9 research outputs found

    A phase feedback based extended space-time block code for enhancement of diversity

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    In this paper we propose a generalization of extended orthogonal space-time block codes (EO-STBCs) for MIMO (multi-input/multi-output) channels using four transmit antennas for quasi-static flat fading channels. Since full rate and complex orthogonal space-time block codes (STBCs) do not exist for more than two transmit antennas, we propose a feedback based STBC scheme. In this scheme, phases of certain symbols are rotated according to the feedback from the receiver which is equivalent to rotating the phases of the corresponding channel coefficients. Simulation results show that this rotation phase feedback method achieves a satisfactory performance and outperforms the previous closed-loop space-time block codes, even when the feedback is quantized

    Indoor off-body wireless communication: static beamforming versus space-time coding

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    The performance of beamforming versus space-time coding using a body-worn textile antenna array is experimentally evaluated for an indoor environment, where a walking rescue worker transmits data in the 2.45 GHz ISM band, relying on a vertical textile four-antenna array integrated into his garment. The two transmission scenarios considered are static beamforming at low-elevation angles and space-time code based transmit diversity. Signals are received by a base station equipped with a horizontal array of four dipole antennas providing spatial receive diversity through maximum-ratio combining. Signal-to-noise ratios, bit error rate characteristics, and signal correlation properties are assessed for both off-body transmission scenarios. Without receiver diversity, the performance of space-time coding is generally better. In case of fourth-order receiver diversity, beamforming is superior in line-of-sight conditions. For non-line-of-sight propagation, the space-time codes perform better as soon as bit error rates are low enough for a reliable data link

    General Rank Multiuser Downlink Beamforming With Shaping Constraints Using Real-valued OSTBC

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    In this paper we consider optimal multiuser downlink beamforming in the presence of a massive number of arbitrary quadratic shaping constraints. We combine beamforming with full-rate high dimensional real-valued orthogonal space time block coding (OSTBC) to increase the number of beamforming weight vectors and associated degrees of freedom in the beamformer design. The original multi-constraint beamforming problem is converted into a convex optimization problem using semidefinite relaxation (SDR) which can be solved efficiently. In contrast to conventional (rank-one) beamforming approaches in which an optimal beamforming solution can be obtained only when the SDR solution (after rank reduction) exhibits the rank-one property, in our approach optimality is guaranteed when a rank of eight is not exceeded. We show that our approach can incorporate up to 79 additional shaping constraints for which an optimal beamforming solution is guaranteed as compared to a maximum of two additional constraints that bound the conventional rank-one downlink beamforming designs. Simulation results demonstrate the flexibility of our proposed beamformer design

    A Phase Feedback Based Extended Space-Time Block Code for Enhancement of Diversity

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    This is a conference paper [© IEEE]. It is also available at: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.In this paper we propose a generalization of extended orthogonal space-time block codes (EO-STBCs) for MIMO (multi-input/multi-output) channels using four transmit antennas for quasi-static flat fading channels. Since full rate and complex orthogonal space-time block codes (STBCs) do not exist for more than two transmit antennas, we propose a feedback based STBC scheme. In this scheme, phases of certain symbols are rotated according to the feedback from the receiver which is equivalent to rotating the phases of the corresponding channel coefficients. Simulation results show that this rotation phase feedback method achieves a satisfactory performance and outperforms the previous closed-loop space-time block codes, even when the feedback is quantized

    Interleaving Channel Estimation and Limited Feedback for Point-to-Point Systems with a Large Number of Transmit Antennas

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    We introduce and investigate the opportunities of multi-antenna communication schemes whose training and feedback stages are interleaved and mutually interacting. Specifically, unlike the traditional schemes where the transmitter first trains all of its antennas at once and then receives a single feedback message, we consider a scenario where the transmitter instead trains its antennas one by one and receives feedback information immediately after training each one of its antennas. The feedback message may ask the transmitter to train another antenna; or, it may terminate the feedback/training phase and provide the quantized codeword (e.g., a beamforming vector) to be utilized for data transmission. As a specific application, we consider a multiple-input single-output system with tt transmit antennas, a short-term power constraint PP, and target data rate ρ\rho. We show that for any tt, the same outage probability as a system with perfect transmitter and receiver channel state information can be achieved with a feedback rate of R1R_1 bits per channel state and via training R2R_2 transmit antennas on average, where R1R_1 and R2R_2 are independent of tt, and depend only on ρ\rho and PP. In addition, we design variable-rate quantizers for channel coefficients to further minimize the feedback rate of our scheme.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Application of quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes in beamforming

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    MIMO and beamforming techniques for reliable off-body communication using textile antennas

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    Wireless communication systems with textile antennas can be entirely integrated into clothing or garment and do not hinder the user’s movements. Great interest in such an off-body communication system exists in the field of rescue operations, such as firefighting, where the automated communication of vital data between rescue workers or to a base station improves the coordination of the operation and the safety of the rescue workers. To set up a reliable wireless off-body communication link, a number of specific challenges need to be overcome. Persons equipped with wearable antennas constantly change position, orientation, walking pace and body posture. This results in unpredictably variable fading and shadowing on the received signals, producing bit errors, even in case of a high average received signal-to-noise ratio. Fading and shadowing hence dramatically limit the reliability of a communication system with single antennas at both link ends. Using multiple textile antennas, the performance degradation is drastically limited, by means of MIMO and/or beamforming techniques, which mitigate the signal variation and/or produce a higher average signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver, respectively. The research documented in this PhD thesis includes multiple measurement campaigns and their analysis for a diverse number of off-body communication configurations, using MIMO and beamforming techniques with textile antennas. Off-body MIMO techniques are shown to result in a significant improvement of the reliability of the communication, an improvement which further increases when more antennas are used. Channel variation typically of the off-body scenario is tracked with a computationally low-cost system, using adaptive digital low-pass filtering on decision-oriented channel estimation information. Off-body static beamforming techniques are shown to often outperform transmit diversity systems, producing a lower bit error rate at the receiver, provided that receiver diversity is employed to compensate for the channel variation. Finally, a new theoretical model specifically for the off-body MIMO communication channel is presented, allowing an accurate reproduction of bit error rate and channel capacity characteristics as well as the generation of measurement-like random off-body MIMO channel realizations for simulation purposes