452 research outputs found

    DFKI publications : the first four years ; 1990 - 1993

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    Constraints and AI Planning

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    The University of Edinburgh and research sponsors are authorised to reproduce and distribute reprints and on-line copies for their purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation hereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are the authorĂą s and shouldnĂą t be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of other parties.Tackling real-world problems often requires to take various types of constraints into account. Such constraint types range from simple numerical comparators to complex resources. This article describes how planning techniques can be integrated with general constraint-solving frameworks, like SAT, IP and CP. In many cases, the complete planning problem can be cast in these frameworks

    Dynamic Epistemic Logic of Resource Bounded Information Mining Agents

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    Logics for resource-bounded agents have been getting more and more attention in recent years since they provide us with more realistic tools for modelling and reasoning about multi-agent systems. While many existing approaches are based on the idea of agents as imperfect reasoners, who must spend their resources to perform logical inference, this is not the only way to introduce resource constraints into logical settings. In this paper we study agents as perfect reasoners, who may purchase a new piece of information from a trustworthy source. For this purpose we propose dynamic epistemic logic for semi-public queries for resource-bounded agents. In this logic (groups of) agents can perform a query (ask a question) about whether some formula is true and receive a correct answer. These queries are called semi-public, because the very fact of the query is public, while the answer is private. We also assume that every query has a cost and every agent has a budget constraint. Finally, our framework allows us to reason about group queries, in which agents may share resources to obtain a new piece of information together. We demonstrate that our logic is complete, decidable and has an efficient model checking procedure

    Reasoning about Communicating Agents in the Semantic Web

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    Abstract. In this article we interpret the Semantic Web and Web Service issues in the framework of multi-agent interoperating systems. We will advocate the application of results achieved in the research area of reasoning about actions and change by showing scenarios and techniques that could be applied.

    Recognition and Exploitation of Gate Structure in SAT Solving

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    In der theoretischen Informatik ist das SAT-Problem der archetypische Vertreter der Klasse der NP-vollstĂ€ndigen Probleme, weshalb effizientes SAT-Solving im Allgemeinen als unmöglich angesehen wird. Dennoch erzielt man in der Praxis oft erstaunliche Resultate, wo einige Anwendungen Probleme mit Millionen von Variablen erzeugen, die von neueren SAT-Solvern in angemessener Zeit gelöst werden können. Der Erfolg von SAT-Solving in der Praxis ist auf aktuelle Implementierungen des Conflict Driven Clause-Learning (CDCL) Algorithmus zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren, dessen LeistungsfĂ€higkeit weitgehend von den verwendeten Heuristiken abhĂ€ngt, welche implizit die Struktur der in der industriellen Praxis erzeugten Instanzen ausnutzen. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir einen neuen generischen Algorithmus zur effizienten Erkennung der Gate-Struktur in CNF-Encodings von SAT Instanzen vor, und außerdem drei AnsĂ€tze, in denen wir diese Struktur explizit ausnutzen. Unsere BeitrĂ€ge umfassen auch die Implementierung dieser AnsĂ€tze in unserem SAT-Solver Candy und die Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs fĂŒr die verteilte Verwaltung von Benchmark-Instanzen und deren Attribute, der Global Benchmark Database (GBD)
