1,898 research outputs found

    Android Based Car Alert System in Alerting Incoming Sharp Corner and Updating Emergency Places via GPS Assistance

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    Six percent of all deaths in this country are caused by road accident fatalities. This is an alarming fact despite our authorities bragging about the decreased road accident deaths over the past few years and the safety standard of cars has improved dramatically. Global Positioning System (GPS) to be one of the alternatives that could help in decreasing the accidents. Popular GPS system for navigation like Waze, PapaGo implemented some of the features which give warning if the car exceeding speed limit in long straight road. Hence, these existing systems are provide alternatives to reduce the percentage of car accident by giving alert to slow down the car which can prevent the drivers over speed that lead to accidents. To minimize the accidents rate in this country, this project will develop a GPS application which provides “buzz” sound as alertness to tell the drivers that there are dangerous corner ahead. This feature will also come out with the adaptable user-friendliness features according to the context surrounding the drivers in giving the suggestions to the closest emergency places by only refresh the list of the place rather than type the name of the places

    Identification of high-level functional/system requirements for future civil transports

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    In order to accommodate the rapid growth in commercial aviation throughout the remainder of this century, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is faced with a formidable challenge to upgrade and/or modernize the National Airspace System (NAS) without compromising safety or efficiency. A recurring theme in both the Aviation System Capital Investment Plan (CIP), which has replaced the NAS Plan, and the new FAA Plan for Research, Engineering, and Development (RE&D) rely on the application of new technologies and a greater use of automation. Identifying the high-level functional and system impacts of such modernization efforts on future civil transport operational requirements, particularly in terms of cockpit functionality and information transfer, was the primary objective of this project. The FAA planning documents for the NAS of the 2005 era and beyond were surveyed; major aircraft functional capabilities and system components required for such an operating environment were identified. A hierarchical structured analysis of the information processing and flows emanating from such functional/system components were conducted and the results documented in graphical form depicting the relationships between functions and systems

    Study to determine potential flight applications and human factors design guidelines for voice recognition and synthesis systems

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    A study was conducted to determine potential commercial aircraft flight deck applications and implementation guidelines for voice recognition and synthesis. At first, a survey of voice recognition and synthesis technology was undertaken to develop a working knowledge base. Then, numerous potential aircraft and simulator flight deck voice applications were identified and each proposed application was rated on a number of criteria in order to achieve an overall payoff rating. The potential voice recognition applications fell into five general categories: programming, interrogation, data entry, switch and mode selection, and continuous/time-critical action control. The ratings of the first three categories showed the most promise of being beneficial to flight deck operations. Possible applications of voice synthesis systems were categorized as automatic or pilot selectable and many were rated as being potentially beneficial. In addition, voice system implementation guidelines and pertinent performance criteria are proposed. Finally, the findings of this study are compared with those made in a recent NASA study of a 1995 transport concept

    Implementation of the global maritime distress and safety system in Iran, organizational aspects and training needs

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    Science for Disaster Risk Reduction

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    This thematic report describes JRC's activities in support to disaster management. The JRC develops tools and methodologies to help in all phases of disaster management, from preparedness and risk assessment to recovery and reconstruction through to forecasting and early warning.JRC.A.6-Communicatio

    Modelling the Risks Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pose to People on the Ground

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    Worldwide there is much e ort being directed towards the development of a framework of air- worthiness regulations for remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS). It is now broadly accepted that regulations should have a strong foundation in, and traceability to, the management of the safety risks. Existing risk models for RPAS operations do not provide a simple means for incorporating the wide range of technical and operational controls into the risk analysis and evaluation processes. This paper describes a new approach for modelling and evaluating the risks associated with RPAS operations near populous areas based on the barrier bow tie (BBT) model. A BBT model is used to structure the underlying risk management problem. The model focuses risk analysis, evaluation, and decision making activities on the devices, people, and processes that can be employed to reduce risk. The BBT model and a comprehensive set of example risk controls are presented. The general model can be applied to any RPAS operation. The foundations for quantitative and qualitative assessments using a BBT model are also presented. The modelling and evaluation framework is illustrated through its application to a case-study rotary wing RPAS for two operational scenarios. The model can be used as a basis for determining airworthiness certification requirements for RPAS

    Android Based Car Alert System in Alerting Incoming Sharp Corner and Updating Emergency Places via GPS Assistance

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    Six percent of all deaths in this country are caused by road accident fatalities. This is an alarming fact despite our authorities bragging about the decreased road accident deaths over the past few years and the safety standard of cars has improved dramatically. Global Positioning System (GPS) to be one of the alternatives that could help in decreasing the accidents. Popular GPS system for navigation like Waze, PapaGo implemented some of the features which give warning if the car exceeding speed limit in long straight road. Hence, these existing systems are provide alternatives to reduce the percentage of car accident by giving alert to slow down the car which can prevent the drivers over speed that lead to accidents. To minimize the accidents rate in this country, this project will develop a GPS application which provides “buzz” sound as alertness to tell the drivers that there are dangerous corner ahead. This feature will also come out with the adaptable user-friendliness features according to the context surrounding the drivers in giving the suggestions to the closest emergency places by only refresh the list of the place rather than type the name of the places

    Implications of the introduction of global maritime distress and safety system (gmdss) for Pakistan

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    Pakistan is a country situated at the North West of Indian Subcontinent, having a coast line of about 870 kilometers facing the Arabian sea and the adjoining coast of Iran. Pakistan has long been entrusted as the area coordinater of NAVAREA IX which covers the parts of the Arabian Sea, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf. In these areas all navigational warnings are broadcasted by the NAVAREA IX co-ordinator. The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System has been planned according to the area of operations, which will also determine the equipment required for appropriate ships. Existing medium frequency arrangements will be rationalized. A long range capability using Satellite and HF will be provided. Watchkeeping on relevant distress and safety channels will be maintained by automatic means. Means will be provided for automatic reception for all relevant safety, meteological and navigational warnings. Radio-telephony, Digital Selective\u27 Calling (DSC) and Narrow Band Direct Printing (NBDP) will be used in terrestrial radio system. Morse Radio Telegraphy will not be used in the new system. The role of the Radio Officer will drastically be changed to a Maintenance Officer

    Satellites for distress alerting and locating: Report by Interagency Committee for Search and Rescue Ad Hoc Working Group

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    The background behind the congressional legislation that led to the requirement for the Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) and the Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) to be installed on certain types of aircraft and inspected marine vessels respectively is discussed. The DAL problem is discussed for existing ELT and EPIRB equipped aircraft and ships. It is recognized that the DAL requirement for CONUS and Alaska and the maritime regions are not identical. In order to address the serious DAL problem which currently exists in CONUS and Alaska, a low orbiting satellite system evolves as the most viable and cost effective alternative that satisfies the overall SAR system design requirements. A satellite system designed to meet the needs of the maritime regions could be either low orbiting or geostationary. The conclusions drawn from this report support the recommendation to proceed with the implementation of a SAR orbiting satellite system
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