23 research outputs found

    A Partition-Based Implementation of the Relaxed ADMM for Distributed Convex Optimization over Lossy Networks

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    In this paper we propose a distributed implementation of the relaxed Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers algorithm (R-ADMM) for optimization of a separable convex cost function, whose terms are stored by a set of interacting agents, one for each agent. Specifically the local cost stored by each node is in general a function of both the state of the node and the states of its neighbors, a framework that we refer to as `partition-based' optimization. This framework presents a great flexibility and can be adapted to a large number of different applications. We show that the partition-based R-ADMM algorithm we introduce is linked to the relaxed Peaceman-Rachford Splitting (R-PRS) operator which, historically, has been introduced in the literature to find the zeros of sum of functions. Interestingly, making use of non expansive operator theory, the proposed algorithm is shown to be provably robust against random packet losses that might occur in the communication between neighboring nodes. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is confirmed by a set of compelling numerical simulations run over random geometric graphs subject to i.i.d. random packet losses.Comment: Full version of the paper to be presented at Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 201

    Locating and quantifying gas emission sources using remotely obtained concentration data

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    We describe a method for detecting, locating and quantifying sources of gas emissions to the atmosphere using remotely obtained gas concentration data; the method is applicable to gases of environmental concern. We demonstrate its performance using methane data collected from aircraft. Atmospheric point concentration measurements are modelled as the sum of a spatially and temporally smooth atmospheric background concentration, augmented by concentrations due to local sources. We model source emission rates with a Gaussian mixture model and use a Markov random field to represent the atmospheric background concentration component of the measurements. A Gaussian plume atmospheric eddy dispersion model represents gas dispersion between sources and measurement locations. Initial point estimates of background concentrations and source emission rates are obtained using mixed L2-L1 optimisation over a discretised grid of potential source locations. Subsequent reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo inference provides estimated values and uncertainties for the number, emission rates and locations of sources unconstrained by a grid. Source area, atmospheric background concentrations and other model parameters are also estimated. We investigate the performance of the approach first using a synthetic problem, then apply the method to real data collected from an aircraft flying over: a 1600 km^2 area containing two landfills, then a 225 km^2 area containing a gas flare stack

    An Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Electrical Impedance Tomography Using Adaptive Group Sparsity Constraint

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    Optimal siting and sizing of distributed energy storage systems via alternating direction method of multipliers

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    Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) has an important role in Active Distribution Networks (ADNs). Within this context this paper focuses on the problem of ESSs optimal siting and sizing. Following similar approaches already proposed by the Authors, this paper uses a multi-objective procedure to account various ancillary services that can be provided by ESSs. The proposed procedure takes into account the voltage support and network losses minimization along with minimization of the cost of energy from external grid. For the case of large-scale problems, accounting networks with large number of nodes and scenarios, the selection of the solution methodology is a non-trivial problem. In this respect, the paper proposes and discusses the applicability of the Alternative Direction Method of Multipliers in order to provide an efficient algorithm for large-scale networks that also provide a solution to the optimality aspect. A real large-scale network with real profiles of load and distributed photovoltaic generation is used as the case study to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed methodology