7 research outputs found

    Metalurgija Journal 1962-2022 y – List of Published Papers

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    U periodu 1962.–2012., tijekom 60 godina neprekidnog izlaženja, u časopisu Metalurgija su objavljivali autori iz preko 40 država, od Mexica do Kine (sa svih 5 kontinenata). Cilj članka je dati Listu objavljenih radova u 199 svezaka ili 238 brojeva, sa 2721 znanstvenih i stručnih, te 287 priloga (ukupno 3008 radova), autora, koji su svoje rezultate i ideje provjeravali ili ih našli na stranicama ovog časopisa. Svima hvala.For the interval 1962-2022 y, during the continuos publication last 60 years, in Metalurgija Journal Authors from 40 countries from Mexico to China (all 5 continent ) have publish. The goal of the Article is give List of Papers published in this interval, 199 issues or 238 numbers, 2721 scientific and technical, and 287 contributions (total 3008 papers ) of Authors whose investigation results and ideas have been examined and found on the pages of this Journal. Thanks for all

    Metalurgija Journal 1962-2022 y – List of Published Papers

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    U periodu 1962.–2012., tijekom 60 godina neprekidnog izlaženja, u časopisu Metalurgija su objavljivali autori iz preko 40 država, od Mexica do Kine (sa svih 5 kontinenata). Cilj članka je dati Listu objavljenih radova u 199 svezaka ili 238 brojeva, sa 2721 znanstvenih i stručnih, te 287 priloga (ukupno 3008 radova), autora, koji su svoje rezultate i ideje provjeravali ili ih našli na stranicama ovog časopisa. Svima hvala.For the interval 1962-2022 y, during the continuos publication last 60 years, in Metalurgija Journal Authors from 40 countries from Mexico to China (all 5 continent ) have publish. The goal of the Article is give List of Papers published in this interval, 199 issues or 238 numbers, 2721 scientific and technical, and 287 contributions (total 3008 papers ) of Authors whose investigation results and ideas have been examined and found on the pages of this Journal. Thanks for all

    Large space structures and systems in the space station era: A bibliography with indexes (supplement 03)

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    Bibliographies and abstracts are listed for 1221 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1, 1991 and June 30, 1991. Topics covered include large space structures and systems, space stations, extravehicular activity, thermal environments and control, tethering, spacecraft power supplies, structural concepts and control systems, electronics, advanced materials, propulsion, policies and international cooperation, vibration and dynamic controls, robotics and remote operations, data and communication systems, electric power generation, space commercialization, orbital transfer, and human factors engineering

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen

    Spacelab Science Results Study

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    Beginning with OSTA-1 in November 1981 and ending with Neurolab in March 1998, a total of 36 Shuttle missions carried various Spacelab components such as the Spacelab module, pallet, instrument pointing system, or mission peculiar experiment support structure. The experiments carried out during these flights included astrophysics, solar physics, plasma physics, atmospheric science, Earth observations, and a wide range of microgravity experiments in life sciences, biotechnology, materials science, and fluid physics which includes combustion and critical point phenomena. In all, some 764 experiments were conducted by investigators from the U.S., Europe, and Japan. The purpose of this Spacelab Science Results Study is to document the contributions made in each of the major research areas by giving a brief synopsis of the more significant experiments and an extensive list of the publications that were produced. We have also endeavored to show how these results impacted the existing body of knowledge, where they have spawned new fields, and if appropriate, where the knowledge they produced has been applied

    Graduate catalog, University of Missouri--Columbia, 2001-2003

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    208 page