regulate the explosive growth of information within the cloud storage, most of the storage providers are finding more secure and efficient methods for their sensitive method. Recently, a noteworthy technique referred to as signcryption has been proposed, in which both the properties of signature (ownership) and encryption are simultaneously implemented with better performance According to deduplication, we introduce a method that can eliminate redundant encrypted data owned by different users. Furthermore, we generate a tag which will be the key component of big data management. We propose a technique called digital signature for ownership verification. Convergent encryption also called for a content hash key cryptosystem. Convergent encryption is an encryption approach that supports deduplication. With this encryption technique, the encryption key is generated out of a hash of plain text. Therefore applying this technique, identical plaintexts would turn out the same ciphertext

    Efficient, Dependable Storage of Human Genome Sequencing Data

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    A compreensão do genoma humano impacta várias áreas da vida. Os dados oriundos do genoma humano são enormes pois existem milhões de amostras a espera de serem sequenciadas e cada genoma humano sequenciado pode ocupar centenas de gigabytes de espaço de armazenamento. Os genomas humanos são críticos porque são extremamente valiosos para a investigação e porque podem fornecer informações delicadas sobre o estado de saúde dos indivíduos, identificar os seus dadores ou até mesmo revelar informações sobre os parentes destes. O tamanho e a criticidade destes genomas, para além da quantidade de dados produzidos por instituições médicas e de ciências da vida, exigem que os sistemas informáticos sejam escaláveis, ao mesmo tempo que sejam seguros, confiáveis, auditáveis e com custos acessíveis. As infraestruturas de armazenamento existentes são tão caras que não nos permitem ignorar a eficiência de custos no armazenamento de genomas humanos, assim como em geral estas não possuem o conhecimento e os mecanismos adequados para proteger a privacidade dos dadores de amostras biológicas. Esta tese propõe um sistema de armazenamento de genomas humanos eficiente, seguro e auditável para instituições médicas e de ciências da vida. Ele aprimora os ecossistemas de armazenamento tradicionais com técnicas de privacidade, redução do tamanho dos dados e auditabilidade a fim de permitir o uso eficiente e confiável de infraestruturas públicas de computação em nuvem para armazenar genomas humanos. As contribuições desta tese incluem (1) um estudo sobre a sensibilidade à privacidade dos genomas humanos; (2) um método para detetar sistematicamente as porções dos genomas que são sensíveis à privacidade; (3) algoritmos de redução do tamanho de dados, especializados para dados de genomas sequenciados; (4) um esquema de auditoria independente para armazenamento disperso e seguro de dados; e (5) um fluxo de armazenamento completo que obtém garantias razoáveis de proteção, segurança e confiabilidade a custos modestos (por exemplo, menos de 1/Genoma/Ano),integrandoosmecanismospropostosaconfigurac\co~esdearmazenamentoapropriadasTheunderstandingofhumangenomeimpactsseveralareasofhumanlife.Datafromhumangenomesismassivebecausetherearemillionsofsamplestobesequenced,andeachsequencedhumangenomemaysizehundredsofgigabytes.Humangenomesarecriticalbecausetheyareextremelyvaluabletoresearchandmayprovidehintsonindividualshealthstatus,identifytheirdonors,orrevealinformationaboutdonorsrelatives.Theirsizeandcriticality,plustheamountofdatabeingproducedbymedicalandlifesciencesinstitutions,requiresystemstoscalewhilebeingsecure,dependable,auditable,andaffordable.Currentstorageinfrastructuresaretooexpensivetoignorecostefficiencyinstoringhumangenomes,andtheylacktheproperknowledgeandmechanismstoprotecttheprivacyofsampledonors.Thisthesisproposesanefficientstoragesystemforhumangenomesthatmedicalandlifesciencesinstitutionsmaytrustandafford.Itenhancestraditionalstorageecosystemswithprivacyaware,datareduction,andauditabilitytechniquestoenabletheefficient,dependableuseofmultitenantinfrastructurestostorehumangenomes.Contributionsfromthisthesisinclude(1)astudyontheprivacysensitivityofhumangenomes;(2)todetectgenomesprivacysensitiveportionssystematically;(3)specialiseddatareductionalgorithmsforsequencingdata;(4)anindependentauditabilityschemeforsecuredispersedstorage;and(5)acompletestoragepipelinethatobtainsreasonableprivacyprotection,security,anddependabilityguaranteesatmodestcosts(e.g.,lessthan1/Genoma/Ano), integrando os mecanismos propostos a configurações de armazenamento apropriadasThe understanding of human genome impacts several areas of human life. Data from human genomes is massive because there are millions of samples to be sequenced, and each sequenced human genome may size hundreds of gigabytes. Human genomes are critical because they are extremely valuable to research and may provide hints on individuals’ health status, identify their donors, or reveal information about donors’ relatives. Their size and criticality, plus the amount of data being produced by medical and life-sciences institutions, require systems to scale while being secure, dependable, auditable, and affordable. Current storage infrastructures are too expensive to ignore cost efficiency in storing human genomes, and they lack the proper knowledge and mechanisms to protect the privacy of sample donors. This thesis proposes an efficient storage system for human genomes that medical and lifesciences institutions may trust and afford. It enhances traditional storage ecosystems with privacy-aware, data-reduction, and auditability techniques to enable the efficient, dependable use of multi-tenant infrastructures to store human genomes. Contributions from this thesis include (1) a study on the privacy-sensitivity of human genomes; (2) to detect genomes’ privacy-sensitive portions systematically; (3) specialised data reduction algorithms for sequencing data; (4) an independent auditability scheme for secure dispersed storage; and (5) a complete storage pipeline that obtains reasonable privacy protection, security, and dependability guarantees at modest costs (e.g., less than 1/Genome/Year) by integrating the proposed mechanisms with appropriate storage configurations

    Implementation of Deduplication on Encrypted Big-data using Signcryption for cloud storage applications

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    As Big Data Cloud storage servers are getting widespread the shortage of disc space within the cloud becomes a major concern. The elimination of duplicate or redundant data, particularly in computer data is named deduplication. Data deduplication is a method to regulate the explosive growth of information within the cloud storage, most of the storage providers are finding more secure and efficient methods for their sensitive method. Recently, a noteworthy technique referred to as signcryption has been proposed, in which both the properties of signature (ownership) and encryption are simultaneously implemented with better performance According to deduplication, we introduce a method that can eliminate redundant encrypted data owned by different users. Furthermore, we generate a tag which will be the key component of big data management. We propose a technique called digital signature for ownership verification. Convergent encryption also called for a content hash key cryptosystem. Convergent encryption is an encryption approach that supports deduplication. With this encryption technique, the encryption key is generated out of a hash of plain text. Therefore applying this technique, identical plaintexts would turn out the same ciphertext

    User-guided Page Merging for Memory Deduplication in Serverless Systems

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    Serverless computing is an emerging cloud paradigm that offers an elastic and scalable allocation of computing resources with pay-as-you-go billing. In the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) programming model, applications comprise short-lived and stateless serverless functions executed in isolated containers or microVMs, which can quickly scale to thousands of instances and process terabytes of data. This flexibility comes at the cost of duplicated runtimes, libraries, and user data spread across many function instances, and cloud providers do not utilize this redundancy. The memory footprint of serverless forces removing idle containers to make space for new ones, which decreases performance through more cold starts and fewer data caching opportunities. We address this issue by proposing deduplicating memory pages of serverless workers with identical content, based on the content-based page-sharing concept of Linux Kernel Same-page Merging (KSM). We replace the background memory scanning process of KSM, as it is too slow to locate sharing candidates in short-lived functions. Instead, we design User-Guided Page Merging (UPM), a built-in Linux kernel module that leverages the madvise system call: we enable users to advise the kernel of memory areas that can be shared with others. We show that UPM reduces memory consumption by up to 55% on 16 concurrent containers executing a typical image recognition function, more than doubling the density for containers of the same function that can run on a system.Comment: Accepted at IEEE BigData 202