5 research outputs found

    Improved Emotion Recognition Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Extreme Learning Machine in Speech and Glottal Signals

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    Recently, researchers have paid escalating attention to studying the emotional state of an individual from his/her speech signals as the speech signal is the fastest and the most natural method of communication between individuals. In this work, new feature enhancement using Gaussian mixture model (GMM) was proposed to enhance the discriminatory power of the features extracted from speech and glottal signals. Three different emotional speech databases were utilized to gauge the proposed methods. Extreme learning machine (ELM) and k-nearest neighbor (kNN) classifier were employed to classify the different types of emotions. Several experiments were conducted and results show that the proposed methods significantly improved the speech emotion recognition performance compared to research works published in the literature

    Spectral estimation and significance of glottal-pulse parameters

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    An investigation into glottal waveform based speech coding

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    Coding of voiced speech by extraction of the glottal waveform has shown promise in improving the efficiency of speech coding systems. This thesis describes an investigation into the performance of such a system. The effect of reverberation on the radiation impedance at the lips is shown to be negligible under normal conditions. Also, the accuracy of the Image Method for adding artificial reverberation to anechoic speech recordings is established. A new algorithm, Pre-emphasised Maximum Likelihood Epoch Detection (PMLED), for Glottal Closure Instant detection is proposed. The algorithm is tested on natural speech and is shown to be both accurate and robust. Two techniques for giottai waveform estimation, Closed Phase Inverse Filtering (CPIF) and Iterative Adaptive Inverse Filtering (IAIF), are compared. In tandem with an LF model fitting procedure, both techniques display a high degree of accuracy However, IAIF is found to be slightly more robust. Based on these results, a Glottal Excited Linear Predictive (GELP) coding system for voiced speech is proposed and tested. Using a differential LF parameter quantisation scheme, the system achieves speech quality similar to that of U S Federal Standard 1016 CELP at a lower mean bit rate while incurring no extra delay

    Stress and emotion recognition in natural speech in the work and family environments

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    The speech stress and emotion recognition and classification technology has a potential to provide significant benefits to the national and international industry and society in general. The accuracy of an automatic emotion speech and emotion recognition relays heavily on the discrimination power of the characteristic features. This work introduced and examined a number of new linear and nonlinear feature extraction methods for an automatic detection of stress and emotion in speech. The proposed linear feature extraction methods included features derived from the speech spectrograms (SS-CB/BARK/ERB-AE, SS-AF-CB/BARK/ERB-AE, SS-LGF-OFS, SS-ALGF-OFS, SS-SP-ALGF-OFS and SS-sigma-pi), wavelet packets (WP-ALGF-OFS) and the empirical mode decomposition (EMD-AER). The proposed nonlinear feature extraction methods were based on the results of recent laryngological studies and nonlinear modelling of the phonation process. The proposed nonlinear features included the area under the TEO autocorrelation envelope based on different spectral decompositions (TEO-DWT, TEO-WP, TEO-PWP-S and TEO-PWP-G), as well as features representing spectral energy distribution of speech (AUSEES) and glottal waveform (AUSEEG). The proposed features were compared with features based on the classical linear model of speech production including F0, formants, MFCC and glottal time/frequency parameters. Two classifiers GMM and KNN were tested for consistency. The experiments used speech under actual stress from the SUSAS database (7 speakers; 3 female and 4 male) and speech with five naturally expressed emotions (neutral, anger, anxious, dysphoric and happy) from the ORI corpora (71 speakers; 27 female and 44 male). The nonlinear features clearly outperformed all the linear features. The classification results demonstrated consistency with the nonlinear model of the phonation process indicating that the harmonic structure and the spectral distribution of the glottal energy provide the most important cues for stress and emotion recognition in speech. The study also investigated if the automatic emotion recognition can determine differences in emotion expression between parents of depressed adolescents and parents of non-depressed adolescents. It was also investigated if there are differences in emotion expression between mothers and fathers in general. The experiment results indicated that parents of depressed adolescent produce stronger more exaggerated expressions of affect than parents of non-depressed children. And females in general provide easier to discriminate (more exaggerated) expressions of affect than males